Solo launch and retrieves

 Hey lads 

After a bit of help, I want to start going out fishing with my boy (3) a lot more and my mate that I normally go out with doesn't have the time. I have checked the search function and watched hundreds of videos on you tube, however I am not confident of driving my boat onto the trailer (don't even think my trailer is "drive on" capable). Does any one have any tips or even better a video on how to solo retrieve (and launch if you can - I did a launch on my own the other day nd managed OK but had to get very wet to do it) without driving on. 

PS - 19 foot pacemeaker with a 135merc, normally launch from Hillarys




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Sun, 2015-06-21 17:21

The only thing I can recommend is practice and lots of it. I know this probably doesn't seem like much help now but I launch and retrieve my boat (25' 6") and while not completely comfortable driving it on the trailer I don't have any problem launching or retrieving in the conventional manner. I have never been in a situation where somebody didn't offer help if needed and just wish the motoring community where half as courteous as the boating fraternity.

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 Peko, so do you do it

Sun, 2015-06-21 17:50


so do you do it without driving on? if so, I would love to cone and watch how you do it 

I know I will need to practice heaps before doing it on a Sunday morning, but I really have no idea where to start (other than driving on - heaps of videos on that.


Broady's picture

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Solo Launch Regularly

Sun, 2015-06-21 17:51

I don't drive on or off the trailer, never really needed too.  Got it that down pat now that even when I have someone with me its often easier to do it myself and I'm often in or out of the water before others on the ramp.  Boat is a 23ft Signature.

Agree practice is pretty important.  I have a rope that I hook onto the rear and front of the boat like most people, and I have also made up a short 8 foot rope wth a loop over both ends.  I pass the loop of the shorter rope over the end of the main rope before tying on and it acts as an extension - think of a y shape where two parts are attached to the boat and the short length forms the third leg of the "Y".  This allows me an extension to the main control rope when needed and gives more distance to climb around onto the jetty keeping the feet dry.  Hard to explain but I hope you get it.

The other major tip is to use the wind to your advantage where you can.  Much easier launching and retrieving a boat that is blowing against the jetty rather than away from it IMO.

I'd also pick your times to avoid busy ramps, takes a lot of stress out of it.  Sometimes means a bit of extra effort getting up earlier or coming back when its still a fantastic day, but a quiet ramp especially when your getting confidence up is a godsend.

All that said every now and then I do get someone asking if I need a hand (which is a nice change from ramp rage) which usually isn't needed.



z00m's picture

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solo launch

Sun, 2015-06-21 18:08

 Broady has it covered. Sheltered ramps like Hillarys are ideal for solo launching. 

I launch retrieve solo more often than not with a 21ft fibreglass boat and trailer with bunks, not rollers. Having control of the front and the rear of the boat is important when launching or retrieving. If you only have a rope on the front then the rear can often move just out of reach and you can end up sideways close to other boats which is not a good feeling for you or the other ramp users.

Not sure if I got lucky with my trailer as the boat floats off easy just before the back wheels of the car are in the water. I don't mind taking the legs for a dip when launching/retrieving, even in winter. When it's cold I have warm clothes to put on over the top after I am underway. With the Y shape rope I can walk the boat onto the trailer from the jetty when retrieving.

Taking your time and doing it once is always quicker than doing it multiple times.

Swompa's picture

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 I take my 19 foot pacemaker

Sun, 2015-06-21 19:19

 I take my 19 foot pacemaker out by myself quite often. Slips off the trailer easily and is a piece of piss to get back on by myself, just takes 30 seconds longer each time.

As Broady said earlier, more often than not, on the busy days, people will gladly help you to get you out of the way, and when it's quiet, just take it as slow as you need.

You just need to be OK with perhaps getting a bit of water up your legs to make sure the boat goes on the trailer properly though with mine, once the bow is on the keel rollers, I rarely have the stern swing away.


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 I use to launch and retrieve

Sun, 2015-06-21 19:33

 I use to launch and retrieve my 20 foot poly craft all the time. I use to drive mine on but it only had skids and no rollers so there wasn't much chance of it sliding off.

As Broady said use the wind to your advantage and let it blow the boat onto the jetty. Then just get your trailer as close to the jetty as possible then your boat should come up pretty straight and onto the rollers. One key thing imo is not to back your trailer in to deep so the arse end of your boat wants to float. 


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 Thanks Lads,Don't mind

Sun, 2015-06-21 20:37

 Thanks Lads,

Don't mind getting wet. So that's not an issue. I like the idea of the "y" rope. Not sure how you would be able to pull the back around though. Guess I will have to give it a go. Might need to do some maintenance on the trailer, as it doesn't come off too easily until the boat is nearly floating (has bunks on the side and rollers down the middle). Means the trailer is pretty deep to get it on and off. Makes it hard to get the keel to line up on the center rollers when trying to retrieve.


Thanks for the help/advice.  



Posts: 25

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 Thanks Lads,Don't mind

Sun, 2015-06-21 20:37

 Thanks Lads,

Don't mind getting wet. So that's not an issue. I like the idea of the "y" rope. Not sure how you would be able to pull the back around though. Guess I will have to give it a go. Might need to do some maintenance on the trailer, as it doesn't come off too easily until the boat is nearly floating (has bunks on the side and rollers down the middle). Means the trailer is pretty deep to get it on and off. Makes it hard to get the keel to line up on the center rollers when trying to retrieve.


Thanks for the help/advice.  



ranmar850's picture

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All of the above is good

Sun, 2015-06-21 21:41

 I launch myself all the time--previously with a Navigator 600, now a Swiftcraft Dominator, two very different types of trailer under them. The Navigator had the Ezi-Loader(?) springloaded v-roller setup at the back and keel rollers. Run your winch rope out to the length where you can just hook it onto the bow, with the winch in gear, then, once you have it hooked on and the bow in that vee, you are home and hosed, it will self align all the way. The dommie is on a fully rollered roadmaster, and is also a piece of cake if you don't back the trailer in too far. As Eziliving said you don't want the arse end to float. Try to avoid ramps with crosswinds, get the trailer close to the potoon/finger jetty if there is one.

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 I also launch/retrieve solo

Mon, 2015-06-22 00:26

 I also launch/retrieve solo with my Cruisecraft 685 as mostly Im with my kids, without driving on.

But funnily enough, I like the wind opposite to broady above, blowing OFF the jetty.
I also made some guide poles like many yanks use and use a rope bow to stern with some slack.

Have the winch rope pulled out already, let boat drift off jetty and pull it along onto the trailer, jump down from jetty and hook winch.

From there its just muscle on the winch handle.

But if someone can just hold the rope for a few seconds while you jump down and hook the winch its a little easier.


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carnarvonite's picture

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Mon, 2015-06-22 06:58

The trick is not to put your trailer too far in the water. The first lead on roller should be no further than 6inches underwater, that way you pull the bow on to it and hold the lead rope tight while attaching the winch rope, work you way back to the winch and slowly put pressure on to bring the stern of the boat directly in line with the centre of the trailer, once in line then crank it up.

Swompa's picture

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 Also agree with a couple of

Mon, 2015-06-22 07:53

 Also agree with a couple of other comments, I prefer my boat blowing off the jetty, and also the first roller just underwater.

worst case, once you have the bow clipped onto the winch rope, just have your stern line loosely tied to the jetty...just to prevent a proper stuff up and your boat becoming 90 degrees to the jetty.

davmor's picture

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 Dont worry about asking for

Mon, 2015-06-22 07:54

 Dont worry about asking for videos etc. Get down to a couple of different ramps and spend a couple of hours watching what others do. If you have any queries you just ask. Real life scenarios verses forum surfing.

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 I solo launch 90% of the

Mon, 2015-06-22 08:27

 I solo launch 90% of the time and its usually only when you have a strong cross wind/current on the ramp that its an issue. I usually have a rope on the front and the upwind side at the back. I usualy then get the boat resting on the first roller with a bit of tension on the winch rope to hold it there and the you can use your rope at the rear to get the backend straight (pull it upwind with the rope, or release the rope to let it drift downwind). 

Bryce Day's picture

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get a quick hitch for the

Mon, 2015-06-22 10:08

get a quick hitch for the boat and trailer, throw away all the rollers on the boat trailer and put skids on there, put a ladder on the bow of your boat that drops down.

tie boat to ramp then reverse trailer down hop back on boat drive it on trailer until you hit the quick hitch. Drop ladder down bow, walk up trailer hop in car and drive home.

only need 2 people when launching from beach (only to reverse trailer)

I reckon its all to do with the boat trailer! get a good one and your 99% done

You will be right

scubafish's picture

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Mon, 2015-06-22 10:13


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 Yup, EZY guide rollers are

Mon, 2015-06-22 10:17

 Yup, EZY guide rollers are awesome. Had them on my last monohull, solo retrieves were sooo easy. best investment you can make on your trailer.

Bryce Day's picture

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sorry don't agree! such a

Mon, 2015-06-22 10:41

sorry don't agree! such a small area to hit to get right noooo good! better off having the V the width of trailer then you can hit it anywhere any angle!

Swompa's picture

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 Where do you launch from,

Mon, 2015-06-22 12:33

 Where do you launch from, RJ?

hezzy's picture

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carnarvonite has it nailed,

Mon, 2015-06-22 13:19

carnarvonite has it nailed,
i use the same method ,
practice/experience over time will improve you
thing is to not be rushed/distracted and set up before you back down the ramp

wind factor never bothered me too much , as all ramps will face slightly different angles to the wind on any given day and time of launch or retrieve , swell/surge on the ramp was more an issue down here for me



OFW 11

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Retrieving at Two rocks marina can be a pain in the arse for

Mon, 2015-06-22 14:10

swell/surge. If the swell is 2m+ I find it lifts the boat up off the trailer just enough to make things difficult even though I make sure the first roller on the back of the trailer is only just below the water.

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I have found two things are

Mon, 2015-06-22 14:35

I have found two things are key. Have a go and don't panic. You see people get themselves in a flap at the boat ramp all the time, for what??
Follow canarvonites approach and as Hezzie suggests stay calm. My biggest concern is the little fella whilst this is all going on.

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solo launch and retrieve

Mon, 2015-06-22 15:32

I go solo fishing quite often and the best thing I did was I bought an electric trailer winch and put a long lead on the switch.Back the trailer down and then walk the boat in and attach the winch rope, then I can guide the boat as I hit the switch, works a charm. Winch cost about 350.



johno's picture

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 I like the looks of the Ezi

Mon, 2015-06-22 16:33

 I like the looks of the Ezi guide might have to look into it further.. I agree with many on the thread. I have alot of problems myself getting the Patriot on specially if the trailer is too far in.. makese more sense now reading everyones experiences :) thank you


Cockburn Power Boat Member (CPBA)


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I never had a problem getting

Mon, 2015-06-22 17:07

I never had a problem getting the vee of the boat between the rollers. I had mine at a much larger angle than the trailer in the video above, and I never drove it on. What I did like was that all I had to do was get it close to the rollers, and the roller lined up the boat, and kept it central.

Posts: 25

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 Swompa - Normally launch

Mon, 2015-06-22 19:38

 Swompa - Normally launch from Hillarys 


Thanks for all the advice

Posts: 25

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 OL TOM- little fella will be

Mon, 2015-06-22 21:00

 OL TOM- little fella will be in his car seat whilst all this is happening. His safety and well being is my number 1 priority in life

Brucesta's picture

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I'm a wind off the jetty kind

Wed, 2015-06-24 09:12

I'm a wind off the jetty kind of guy. i solo launch and retireve the 625 Cruisecraft myself.

I drive it on and off though, so i back down to my usual level, climb up onto the boat from the front, the spare wheel helps here, strat her up and put it into gear, i have my front rope there as a back up just in case but i now know how much throttle i need, ropes are already set and drive off and park it. reverse that coming in and i drive on very slowly, being sure to get the boat in the middle and i can reverse and come back up as needed to get it just right, drive up and hold the trottle, jump back down and whinch it up and put the chain on then get back into the boat and turn it off/lift the leg.

It just takes practice and is good to learn especially if you take the kids and wife out and she needs to wrangle them, it also means you don't have the baot ramp domestic when she whacks it into the jetty or doesn't listen...


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