Spearfishing in the River
Submitted by Jackfrost80 on Sat, 2014-12-27 19:16
Why is it banned? Is it because of the volume of boats?
Officially off the Pies bandwagon
Fisher Kid
Posts: 358
Date Joined: 16/10/12
100% not allowed. I believe
100% not allowed. I believe the reason is they want to protect the ecosystem, and its "dangerous" there are more people about in the river who could get hurt. I kind of agree but maybe just have no go zones?
Fishing and catching are two different things. But i want to learn how to catch.
Michael Yoni
Posts: 604
Date Joined: 02/01/11
Email fisheries. They do
Email fisheries. They do have an email you know.
Posts: 8156
Date Joined: 07/05/12
The sand banks at Rocky Point
The sand banks at Rocky Point are full of plump whiting and there's heaps of nice drop offs around there that hold some big flatties too. Would be nice to float around a pick a few off but I suppose if they allowed that then there would be none left after a month as it'd get raped.
Officially off the Pies bandwagon
Daniel Y
Posts: 423
Date Joined: 30/09/05
Why would you need to email
Why would you need to email fisheries? Just read the rules, which are avaiable online and at nearly every tackleshop.
Page 46:
Posts: 8156
Date Joined: 07/05/12
The rules don't say why, just
The rules don't say why, just that you can't. I wanna know why you can go diving for crabs and prawns but can't spear a whiting or flathead.
Officially off the Pies bandwagon
Posts: 755
Date Joined: 29/03/13
why why
Spearfishing is too effective. The river is like a big breeding ground and plays an important part of ecosystem.
Down the Line
Catch the Experience
Posts: 8156
Date Joined: 07/05/12
Yeah but so is swimming
Yeah but so is swimming around with a dive tank and a welding glove picking up crabs. I can't see the difference between the two
Officially off the Pies bandwagon