Stella 6000pg Issue

 Hey All,

Recently at exxy my go to reel malfunctioned, it's  a stella 6000 and was wondering if anyone can help with a diagnosis?

Dropped my line down and the drag didnt want to hold any pressure at all. Reel winds properly. Anyone know an easy fix or have an opinion on what may have caused it?






Browndog's picture

Posts: 590

Date Joined: 10/04/12

Probably knackered

Tue, 2015-06-02 17:46

Yeah it's probably stuffed. Send it to me and I'll have a look. If it is cactus, I'll dispose of it free of charge for you. :)


bushbeaver's picture

Posts: 159

Date Joined: 08/07/13

If you tighten the drag down,

Tue, 2015-06-02 18:33

If you tighten the drag down, then try to rotate the spool by hand, is it hard to do so?  If it is, the drag is probably fine. 

Is it possible that your line may have been rotating/slipping on the spool?  It can happen when using braided line that's not fastened properly to the spool, and the spool gets wet.  Dunk the spool in a tub of water, replace on the reel and tighten the drag fully down.  Now pull on the line.  If the spool stays stationary but the line moves, it's slipping on the spool.  I had this happen to me once when I started using braid- it was a lesson learned the hard way!


Posts: 38

Date Joined: 08/02/10

possibly oil [wd 40 etc] on

Tue, 2015-06-02 18:52

possibly oil [wd 40 etc] on drag washers if so clean washers and all should be fine.

BarraSlayer's picture

Posts: 287

Date Joined: 14/04/14

 Cheers Guys... haha

Tue, 2015-06-02 19:12

 Cheers Guys... haha Browndog!!!

Definately not braid slipping, makes a soumd when the line gets pulled off (light ratchet sound), so its mechanical. Will have a look at washers.

Didnt want to qait time to send it back to shimano under warranty.



honsu chin's picture

Posts: 2086

Date Joined: 20/09/05

Warranty void

Tue, 2015-06-02 21:28

 If its a relatively new reel, do not open it yourself as that will void the warranty. Best to send it back or see your nearest tackleshop for a diagnosis or advice.
