The strangest bait, rig or lure you have used

As a follow up to wopjrb's tip that he uses marshmallows to catch Mulloway and OT's success with catching a herring on a piece of hot cross bun, I thought it might be intesting to start a post to see what are some of the strangest baits, rigs or lures that you have caught a fish on.

We used to use licorice to catch bream many years ago and I once fashioned a lure out of chewing gum and a bit of tin foil to catch tailor at Hat Head in NSW.

How about you guys and girls,

All the best, Colin Hay


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Liquidtension's picture

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my best catch was my missus

Thu, 2009-04-30 07:53

my best catch was my missus


I berlied her up with sambucca shots


then she had a crack at my worm 


Mad Keen


Cheers Steve


Moking's picture

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  Read your funny post and

Thu, 2016-09-15 15:16

  Read your funny post and thought about the Fathers day prezzie I got:



 My Dad taught me how to Fish-Thanks Dad.(RIP)

7739ian's picture

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B.B.Q. Sausage (cooked )

Thu, 2009-04-30 08:31

on a gang at Maud's Landing - caught bugger all but they certainly had a lot of nibbles. Probably should have put sauce on them.

Posts: 410

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Used salami to catch Bream in Africa seem to work well

Thu, 2009-04-30 08:38


Still Learning


Still learning


Sails4me's picture

Posts: 53

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Last year at Exmouth we have

Thu, 2009-04-30 09:12

Last year at Exmouth we have some left over chilli pork ribs that we took aboard to have as some lunch. Caught a Trevally on it!!!


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carnarvonite's picture

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Thu, 2009-04-30 09:32

Used a 5 inch piece of garden hose as a lure for salmon set up the same as a straw for herring.Caught a whiting on a cigarette butt and lastly and probably the most productive of all was using a bit of red rag on a 10/0 hook to catch tuna.Just tie it to to the line above the hoof and troll it at around 5 knots

Rick's picture

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Thu, 2009-04-30 10:52

Guy that used to fish around Carrarang,reckons he used to catch all his Bluebone on roo meat soaked in Kero.........

We stuck to more traditional baits and did just fine.


PGFC Member


cocokye's picture

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Piece of fat out of Italian sausage

Thu, 2009-04-30 10:52

Used piece of fat out of Italian sausage to catch bream , very effective might have been the aniseed in the sausage that attracted them to it.





Colin Hay's picture

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I can see the bait suppliers and lure companies going broke

Thu, 2009-04-30 13:56

with all these great ideas now out in the open (Lol).

Colin 1 Proud and co-founding member of the prestigious Colin's Club

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UncutTriggerInWA's picture

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Thu, 2009-04-30 15:00

Cheaper to buy Mullies than Garden hoses and expensive Salami.

Cheers, Vince


Work Smart - Fish Often


Work smart and fish often.
Member and die-hard supporter of the mighty West Coast Eagles.

Roger Knife's picture

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Freshwater fishing I have

Thu, 2009-04-30 15:15

Freshwater fishing I have caught carp tench and bream on salami, butter beans, chickpeas, and obviously sweetcorn, mackeral take bare hooks on a sunny day!!



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catchalittle's picture

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caught gardies on burger

Thu, 2009-04-30 15:50

caught gardies on burger rings and twisties

Life is short so live it fast




Cruise Control's picture

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 Caught a swag of black bream

Thu, 2016-09-15 14:49

 Caught a swag of black bream on twisties at Mandurah and out at Rotto they worked for plenty of herring as well

schecky's picture

Posts: 1645

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not really strange but we

Thu, 2009-04-30 16:42

not really strange but we use bread religiously for herring and skippy

works so good

weve also caught on ciggy butts and orange peel haha

flangies's picture

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Lol wtf religiously? since

Fri, 2009-05-01 10:36

Lol wtf religiously? since when you always use prawns man 


You couln't wipe that grin fom my face even with a hammer.

Colin Hay's picture

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Smoking is bad for fish as well then (Lol)

Thu, 2009-04-30 16:50

Colin 1 Proud and co-founding member of the prestigious Colin's Club

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wopjrb's picture

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caught a calamari by hand off the back of the boat just grabedit

Thu, 2009-04-30 17:26

struth, better get a beer then

Posts: 72

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Lol catchalittle guess

Thu, 2009-04-30 17:44

Lol catchalittle guess twisties do work eh? Hamish & Andy were joking about using twisties for fishing a while back. heh

Posts: 286

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caught a truckload

Thu, 2009-04-30 17:48


 of herring in denmark (down south ) using white wall plugs on long shank hooks and a couple of skippy!





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Mitta79's picture

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We used to catch mulloway on Hare (rabbit)

Thu, 2009-04-30 18:08

The bloodier the better, if we hit one in the car on the way we stop and pick it up for bait, saves paying for it. It was good bait in the river and surf. We also caught all our big black bream on mud skipper heads, we caught the mud skippers in a yabby net baited with cray tail. 

Cheers Mitta79

damo6230's picture

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don't need bait myself

Thu, 2009-04-30 18:23

they call me the "fish whisperer"........ 




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Sat, 2009-05-02 08:31

SPEWIE LEWIE .. Ginger Tablets Rock

Cockburn Power Boat Member


Ginger Tablets Rock


sunshine's picture

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Ice cream wafer biscuit

Thu, 2009-04-30 19:21

Over 40 years ago used it a lot for lake bream in the UK - it was deadly but so fragile it was really difficult to cast and it had to be lightly weighted or the weight would pull the hook through the bait as it sank too quickly - as I said it used to be deadly.

On the subject of deadly the other bait involved personal risk - european wasp grubs and the nest itself crushed up as berley, hell we had some close shaves until we discovered carbon tetrachloride with killed the wasps in the nest (night time when they were all inside) but not the grubs trouble is I now understand that chemical is highly carcinogenic - still it was truly an amazing bait to the point that it was banned in many fishing comps  

Colin Hay's picture

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Now that's making the best of what is available

Thu, 2009-04-30 19:30

Colin 1 Proud and co-founding member of the prestigious Colin's Club

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original teenage's picture

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using mcdonalds chips for

Thu, 2009-04-30 20:18

using mcdonalds chips for bream to 37cm,yellowtails,herrings and a slimy mack


Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

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 Bait you don't have to keep

Wed, 2016-09-14 19:22


Bait you don't have to keep in the fridge - never goes off 


Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions

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herd of bloke over east who

Thu, 2009-04-30 20:25

herd of bloke over east who soaks his bait in wd40 when going for murray cod

original teenage's picture

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i heard wd40 is made out of

Thu, 2009-04-30 21:35

i heard wd40 is made out of fish oil


alfred's picture

Posts: 3097

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Cube of soap for catfish A

Thu, 2009-04-30 20:28

Cube of soap for catfish

A bit of my  white T shirt for pomfret

Banana for mullet



18 Outrage, Johnson 140hp 4stroke and 190 Outrage, 150 Mercury Verado

big red's picture

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Golf balls...

Thu, 2009-04-30 21:04

Used to use golf balls for Murray Cod while living over east. Drill a hole through the ball, thread your line through it and tie a big hook to the bottom, the golf ball slides down and sits right above the hook. Bardi grubs were costing us around $50 for a dozen and the golf balls were a much cheaper alterative as you could reuse them over and over again. They sort of kind of looked like a Bardi Grub threaded onto a hook. We though our mate was taking the piss when he mentioned the technique but we couldn't resist, just had to try it. I will never forget the moment when we caught our first cod on one, have not laughed so hard in my life!

Ollie's picture

Posts: 506

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caught a bonito first drop

Thu, 2009-04-30 22:19

caught a bonito first drop on a hook with no bait on it?
first time deep sea fishing. was stoked!!!

Auslobster's picture

Posts: 1901

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Gravy Beef!

Thu, 2009-04-30 22:35

Secret weapon for baldchin groper! My father-in-law reckons he ran out of bait one time and had to use the tomato from his a double-digit dhu apparently...

crasny1's picture

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Thu, 2009-04-30 22:54

Whiting loves Red. So steak seem to drive them crazy. Proven in the south and here in the Pilbara. Also an old white sock. Tie the hook to the end and somehow wrap the front onto the leader. I dont know how my dad did this but he caught hundreds of Kahawai (Salmon) with his old sock lure. Perhaps smells has something to do with it.


Flat seas!!!


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

Plug's picture

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 ox heart is all we used to

Sun, 2016-09-18 19:25

 ox heart is all we used to use and they woudl go nuts for it.


 i need cheaper hobbies

Posts: 5

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As a young chap old man was

Fri, 2009-05-01 10:11

As a young chap old man was setting up the tent in shark bay an we were wanting to go for a fish so he gave us a big slice of palony and told us to go away so we went down to the jetty and I caught my bigest whiting to date

Dreamweaver's picture

Posts: 4688

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No bait

Fri, 2009-05-01 21:14

I remember as youngster many years ago im Mandurah, long before braid was involved. I had a tangle in my mono, as I untangled more and more, I threw the untangled line over the side. I caught 12 herring on bare hooks before I finsihed untangling it all. Bloody tangle got tighter with each herring LOL. 

Colin Molloy


(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)



Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!

roberta's picture

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Over on Garden Island with

Sat, 2009-05-02 08:38

 the kids and after driving around with them on the doughnut decided to have lunch, Bob always the fisherman looked in the water (clear as) and said look at all the whiting there, next minute krakarwurst came out of the sandwich on the hook next minute he's pulling in nice sand whiting, had a good feed for tea that night.

Told a female friend one day if you run out of bait, just put a tomatoe pieces on, she sat there all day with tomato on and never caught a fish .. Bob got a clip around the ears when our friend saw him next.


SPEWIE LEWIE .. Ginger Tablets Rock

Cockburn Power Boat Member


Ginger Tablets Rock


carnarvonite's picture

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Sat, 2009-05-02 08:54

Used to use rabbit in the cray pots --always had a few plastic shopping bags in the glovebox for fresh road kills.

Reminds me of years back at Preston beach,three of us using it to catch heaps of herring,we were the only ones out of fifty or so fishers getting anything.
The bloke next to us whispered to his young son to ask us what bait we were using.So the kid comes over and asks and old Ralph kneels down and whispers in his ear "Don't tell anyone, we are using icecream".The nipper goes back to his old man and tell him what Ralph has told him and nearly falls over laughing.We called the young un back and gave him a leg off one of the rabbits for his father as we had plenty.

Dreamweaver's picture

Posts: 4688

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Ice Cream LMAO

Sat, 2009-05-02 09:29

The bite's must have been quick and the casts soft Tongue out

Colin Molloy


(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)



Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!

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i caught a whiting on a

Sat, 2009-05-09 13:09

i caught a whiting on a float rig and a black bream on a squid tentacle

Clewesy's picture

Posts: 77

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ox heart

Sat, 2009-05-09 17:19

As a kid we used to use ox heart for bait. Caught many north Queensland black bream up to 5kg. No not a miss print or fishing tale. Used it on every fishing trip we did.

Caught a mullet that got nailed by a threadfin salmon that had a mud crab attached to the tail????

 AHHH the serenity flat sea's and beer!!!

Plug's picture

Posts: 334

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 I have tried ox heart round

Sun, 2016-09-18 19:27

 I have tried ox heart round here for bream and couldn't get a bite


 i need cheaper hobbies

big john's picture

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Sat, 2009-05-09 17:41

Are you referring to fresh/brackish water sooty grunter Clewesy?


I head a little FURTHER NORTH each year,
Leave the cities behind, out of sight of mind,


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

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The Skelator Jig

Sat, 2009-05-09 22:21

Caught this Pearl Perch plus a Rosie Jobfish and a Goldband on this home made jig.
Its basically made up of used B2 Lumo squids sliced up and separated by red beads all threaded on a wire trace. Works well at night as experienced in Exmouth last week.


Andy Mac



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

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I was wondering when

Mon, 2009-05-11 12:42

I was wondering when skeletor was going to make an appearance in this thread =0


Posts: 595

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Mon, 2009-05-11 12:39

Headed out from Exxy one day, forgot the bait so used cheese out of our sangers. Caught a couple of bottom species filleted them and then we were away (better than headn back in)



LIQUIDTENSION- hope the missus didn't have a spew while devouring your worm!!!

Aniseed works on women as well Heh

gav077's picture

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Ran out of bait in the river

Sun, 2009-05-31 00:19

Ran out of bait in the river one day long ago and grabbed one of the many blowies i'd caught, turns out flathead really like themSurprised


People who haven't caught a big fish just don't get it

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And I wonder what actually

Mon, 2009-06-01 09:33

And I wonder what actually eat the blowies. I've left one at a river bank for the sea gulls/ pelicans but they wouldn't even take a look at it.

Posts: 1

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Fri, 2009-06-05 16:23

I've used raw chicken before and caught Bream, whiting and Herring.

Rodrat's picture

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Fri, 2009-06-05 16:47

I caught a coral trout at shark bay with a sml bit of dried up mullet skin!!!!!! It was the last day of the trip.



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probbaly the geoff wilson

Fri, 2009-06-05 21:57

probbaly the geoff wilson lure i picked up at bcf for the pure fact it looked like pure over kill and i like to call it the ultimate rig. it consists of a surf popper a set of gang hooks and theres a clip on it for what i could only assume to put a lure on lol. guess its the rig for the people who cant make there mind up what the hell they want to do :P needless to say i havnt caught anything on it :P


I wanna get free! im gonna get free! right into the sun!

flangies's picture

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Its a surf popper rig and

Sat, 2009-06-06 18:02

Its a surf popper rig and the loop is for a sinker, dynamite on salmon, got just as many on the popper as i have with the ganged hooks

Posts: 357

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ah cheers for that!

Sat, 2009-06-06 18:14

ah cheers for that!


I wanna get free! im gonna get free! right into the sun!

wadetolley's picture

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Sat, 2009-06-06 08:43

Caught a shark with a puppy one day! Sharks seem to like live bait.Wink

Craig Pearse's picture

Posts: 452

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Dinn snag @ 80 mile ,ran out

Sat, 2009-06-06 12:19

Dinn snag @ 80 mile ,ran out of bait and pissed. Got jack

spoon's picture

Posts: 46

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anyone seen the video from

Tue, 2009-06-09 09:02

anyone seen the video from the new zealend fishing show its called gannet man and the bloke jumps out a helicopter and grabs a marlin now that impressive


best lure i used was condoms they use them in new guinea where me olds live for tuna and makeral, couldnt belive i was getting out fished by a local when i was using teaser birds, ballyhoos and xraps

riptide's picture

Posts: 70

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dog food

Wed, 2009-06-10 00:46

we use dogfood for carp, they love it.

man, fish are damn stupid, they would eat their own arse if they could. tin foil for pike, cut up  trout gills for trout, but i like   chicken liver for eels




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First comment definitely wins

Wed, 2016-09-14 13:18

 Anyone used mudskipper as bait for bluebone? 


Down the Line


Catch the Experience 

Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

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 Ox liver is great on

Wed, 2016-09-14 19:25

 Ox liver is great on flatties - catch the big crocs up on the gold coast on it (oily)


Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions

Ando83's picture

Posts: 8

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ham and salami

Thu, 2016-09-15 19:09

 Used to catch pink snapper off oil and gas platforms near the monties using hand lines with paternostar rigs & bread rolls, sometimes ham and bits of salami as bait.


Posts: 3246

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Corn Kernals

Sun, 2016-09-18 19:34

 And a length of SPC Spaghetti - staight out the tin.

Dale's picture

Posts: 7930

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Sun, 2016-09-18 20:08

 There used to be a story of a bloke who got out to his favourite spot and realised he forgot his bait, so he cut a corn off his foot and used that to catch a whiting, that in turn led to more fish and he eventually got his Joo.


"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

Mr Wolf



Guardy's picture

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3in mooring line

Sun, 2016-09-18 20:47

 Wasn't me but the guys on the supply boats used to drag a piece of 3in polyprop mooring line with one end unraveled behind the boat in the Gulf of Guinea and were picking up sail fish as the fish would come up to investigate and get their bills caught up in the unraveled polyprop. Got quite a few that way.

Krusty's picture

Posts: 714

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 I once used a piece of raw

Fri, 2016-09-23 19:46

 I once used a piece of raw pork and caught 2 good sized Mangrove Jacks in about an hour of each other at a waterhole approximately 300km inland of Port Headland.

Both were caught on the same piece using a handline. 

They were the only two Jacks caught in the 2 Months we were at that place....I couldn't believe these fish were so far inland.!

Still one of my favorite catches.



My fishing spots are so secret........... even the fish don't know where they are !!

fincher's picture

Posts: 150

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 Caught 5 rainbow trout down

Fri, 2016-09-23 21:04

 Caught 5 rainbow trout down south on some BBQ chicken skin from lunch caught 3 one day then went back a week later with just the chicken skin and caught another two in the same spot so wasn't a once off in a tiny stream  


Owner and maker of WestCoast Assists ur jigging needs

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Sat, 2016-09-24 14:02

Herring with frozen peas....

Willlo's picture

Posts: 1490

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 Gang hooks wrapped in alfoil

Sun, 2016-09-25 08:50

 Gang hooks wrapped in alfoil ,maccies and tuna.


 Call Sign - BZ785

Haynes Hunter Prowler CC


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Sun, 2016-09-25 20:05

 Fishing out the reef one day with some mates ( in Qld) we took some cold KFC for a snack and later pulled in 2 Coral trout , both were packed with the KFC bones we had tossed over the side.





Posts: 101

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 Herring caught on a bit of

Sun, 2016-09-25 22:06

 Herring caught on a bit of banana 

Krusty's picture

Posts: 714

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 I hope that was land

Mon, 2016-09-26 15:22

 I hope that was land based.....Bananas on a boat is a big no no 



My fishing spots are so secret........... even the fish don't know where they are !!

uncle's picture

Posts: 9509

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Trevs at M I on bare hooks

Tue, 2016-09-27 10:50

 Jodi's salmon on a big beaded bracelet. 


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

Posts: 83

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 Fly fishing for sambos and

Fri, 2016-09-30 20:46

 Fly fishing for sambos and snapper in the abrolohos ran out of white flies so tied some using a white binbag and kept catching them

Posts: 727

Date Joined: 28/07/16

soft plastic

Mon, 2016-10-10 15:09

 not myself but whilst fishing i watched two people who showed up with crab nets forget the bait for there nets so they tied some soft plastics to the crab net and coverd them with the squidgy scent stuff and believe it or not they acually pulled a couple in only small no big ones but was a good laugh


wont catch em sitting at home!