Spinning Reels

 What is a good spinning reel that has a good line cappacity about 500m of 30lb braid or more at a reasonable price.

mjohns's picture

Posts: 337

Date Joined: 11/01/07

penn 950

Thu, 2014-04-10 15:42

penn 950

psion's picture

Posts: 424

Date Joined: 15/05/12


Thu, 2014-04-10 15:51

Depends on what you call a reasonable price.

Penn fisher 850 -950

saragosa -

exceler -

Catalina - Diawa


Saltiga surf -

all good reels:

Value for money, may just be the gossa

woftam's picture

Posts: 63

Date Joined: 06/04/14

I have a 4500h Diawa

Thu, 2014-04-10 16:48

I have a 4500h Diawa Saltist,with 400m of 30lb on it.
Very solid reels a tad heavy compared to other brands.Can get them under $300 ,the 6500 would easily hold what your chasing'

Posts: 465

Date Joined: 06/02/14

 12 inch handline should do

Thu, 2014-04-10 17:50

 12 inch handline should do the job for you. See if you can treat it with some respect.

Posts: 2086

Date Joined: 16/05/09

Surprised he has the balls to

Fri, 2014-04-11 09:22

Surprised he has the balls to put a post up

AuzzieFisha's picture

Posts: 29

Date Joined: 28/01/14


Thu, 2014-04-10 17:59

 i allready have handlines thanks for reply any way it was much appreciated.

AuzzieFisha's picture

Posts: 29

Date Joined: 28/01/14


Thu, 2014-04-10 18:00

 thanks for the replys most were helpful.

Snags's picture

Posts: 558

Date Joined: 07/05/09

What's reasonable!?!?

Thu, 2014-04-10 18:44

In my definition of reasonable which others haven't mentioned:
Fin nor offshore
Shimano Spheros

Vinesh87's picture

Posts: 2751

Date Joined: 02/04/11

Can't beat a Saragosa!

Thu, 2014-04-10 18:54

Can't beat a Saragosa! Spheros is the old workhorse for sure!

Posts: 360

Date Joined: 06/02/14

 hahaha shimka wat a champ

Thu, 2014-04-10 19:21

 hahaha shimka wat a champ

cobia15's picture

Posts: 300

Date Joined: 04/01/12

have a look at the pflueger

Fri, 2014-04-11 18:44

have a look at the pflueger salt, strong and cheap.



Posts: 16

Date Joined: 01/01/70

 hahaha, shimka

Wed, 2014-08-27 14:01

 hahaha, shimka

AuzzieFisha's picture

Posts: 29

Date Joined: 28/01/14

kingfisha your comment was about 6 months late

Thu, 2014-08-28 10:43

 kingfisha your comment was about 6 months late