swan river crabs

hey all,


anyone having any luck with crabs in the river? thinking of a cruisy day on the river monday with the kiddies so i was contemplating taking the crab gear but ive not heard anyhting good all sumer from the river, certainly not of late?

i dived blackwall reach at night last weekend and there were a fair amount of littlies but nothing of size...  


thanks in advance

Dale's picture

Posts: 7930

Date Joined: 13/09/05

Fri, 2018-03-30 11:24

 Saw some caught from the river on the blue manna Facebook this morning. Didn’t say exactly where though.


"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

Mr Wolf



Cheeto's picture

Posts: 79

Date Joined: 14/04/14

 cheers Dale, found the page,

Fri, 2018-03-30 11:55

 cheers Dale, found the page, seems "easy" 

Pitty's picture

Posts: 161

Date Joined: 08/12/12

 We got some this morning, a

Fri, 2018-03-30 14:38

 We got some this morning, a lot of small ones around, we were hitting deeper water



Pitty's picture

Posts: 161

Date Joined: 08/12/12

 We got some this morning, a

Fri, 2018-03-30 14:38

 We got some this morning, a lot of small ones around, we were hitting deeper water



Posts: 63

Date Joined: 19/02/15

Any luck?

Tue, 2018-04-03 08:48

How did you go?

We went out yesterday and managed two good size crabs from two pulls before the kids had enough and wanted to come in. half a dozen small ones as well, 7m of water.

Cheeto's picture

Posts: 79

Date Joined: 14/04/14

 no luck, but we really only

Wed, 2018-04-04 20:02

 no luck, but we really only tried two pulls along dalkeith... too many flogs with no clue in the river.  we had a heap more fun on the ocean away from ppl on the squid.  my 6yr old is an ace, she kicks my arse evey time!

Posts: 63

Date Joined: 19/02/15

Yeah it's always hard on the

Thu, 2018-04-05 08:07

Yeah it's always hard on the river.

Funny you say that, my daughter is also better than me at catching squid. Something to do with the sit back and do nothing technique I think? seems to work though.

skipjack's picture

Posts: 49

Date Joined: 10/11/12

 Heaps just on the edge of

Thu, 2018-04-05 21:12

 Heaps just on the edge of the water ski area near Aquinas collage all good size to  


Cheeto's picture

Posts: 79

Date Joined: 14/04/14

 up near salter point in the

Sat, 2018-04-07 07:46

 up near salter point in the shallows? or aquinas bay more so?  that whole area is really shallow right?


skipjack's picture

Posts: 49

Date Joined: 10/11/12

I usually start on the edge

Sat, 2018-04-07 15:55

I usually start on the edge of the salter point and work my way out it’s about 1.5 to 2m 

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 i think he is talking about

Sat, 2018-04-07 07:51

 i think he is talking about around near the mt henry bridge headind towards canning bridge . i have seen several people netting there


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together