Stress Free winch
Submitted by WestOz on Wed, 2015-10-07 14:03
G'day guys, putting a stress free winch in my 5.6m centre console and just looking for some advice on which size. The NG mini (4m-6m boats) and also the midi (6m-7m boats) will both fit in my anchor well. Is it worth getting the Midi or will that be overkill? I mainly anchor in creeks and in shallow reef areas 10-20m.
Posts: 463
Date Joined: 04/03/10
ng mini will be perfect bud I've got the midi on my 6.3 mt carribean reef runner and it's a beast
Posts: 159
Date Joined: 13/01/13
+1 NG mini
Have the NG mini on my 5.5 Surtees... Love it. Did have the anchor down button go intermittent, but it was promptly replaced under warranty by the local rep.
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