Swan river crabs
Submitted by squalis on Wed, 2019-12-11 13:19
With the crab season opened for a few days ,any news re recent catches or lack of. Still a bit early and many crabs are soft shells and still hardening up. Readers should be aware that Fisheries have reduced the take to 5 a day per person in the swan river. This has been done by slight of hand with no publicity that i am aware of . I was in Diamond net works O Conner stocking up with gear and the boys passed on this info. Take care and dont get caught out, ignorance is no defence. No doubt fisheries will be trying to catch as many as possible.
Son of tomcat
Posts: 80
Date Joined: 04/09/12
We got are 10 between 2 of
We got are 10 between 2 of us comfortable the other day 5 doesn't feed my mob i can tell u that I'm more worried about fisheries running me down nowadays shout out to little Jonny bloody fisheries I'll be asking if they have there skippers ticket
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Commercial ticket
They would have to have a restricted coxswain ticket as a minimum but that doesn't guarantee they can drive a boat, only means they have some sea time and can answer questions
Sea goat
Posts: 998
Date Joined: 26/03/17
hey mate, never crabbed in
hey mate, never crabbed in the river, how far up do you have to go?
Son of tomcat
Posts: 80
Date Joined: 04/09/12
Nedlands bicton mossman park
Nedlands bicton mossman park all productive spots on there day
Sea goat
Posts: 998
Date Joined: 26/03/17
thanks mate. looks like will
thanks mate. looks like will need some longer rope.
Son of tomcat
Posts: 80
Date Joined: 04/09/12
Nedlands and applecross and
Nedlands and applecross and even south perth u only need to put em in 5 odd meters so 7 meters of rope be fine
Posts: 183
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If you have 2 in the boat and BOTH hold a RFBL than:
Boat limit (boat possession limit)
You are allowed a possession limit of 20 crabs per
boat when there are 2 or more people on board,
or 4 or more people on board in the Swan and
Canning Rivers. In Geographe Bay, you can have
a maximum of 10 female crabs on board as part of
your 20 crab boat possession limit.
To catch the boat limit in a day on a powered boat,
2 or more people on board (or 4 or more where a 5
crab bag limit applies) must each hold an RFBL. If
there is only one person holding an RFBL on board
a powered boat, the number of crabs that can be
taken in a day is equal to the bag limit for that area.
Still early season and I have always found Jan/Feb to be best as the water temp has raised and stayed consistent.
Posts: 2472
Date Joined: 21/04/08
no slight of hand at all...
Squalis, there was no slight of hand tactics for this change at all.
Starting in August this year, Fisheries and Recfishwest did a combined advertisement programme, where the new limits to to the Swan River crab were well and truely broadcast nearly everywhere.... facebook, websites (including fishwrecked), newspapers, emails, pamphlets and flyers, etc, at some point featured this information. Even Mark Lecras on ch 9's FishWatch section of the news mentioned it during one of his segments. you honestly must have been living under a rock to have not seen anything over the last few months.
it was partly based on a joint survey from RFW and WA Fisheries, where rec fishers had a chance to participate in a voluntary survey and voice their opinions on the fishery. I personally voted to decrease the catch rate of SRBC (Swan River Blue Crabs), due to the fact that at this time of the year you could nearly walk across the river, because there is so many crab pot floats bobbing around. if this was to continue, my belief is the SRBC population would have been decimated. I would watch the same people post nearly every day on facebook and websites, how they caught their bag limit again. the swan river and estuary is not a big area....
the limit is 5 crabs per licensed fisher for trophy waters like the swan, but if you have 4 licensed fishers on board, you an still take your 20 crabs.
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swan river crabs
Scotto many thanks for the update, i did miss all of them. I appreciate the info and do want to stay on the on the legal side. Being retired i cant afford thewrath of the law.
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Date Joined: 03/12/19
To Scotto
Hi Scotto,
I’ve been fishing the blue swimmers (never heard the term “Swan River Blue Crab” are they a separate species ??) for some time and whilst I totally agree there had to be some level of restriction introduced I think the limit of 5 crabs in the Swan is absolutely ridiculous.
I was out last Wednesday with a mate who had badgered me for ages to head out but as stated in my post above, I prefer the new year for crabbing as crabs this time of year have just come out the breeding season and the water temperature is still on the chilly side for them to move around widely and feed.
Last Wednesday from Applecross down to the Leeuwin Boat Ramp we counted the grand total of 2 boaties dropping nets. Us being one of them and it was a pretty good night for it too. Few days earlier, in the same area, maybe 3 others (so 4 in total inc us). In previous years during Jan/Feb there are obviously far more but I doubt I’d ever seen a scenario whereby you claim we “could nearly walk across the river, because there is so many crab pot floats bobbing around”.
Also, for the record, the Swan River is 72km long and the Canning River 110km. Together, these two rivers and their tributaries drain a catchment area of 2090km2. It is far from “not a big area” and indeed widely considered a fair expanse of water.
If the majority of Perth fished, I’d share yours and the authorities concerns but as the number of people dropping pots in my opinion is still relatively miniscule (per capita of this citys population) I think a reduction to say 15 sized crabbed per RFBL holder is perfectly fine.
My diving mates who have already hit the Swan and done a few night dives have said the crab numbers look just as good as any other year although naturally they are still on the small side.
Don’t forget they are also buying back commercial licences which will go a very long way to protecting the species numbers and the combination of these restrictions + the fact that blue swimmer crabs are prolific breeders should see that we’ll be o.k in the future.
5 is just a ridiculous number and one which I suspect was chosen because it hopefully deters the crab fishos completely so they won’t even bother at all (given it’s just too much fuss to head out for such a small Qty) - which I’m guessing was always their aim.
Totally over the top reaction by the Government Departments involved….
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Pescatore, I drive the freeway stretch along swan river every morning and afternoon. some days at this time of year and over the next few months, its not hard to lose count of the boats potting just along that stretch alone. times the number of boats x 10 for weekends, and 10 x again for the number of pots every boat has .... I will flat out call you a liar if you say you regularly crab the river at this time of the year, and havent personally seen it. one morning earlier this year I was crabbing around the narrows, and there was 42 boats crabbing between barrack st and the narrows, and more were launching when I retrieved.
sure, the canning and swan rivers may be longer than your membership on here, but I'm talking specifically around the swan estuary system and lower reaches of the swan and canning. no one goes crabbing at guildford mate. the swan estuary area is only (aproximately) 3km x 6km... barrack st area is 1.4km x 2.5km..... these are not big areas, and were scientifically proven to be vulnerable to overfishing. we have seen the effects of ecosytems failing with the crabs in cockburn sound. Fisheries have every right to be concerned with the number of SRBC's (this is a crab, from the swan river) being recreationally caught every year.
one of the biggest issues was also the hoards of "families" that would stake out the jettys in the river every night, and take their 10 crabs for each family member, totaling a very large number of crabs every outing. fisheries were powerless to stop this with the old rules.
I suspect you are correct with your comment on the allowable number of crabs detering fishers anyway, but they are trying to reduce the number of SRBC's getting caught, so this works a treat IMO.
for me, a couple of SRBC's are well enough of a feed.
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
to add
Firstly, I generally don’t go on forums and call people liars when I don’t even know them and certainly not whilst I’m comfortably sitting behind a keyboard, I put my post in politely and certainly didn't call anyone out. Pull your head in.
Secondly, you note the swan estuary area is only (aproximately) 3km x 6km... barrack st area is 1.4km x 2.5km but conveniently forget the remaining expanses of water ??
15 crabs is sufficient, 5 is ridiculous.
Not that we are discussing Cockburn Sound but since you brought it up let me pose this question to you – What is more detrimental to the grass beds and marine life in Cockburn Sound, the recreational fisherman or the heavy industry surrounding it ?
Also, Care to share any docs or stats from your friends in authority to back up your numbers and/or the numbers of crab stocks in the Swan ?
I’m happy to wait….
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Date Joined: 21/04/08
If you go back and read my post, you'll see I mentioned "and the lower reaches of the swan river". Even if that were double the estuary area, that is still literally a minuscule area in relation to a fishery.
my comment regarding Cockburn was to point out that if overfishing was coupled with environmental issues, it would be severely detrimental to the crab, beyond point of return.
if you're not a liar then you'd have to be blind, to not see the hoards crabbing the swan between December and March.
all my stats are readily available on the internet chief. I'm not going to waste my time copying and pasting to someone who's opinion doesn't want to be changed anyway.
Son of tomcat
Posts: 80
Date Joined: 04/09/12
I'm all for making sure
I'm all for making sure theres crabs for the future but iv been crabbing for 30 years and isn't there always lots of boats around December and January crabbing personally iv found the crabbing getting better and better in recent years.
My misses gets sea sick and one of my kids has a disability so I'm the only one who can go out unless i have a mate who doesn't like crabs and wants to go out crabbing how do i go about getting a feed for the family I'm better off going crayfishing at least I can take 8 of them.
Wanna protect the crabs put a ban on them for January and December sure that will go down well.
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
there's better solutions
I'd like to have a look at the results of these "surveys" they conduct as you and I and probably 99% of responsible fishos would have agreed with a limit reduction.
But down to bloody 5 ?!?!
I doubt any rec crab fishermen would have suggested that number.
Posts: 15048
Date Joined: 30/11/09
I'll throw in my piece as
I'll throw in my piece as I've been crabbing the Swan particularly the Narrows/Barrack st area for over 20 years, and fishing it since I was a kid in the early 80's I've seen it good and I've seen it bad and that's been in the last 10 years or so when anyone gets a sniff of crabs being caught every man and his dog is out there.
As Scotto mentioned it's a raft of crab nets from Late Nov onwards. Something had to be done to manage the big river Blues, if I take my son's out we can go home with 15 good crabs tell me that's still not a good outcome. I would say though last year was probably the best I've seen it in a long time but the sizes weren't big like the usual monsters we'd usually get but still good size.
Good management like the Crays and we'll get the payoff in time and as we've seen they do soften and change rules to suit the capture rates.
Love the West!
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
"I would say though last year was probably the best I've seen it in a long time "
I'd totally agree.
Sea goat
Posts: 998
Date Joined: 26/03/17
im with scotto on thiss one.
im with scotto on thiss one. i have been out on the river ccrusising, or driving by and on a number of occasions have looked at the amount of boats or pots out and wondered how on earth that much pressure can be sustainable. we have an increasing population, a fairly easily accessible resource, if things carried on the way they were, i do believe eventually things would be stuffed beyond repair.
catching 5 big crabs provides a pretty decent feed
i agree, part of the aim of the new rules probably was to deter people, and i dont think that is necessarily a bad thing.
we are extremely lucky to have such an easily accessible and productive fishery. personally i am much happier with an "over the top" regulation which ensures its future rather than taking a more lenient stance and worrying about how to fixx it later.
i wil still give it a crack, and if i do get my 5 crabs i will be pretty stoked with that.
just my 2 cents :)
Posts: 1035
Date Joined: 15/08/11
I don't crab the Swan but
I don't crab the Swan but just to add another perspective, I am standing at my desk in the Woodside office and can not see one boat crabbing and I have a pretty damn good view, come to think of it I haven't really seen too many crabbers around the Narrows and surrounds lately.
Closer to Christmas and into the New Year it's a different story, there are crabbers everywhere.
Posts: 15048
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Can I get a job at your
Can I get a job at your office?
Love the West!
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Im not offering anything on
Im not offering anything on this subject as I havent fished for the crabs there. But its not unusual for knee jerk decisions to be made by fisheries and wreckfishwest to the detriment of rec fishers. Why wasnt I asked to vote on the subject? I have a fishing license, fisheries have my address the issues relate directly to me as a fisherman. I dont like the fact that rec fishers are used to validate the decision when only a tiny fraction of them (recfishwest members?) voted.
Bend over
Posts: 2472
Date Joined: 21/04/08
Interesting view
Was the change from 12 crays per boat to 24 crays per boat, another knee jerk reaction? Was more fads a knee jerk reaction?
a lot of people don't realise that Recfishwest are (as their name suggests) a voice and stance for recreational anglers. The issue you have (as I see it), is Recfishwest's long term vision is sometimes impaired by some people's short sightedness..... They're not just thinking for the next year or 2, they're thinking for the generations after us. Similarly Fisheries have this POV, but more so for their wallets. they can't charge for a resource, if it's already been decimated.
I joined recfishwest because I love and care for my recreational hobby. It's a small price to pay to ensure I can keep doing what I enjoy for as long as possible. They often advertise these surveys, etc, that I usually wouldn't know about. The time it took you to write your above post, was about the same amount of time it took me to complete that survey.
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
Mate, you go on like youre the only person that genuinely cares about recreational fishing in this State. You single me out for replies yet are you going to respond to everyone on here that hasnt agreed with your ASSUMPTION of crab stocks or an appropriate catch limit ? Because you might be busy..
You call a complete stranger a liar yet I work just down the Terrace from the poster above and we overlook the same expanse of water every single day and you think youre the only bloke who knows what is going on our river.
I gave you a chance to provide a link to a recognised environmental study in which provides us readers a reference point for numbers of people who fish crabs in the river, estimated catches per annum and current levels of crab stocks and you lazily point to the net. Well I cant find any so much like a fair few others I still question the authorities decision making.
As for long term thinking, ask your dad or grandad how many decades ppl have crabbed in the Swan to give you an idea of the sustainability levels.
the sad part for you is in amongst your scrambling you probably totally forgot that I said I AGREE to a reduction in catch limit.
But sorry, 5 measily crabs per $40 licence holder is just plain bullshit.
PS and drop the name calling. if you want to carry that on then PM me and ill happily give you my details so you can do it in person.
Posts: 2472
Date Joined: 21/04/08
settle down
dont get your knickers in a knot pescatore.... I dont think me caling you blind is calling you a name... How very un-Australian!
yep, both my dad and grandad crabbed the swan. my dad still occasionally does. the thing is its getting hit harder and harder every year, with the likes of Facebook making it more popular and advertising it more, couple that with a general population increase in perth since the 1920's (when my Grandad use to do it).... you dont need a bit of paper to tell you moe crabs than ever are being removed from this system.
I simply fail to see how if you think you are a regular crabber on the swan between the months of Dec - March, you havent seen the (literally) hundreds of boats on a good weekend crabbing the stretches around barrack st to mount henry, and point walter.
I'm not the only bloke who gives a shit about recreational fishing in this state.... very far from it. maybe though, I'm smart enough to actually get involved with some parts of the desision making, rather than getting on here and having a pointless whinge about things, and to a bunch of blokes that cant do anything about it ayway.
BTW, I counted at least 7 dinghys (on a weekday, early in the season) crabbing the canning river stretch this morning alone, in the 45 seconds it takes to travel that stretch of FWY at 6:15am.
Posts: 1342
Date Joined: 05/05/06
It seems to me its mainly
It seems to me its mainly based on a visual interpretation of what people think rec fishers are catching. Im not a full bottle on the crab issue but it seems a select few of recreational fishers are the voice of the entire rec fishing population. If this change was brought in partly because of a vote by wrecfishwest members then fisheries should have sent all licensed rec fishers a ballot to have their say to get a better information to use before bringing the hammer down.
I choose not to be a member of recfishwest. If the survey was sent to me by fisheries (surely some of our licence fees could be used to get the opinion of non represented fishers) i would have completed it.
Im not knocking your views Scotto its good to get it all out there for discussion.
Bend over
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
Good post. It really is a
Good post. It really is a select few along with the toothless Government agencies.
the same bodies I wonder what exactly are they doing, quite literally, absolutely bloody nothing to stop heavy industry around the Cockburn Sound destroying that ecosystem on a DAILY basis.
But yeah, its the fault of recreational fishermen who pop out every other weekend for a feed for themselves or their family (weather permitting)
Posts: 728
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There's no doubt these further restrictions will force more effort on the Mandurah fishery. Cockburn sound closed, five each in the swan. It's going to increase the pressure on the Mandurah fishery for sure.
Son of tomcat
Posts: 80
Date Joined: 04/09/12
Funny enough I actually went
Funny enough I actually went for a crab this arvo after all this discussion and got 12 females chokers with eggs (obviously all released) but iv never seen that many before In one session all from my usual grounds that I never get any females migrating mabey
Posts: 227
Date Joined: 10/05/10
I think a pot reduction for
I think a pot reduction for the swan would have been a better idea for the swan 5 crabs might seem alright if you live nearby I've got a 1.5 hour drive to get there so will probably keep driving a hour more and fish mandurah so I'd say it will definitely put more pressure on down there wish they'd stop dicking around and open cockburn.
Posts: 668
Date Joined: 28/11/16
At least you can go out and
At least you can go out and get a feed even if just five. How long has cockburn sound been closed for? And doesn’t seem like it will open again for the foreseeable future. I would like my kids to be able to take their grandchildren crabbing one day. It’s a great way to spend time with the family
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
read it slowly..
Sorry Scotto but you've continually missed the point time and time again. Try subduing your hysteria of mass crab genocide for a minute (if you can) and start again by re-reading all the posts and you may just conclude that the great majority of us are quite happy to accept a catch limit reduction. Lost count how many times I have said this myself.
The beef many have is that the decision to just drop the hammer hard and conclude a limit of just 5 crabs per licence holder was decided by authorities that firstly did not engage the wider fishing community for input and ABOVE ALL, made a ruling, from what it appears, without an official study of the CURRENT recreational fishing of blue swimmer crabs in the Swan and Canning Rivers. You know, some official findings that will provide people with a reference point as to why these decisions are being made. Not much to ask is it ? Which part of this are you struggling with ?
Until the rest of us can read official statistics and conclusions via a creditable sustainability study then that decision and your statements (and opinion) are derived from pure ASSUMPTIONS. You get that ?
The Recreational fisherman is always the first to be hit with restrictions and levies. Heavy industry which does infinitely greater damage to fish stocks and environment are barely even spoken to because, let’s be honest here, your buddies at Recfish, Fisheries, Dept of Enviro and Conservation etc etc have no balls let alone teeth.
Like I said champ, I fully appreciate a reduction in crab catch limits even though they are, as proven by time, a very sustainable resource in our river and along the coast. It just needs a little better management and some consideration to maybe – get this - finding some middle ground between what BOTH the fisheries and the recreational fisherman would like.
Posts: 2472
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(biting tongue)
"The beef many have is that the decision to just drop the hammer hard and conclude a limit of just 5 crabs per licence holder was decided by authorities that firstly did not engage the wider fishing community for input and ABOVE ALL, made a ruling, from what it appears, without an official study of the CURRENT recreational fishing of blue swimmer crabs in the Swan and Canning Rivers. You know, some official findings that will provide people with a reference point as to why these decisions are being made. Not much to ask is it ? Which part of this are you struggling with ?"
from: https://www.mediastatements.wa.gov.au/Pages/McGowan/2019/08/New-measures-to-protect-blue-swimmer-crabs-in-Perth-and-the-South-West.aspx
A recent review of the blue swimmer crab resource in Western Australia found greater protections of the species were needed to ensure the fishery's long-term sustainability. In response to this review, Recfishwest, Western Australian Fishing Industry Council and Southern Seafood Producers Association made a joint submission to the State Government with recommended measures to protect the prized species. The McGowan Government has decided to implement this joint proposal.
(slapping my forehead in disbelief as I type....) they did an official study into the take of SWBC's!! they did engage the wider fishing community!!!! they engaged all recs that wanted to get engaged!!!if you dont register your interest in this shit, they wont engage you!! want to be part of the outcome? Be part of it in the first place! dont hate me because I was proactive enough to get amongst it.
just keep whinging pescatore, if it makes you feel better. I dont mind being the brunt of your frustrations..... or maybe even start using your head...... my 5 year old daughter only took 2 minutes to figure out it only takes 4 licensed fishers on board to obtain your 20 crab boat limit.
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
Took you how many posts to
Took you how many posts to provide a link – 5, 6 ?
You still have totally missed the point champ.
Let me put it a little simpler. How did they derive an amount of 5 ? Would you have still been satisfied if they chose to make the limit say, 10 or 15 crabs ?
A fella has 1 license, a tinny, pays for nets, fuel and bait and has a wife and two kids. Generally just pops out once, maybe twice a week – 5 crabs between all of them ????? Didn’t even you agree above that the miniscule limit is probably there to COMPLETELY DETER a lot of crabbers ?
Repeat, some common ground between the fisheries and the fisherman. Not much to ask
Let me go read this review (for both of us)
Posts: 2472
Date Joined: 21/04/08
said fella..
takes out his missus and 2 kids, and gets 20 crabs. problem solved. either that, or he goes and buys as many as he wants from seafresh. again, problem solved.
all parties wanted a reduction in crab take. there was suggestions on the survey on reduction numbers, etc, so it was potentially derived from that, as well as information from the research.
I dont know why you keep harping on about 15 crabs, as no one fisher has been allowed that number in west coast bioregion for 10+ years. for me, I will still be getting 20 crabs per trip, as I always go out with a crew, whether its my daughters and misso, or the boys. nothing lost.
I cant take any more pestasore... you make my head sore...
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
I like you Scotto but you're
I like you Scotto but you're starting to sound like a Govt department spokesperson more and more.
You may want to go and buy licenses for all your family members and the dog and cat to hit a decent quota...many other choose not to.
Either way, Why don’t we put the information out there for all to see.
Now feel free to correct me if I am wrong but this is the last known State of the Fisheries Report (2017/2018) that I can find on the Fisheries website.
Do a word search (‘Crab’) to help you go straight to the details
Like I have always maintained, the species require management (as do most table fish) but did it need an extreme restriction for the average rec fisho ? I’ll let the readers decide…
Enjoy the read bud. I don't think it is anywhere near as bad as they make out but let's just say I know how Govt Depts work.. ;)
Here's a big online bro hug to show no hard feelings.
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Date Joined: 24/07/07
there is no guarantee you are going to catch a feed but at least enjoy the outing for what it is, fishing, not catching.
For someone who has spent years at sea both as a pro and as a rec fisherman, I would love the cost of trips out where I have returned home with bugger all to show for a massive amount of effort and time put in. The limits are there for everyone so grin, bear it and don't whinge about something you cannot change or head down to the markets and buy some Shark Bay Crabs from an industry that has set quotas and seasonal limits.
Sea goat
Posts: 998
Date Joined: 26/03/17
i was engaged to do the
i was engaged to do the survey, and did it, and agreed with the drop in limit, and im not partculalry proactive in seeking these things out.
personally i think recfishwest etc do a good job. seems to be a quite a bit of negative sentiment.
i know fisheries, recfish etc arent pefect, but we should also consider where we would be without them/ so far in my experience the powers that be have managed to maintain a fantastic fisshery that is easily accessible to all. i have lived overseas in places where the idea of being able to regulalry catch something to eat was out of the question, or if you could youd be lucky to have anyhting decent.
best approach i think is to geet involveed and have your voice heard. only way to improve things.
just my opinion!
Posts: 1342
Date Joined: 05/05/06
How where you engaged to do
How where you engaged to do the survey Sea Goat?
Is it that hard for a licensed fisher to be sent a letter or email with a survey to complete if opinions are used to govern fisheries. Do I have to check the fisheries page every day to be informed of any surveys or changes to the fisheries rules? screw that im too busy fishing or working. I do have issues and im having a whinge here because it a fishing forum. Whinge to Recfishwest or Fisheries and it would fall on deaf ears unless it suited their agenda. If I had the time or the smarts I would do something about it, im still fuming over the extended ban area for the snapper!
Bend over
Silver Fox
Posts: 1118
Date Joined: 19/06/14
All this hype over a shit product !
Being able to catch lovely Shark Bay crabs I feel sorry for you guys having to eat the crabs from the Swan River . Only problem I have with crabbing up here is the F@#$3&g sharks taking my nets all the time !
My wife understands why I clean my rods n reels in the shower....
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Bigger floats
Sharks are better than the dolphins in Bunbury, last time there the mongrels follow you along and can even open bait baskets.
Use bigger floats up here in Carnarvon, that way you can track them easier, I take a mending needle and cotton with me to repair them on the go.
Even though I ony eat one or two a year, I enjoy going out to catch a feed for friends plus the bag limit per person is 20 and boat limit 40
Sea goat
Posts: 998
Date Joined: 26/03/17
i received an email to do the
i received an email to do the survey, cant recall which dept sent it though....
I certainly have nothing against having a whinge.....certainly am well known to indulge myself :) everyone needs a vent after all!
Posts: 1342
Date Joined: 05/05/06
Thanks for the reply mate,
Thanks for the reply mate, have a good one.
Bend over
Posts: 668
Date Joined: 28/11/16
Worst case scenario 5 is too
Worst case scenario 5 is too little and in a few years time the swan river will be literally overflowing with crabs and then they will up the limit back to 10 or maybe even 15 if they get real bad
Posts: 16
Date Joined: 18/11/18
Crab catches in the Swan and Cockburn Sound
I have very rarely ever caught my bag limit on the Swan and have often caught zero. Now almost a waist of time with such a low limit of five for one fisherman. The highlight for me is to cruise around the beautiful Swan River. Of more concern for me is the Cockburn Sound Crabs. As kids we would drive from the shore to catch these massive sea crabs with gloves. Their scarcity seemed to coincide when commercial crabbing was in full swing in the sound. Has any research been undertaken in the migration of the Cockburn Sound Crabs into the Swan River? I would have thought there was some connection there.
Posts: 668
Date Joined: 28/11/16
Not great.
Posts: 728
Date Joined: 03/02/12
No worries
"This can cause dizziness, numbness of the lips and slurred speech". I don't see the problem.
Posts: 187
Date Joined: 10/04/12
a day on the water with a
a day on the water with a full esky can do that jighead
Posts: 200
Date Joined: 30/12/08
With the algae in the river
With the algae in the river there's warnings. I wouldn't be eating anything out of the river for now
Posts: 9509
Date Joined: 10/02/07
Ploy to save
the crabs?
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
Posts: 728
Date Joined: 03/02/12
My way of thinking was you can get off your chops and have a nice feed at the same time.
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
It's one way of keeping
It's one way of ensuring the crab stocks stay health (number wise) I suppose. Does any one know if it kills the crabs, prawns and fish.
Posts: 15048
Date Joined: 30/11/09
That would be a no brainer
That would be a no brainer as it sucks all the oxygen out of the water.
Love the West!
captain 1 eye
Posts: 58
Date Joined: 09/03/12
Would love a feed of crabs
Would love a feed of crabs will be in Perth Feb, but have no boat, is it worth chucking pots of the bank. One more question bout the Swan my folks are there now and someone told them not to fish in the river, some story bout algi. Cheers in advance. Just saw a post above.
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Old School
Best time to try from the shore is just after dark.
Pick a spot where there is a bit of a deeper channel close to shore so your bait can reach the edge or just over it.
Get some old stockings, stick a bit of bait in itm ties it to a handline and toss it about 10-15 metres out from shore.
Crab will grab on to bait and you slowly pull it in to shore, when the bait/ crab is in about a foot of water scoop it up and in to the bucket. You can feel if the crab lets go if it does then leave it for a few minutes and most times it will return to the bait.
Keep an eye out for reports on the alge bloom, they usuall don't last too long.
captain 1 eye
Posts: 58
Date Joined: 09/03/12
Cheers Carnavonite great
Cheers Carnavonite great info ill give that a whirl.