Stacer 6.49 Ocean Ranger
Hi all,
I was hoping to go have a look at a new Stacer 6.49m Ocean Ranger and I was hoping to get some people's opinions and views. I do a lot of drift bottom bashing and some diving during cray season when the sharks aren't so friendly. I'm hoping to go further out than what I do with my current boat. I have seen one or two reviews on the hull and they seem to get a good review but just want to know from people that actual fish from them.
From the pictures, it doesn't look like it has much freeboard if that's the correct term. Not too sure if it's a pro or a con to have low sides.
I would like to know how they go in following seas?
How do they go when fishing off of one side of the boat when drift fishing? Do they have a lot of lean or are they pretty stable at rest?
Do they have any build quality issues?
How do they go out wide when it gets a bit lumpy?
Just any infomation on if they are good or bad.
ace rimmer
Posts: 187
Date Joined: 19/08/13
quintrex millenium hull
I think you should test drive a Quintrex before you make a decision as I have been on a couple with the Millenium hull and thought they ride OK.
For the price of a new Stacer you could get a good secondhand Fibreglass boat with a 4 stroke which would absolutly kill it for ride quality cheers ACE
Posts: 6
Date Joined: 13/12/11
Stacer 649
Hi Ken,
Got a Stacer 649 Ocean Ranger myself. Without doubt the best boat I have owned, and I've had a few. It is built like the proverbial "brick shithouse" and feels extremely safe on the water. I have had it for almost 12 months and could not be happier. Yes, they're not exactly cheap, but you get what you pay for. I have had 4 different Quinnies over the years (yes I like them too) but the Stacer is (IMO) better built. They are built by the same company at the same factory, but I would go the Stacer everytime. It is solid on the water, and is very forgiving in any conditions. Mine is fitted with a 150hp Merc 4stroke and goes like a rocket. Cruises beautifully at 23knots and around 38 flat out.....which is pretty rare in WA. One thing I must add, if you are considering buying one, make sure it is the updated version. The first version that was released had the fuel tank (160 li) too far aft, which made them a bit twitchy in a following sea. The new version has the tank just forward of mid ships and it has improved the handling 100%. If you require any more info, send me an email and I will give you my phone number, we can have a chat. PS. the picture is of my previous rig....a 580 FI glass Lightning.
Posts: 659
Date Joined: 28/05/10
sons got one , rides ok ,nothing special,my biggest complaint would be not enough deck space /- everything is crowded ,had a short aerial scratching to find space where -how to fit a larger one,imo its a 60% pleasure boat 40% fishing boat to each their own i guess , best is to view a few and get a feel & then make a decision