Swan Bream

 Found a couple of spots holding alot of bream in the swan, not too deep but I can't hook many because of the blowies, I have had success with mulies on gangs, squid on single slightly weighted hooks and whitebait. The main problem I am facing is blowfish, so I need a bait they won't hit that the bream will. Any help appreicated. 


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Date Joined: 03/12/13

Lures !!

Sat, 2015-03-14 12:28

Lures !!

scottland's picture

Posts: 3040

Date Joined: 10/05/10


Sat, 2015-03-14 12:30

 Mussel or live crab


i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers

420casts's picture

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 As far as lures go, what

Sat, 2015-03-14 12:38

 As far as lures go, what sort ? I have a few jigs heads but they didn't seem to excite, and the same with mussels :s 
We managed to hook tarwhine and Skippy as well, will they both be susceptible to lures also ? 


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Timwoody86's picture

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Sat, 2015-03-14 14:05

 I use crabs In the Murray down here. I take a crab net and I've got fresh bait. I use the legs and I keep the body's and make chilli crab. Win win


shut up and fish 

grantarctic1's picture

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Date Joined: 03/03/11


Sat, 2015-03-14 20:16

  The only way I ever got past the blowies in areas like that is throw a bait, or burley away from whear the Bream are, and the blowies will head over to it. = distraction.

Use large hooks and a bait you think the Bream will feed on, then cast it towards them while the blowies are busy. You wont get rid of all the blowies, but this will increas your chances of hooking a good fish.

Do this enough times and you will get a few, but it can take some time to temp big bream in some areas.


Cheers Grant



Hutch's picture

Posts: 2221

Date Joined: 21/04/13

 Try mulie cubes with the

Sat, 2015-03-14 21:01

 Try mulie cubes with the distraction grantarctic1 mentioned above, should work ok 

Maybe try chucking pollard mixed with water in as the distraction, should have them swarming, just keep a steady stream going

Posts: 83

Date Joined: 28/12/12

Or try in the night....

Sun, 2015-03-15 08:52

Or try in the night....

420casts's picture

Posts: 281

Date Joined: 25/03/13

We fished from the middle of

Sun, 2015-03-15 16:10

We fished from the middle of the day right up until ~ 11pm, and one of my mates creatively decided to do that with bait and it did work, we just didn't wanna waste all our bait we had on diversions haha. We managed to hook up on the bream at 1 am the night after also, blowies were still in huge force.  


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Hutch's picture

Posts: 2221

Date Joined: 21/04/13

 If the blowies are still

Sun, 2015-03-15 16:28

 If the blowies are still there at night I assume you're fishing under lights? If so try casting into the dark just out of the blowies' reach

Posts: 95

Date Joined: 31/01/15

salted mullie cubes work

Mon, 2015-03-16 16:39

salted mullie cubes work pretty well for me. i always let the line yank a few times then set the hook