Sustain v stradic

vinniefisho's picture

Posts: 212

Date Joined: 21/01/15


Sat, 2015-02-07 14:23


Posts: 1522

Date Joined: 09/03/13

if you have the money this

Sat, 2015-02-07 15:14

if you have the money this looks pretty sexy ! (actually mid way cost between the two you like)

don't you love it when you have a decision down to two and someone throws something else into the mix

MattMiller's picture

Posts: 4171

Date Joined: 15/06/09

Not even comparable

Sat, 2015-02-07 18:13

in completely different classes and price ranges

crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

Date Joined: 16/10/08

. Well not completely.

Mon, 2015-02-09 14:14

. Well not completely. Basically a Sustain is a Stradic on steroids. And the price tag to prove it. I have both type of reels and the Sustain IMO is way way smoother (and better) than the workhorse Stradic. Actually prefer my Sustain 4000FG to a older model Stella 4000SW I have.


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

Boydy's picture

Posts: 623

Date Joined: 26/09/12

As Matt has said, different

Sat, 2015-02-07 18:23

As Matt has said, different classes.
If you have the coin the Sustain is nice, so smooth.
Jigged with a 5000FG for a couple of years and have just recently moved it on due to an upgrade.
It still performed beautifully after getting some serious work outs over those couple of years.

Brock O's picture

Posts: 3262

Date Joined: 11/01/08

Have a look

Sat, 2015-02-07 19:42

 At the below, one bearing difference from memory!










Boydy's picture

Posts: 623

Date Joined: 26/09/12

The review confirms the

Sat, 2015-02-07 20:14

The review confirms the comments above?
Super smooth, light handle rotation 8+1 SA-RB vs 5+1 bearings.

doubleheader_king's picture

Posts: 203

Date Joined: 08/06/13

Stradic FJ

Sat, 2015-02-07 20:00

 stradic Fj 

MandurahMatt's picture

Posts: 613

Date Joined: 18/09/13

That BCF biomaster looks

Wed, 2015-02-11 11:59

That BCF biomaster looks good.


 Bewdey Fellaz