..for "reasearch, and now crowdfunding to return 100,000 stolen baby fish backinto the sound after the spill/poisoning/farkup/bloom /whateva?
We are banned from fishing to protect the spawning snapper and these fakers net all the eggs? WTF is going on here?
This was in the news this morning?
More than 100,000 juvenile pink snapper will be released into the ocean off the southern suburbs in a well-timed counter to the Cockburn Sound fish kill.
The success of an Australian-first pink snapper hatching program has eased Perth’s on-edge fishing community.
In October, just weeks before the fish kill, Recfishwest, the Challenger Institute of Technology and Fisheries WA harvested hundreds of thousands of fertilised pink snapper eggs from the Cockburn Sound.
They attempted the same thing last year, but only netted about 2000 eggs.
Recfishwest chief executive Andrew Rowland said “the stars aligned” in October and the weather conditions helped them maximise the harvest.
The eggs were collected by towing a fine plankton net across the surface of the water near the spawning aggregation.
Mr Rowland said the project had taken on greater significance in the past few weeks.
“It’s been extremely coincidental and just really good timing,” he said.
“This was never intended to be a re-stocking activity, this was a larger scientific project around whether we could collect fertilised eggs and grow them.
“But I guess the original concept around the program was about future-proofing the pink snapper stocks.”
The baby fish will be grown to 5cm, marked with a specialised stain on a part of the fish for monitoring and released in early February.
That money will go towards fish food, tank maintenance, staining and disease testing.
“We’re seeking the support of the community given the sense of stewardship and concern over recent events in Cockburn Sound,” Mr Rowland said.
“The sense of stewardship and emotion was pretty extreme.
“It was a great thing to see so many passionate fishers and also community members that demonstrated a genuine care for Cockburn Sound.
“The community has put in a lot of hard work and sacrifice into working with Fisheries to protect those pink snapper over many years and I think they understand how important they are.”
The release of the pink snapper will coincide with a celebration at Cockburn Sound.
Any donations received after the $25,000 target will be used to repeat the program next year.
So you think this is a bad idea?, I personally think it's a great idea, the survival rate of the snapper in captivity through the larval stage is going to be higher than in the wild, netting the fertilised eggs removes the need to keep and condition the brood stock which in turn makes the cost per juvenile a lesser price, just my 2c
Not a personal attack but do you eat fish? Or even use bait?, 100 000 eggs would barely make 1kg, taking a mature female pinky for a feed or even having one eaten by a shark would have more of a negative impact on the whole ecosystem as opposed to netting 100 000 or even 200 000 eggs
Love how they took the eggs 100,000 of them.. o sh!t need money. What were they going to do with them without the required funding???
People playing with nature....
Dan, " playing with nature " Would we need to harvest eggs if the sound was not stuffed up by people playing with nature? IMO no point raising fry if the water issues in the sound are not fixed, release the fry / fingerlings where? and hope they come back to the sound come breeding time, if we have another event due to water quality then what was it all for?
I would like to see the water quality in the sound improve prior to any breeding program
Who cares what it costs for what or the fact that 100,000 eggs were taken, spawning and Jueveniles after hatching is the biggest mortality part of the whole breading process, once at 5cm these things will still get predation but the hardest part and biggest losses will be behind them.
Yes the culprits who killed all the snapper should be hit with the bill x 100 to do it all over again for the next 10 years, but if you go by what fisheries is saying it is very hard to send a bill to mother nature. If that were the case I am sure our bill from mother nature would be far higher.
And Wal, "People playing with Nature" WTF! Bridge to garden Island blocking water flow, sea grass destruction through cockburn cement dredging, hot water outfalls from power plant, super saline water outfalls from desalination plant, commercial harvesting of wild fish stocks, 6 or so commercial docks and loading areas through the sound, channel dredging, fish farms, rivers dammed reducing vital natural river flows, agriculture filling what water flows with pesticides, fertilisers and sediment as well as whatever else. Haha People playing with nature!
Its funny how people still blame a measly half tonne spill of conola, wake up to yourselves this has nothing to do with the fish deaths in cockburn sound it was just the easiest thing for hippies and weekend eco warriors to blame after reading only one article or seeing one thing on the news. Half a toone is litterally 10 wheel barrow loads so sweet F all. Are we to believe that this piss ant amount of grain is responsible for contaminating millions of litres of sea water. It has also been proven that it was due to an algie bloom nothing to do with the canola.
personally i think that its not that bad of an idea to collect eggs for hatching as it increases the survival rates, but maybe instead of public funding they should be utalising our license fees a little better for such a project
Anybody, diver/fisherman/etc, ever see a 5cm snapper in the open ocean? I've always thought that the young of this species spent their earliest weeks/months in sheltered waters...marinas/estuaries/inlets, and yes, places like Cockburn Sound.
Without being one who studies the lifecycles of fish, I can only assume these baby snapper are going to be released in areas that maximise their chances of survival.w
Yeah fisheries should work in a car park or oval somewhere and walk to all of their compliance inspections and court cases.
And it was paid for with our licence money to begin with, apparently it was a proof of concept, it cost $130,000 and probably was meant to let the fish go once they hatched not grown out to 5cm where survival will be much higher. It was done before the fish kill, it was just lucky that it was a success this year so that they have a back up plan to counter the deaths, could not have hoped for a better outcame really, I say good on them and taking up the fantastic idea to crowd fund them to get them bigger to ensure better survival, even better again, this way even shore based anglers and the greenies that have never bought a licence in their life can get behind it a support something worthwhile as well.
This project will collect
fertilised snapper eggs from spawning aggregations, culture these
eggs and release fingerlings back into the wild. If successful this concept could be used to
smooth out recruitment variability and ensure sustainability.
The project will:
protocols for egg capture.
Determine genetic implications of culturing snapper from wild
spawned and captured
fertilised eggs.
Develop otolith marking techniques for snapper.
Possible release of 100,000 snapper juveniles
If successful this egg collection
method can be adopted as a new fisheries management tool.
100 000 eggs - not a drop in the ocean. Massive mortality of "the plankton phase" leads to vast amounts of eggs and sperm release. Note a human male has 40 000 000 sperms per ejaculations.
BUT 100 000 fingerlings have a much greater chance of survival than the plankton stage which is what "bait" school fish feed on etc.
So not a bad move to provide a little extra biosecurity should a calamity hit the stock, and IMO a small price to pay.
All you negative bloody whingers should shut the fukin hell up. Some one tries to improve a tiny fraction of some fish survival chances and you have nothing better to do than sit in front of a computer and try take the piss out of em. Any improvement of survival for even 5 fish is a big step IMO, if 2 of those 5 fish survive that is a hell of a lot of eggs comin out of these 2 fish when they mature. I just donated a measly $30 and the way I see it is that that's 3 less drinks for me at the pub tonight sacrificed for the better good of a fishery I have been using occasionally over the last 10 years. Very small sacrifice for something that could go a long way. So for all you guys that think it's a waste of time, shut your whorish mouths and stop jamming that finger a "long way" up your own tight asses and try contributing to something positive for once in your miserable boring lives! Sorry for the language addz, don't care if I get my account deleted, just sick of piss poor attitudes deterring people from doing something they think is write. You guys (the negative ones) call yourselves fishermen or anglers, pfft all you do is rape and pillage and try to shut down the true fisherman that actually give a shit. Shame!
Hahahaha Yep early knock off for me. Just went and got some sun with some suds at the beach, how did you know lol :/ p.s kinda just noticed that crasny but with it being a small novel of whinging I may of jumped to conclusions. So yes that was directed at you cold feet.
For the last 4 or 5 years up in Broome the tafe up there have been running an aquaculture program where they caught a few big female barramundi from Dampier creek which is the creek in the middle of town and a few smaller males aswell and have been breeding thousands of fingerlings and releasing them back into the local creek and also supplying places like cone bay barramundi farm with fingerlings for the retail market.Since the restocking of Dampier creek the barramundi fishing there has been awesome not to mention the fact that some days you can hear the band at the pub while catching one or ten my best day is 11 Barra in 2 hours so I'm all for restocking the sound and collecting eggs but I think they really need to look at the big picture and prevention of this fish kill happening again pointless releasing all these babies if this shit happens again . Fisheries did the right thing in Broome and brought back the netting licences from the commercial fishermen in Roebuck bay that were causing the decline of the threadfin salmon and barramundi numbers in the bay and it's made a world of difference especially with the tafe program aswell so if something can be done about the effect the causeway is having on the water quality in the sound and a restocking program the fishery would recover in my opinion but we need the right people to push the right buttons to make the right people see where the problem is why it's happened .. If you no what i mean .. Sorry few beers an having a blab .. Lol
The main problem from keeping eggs from the same captive fish is that you lose genetic diversity (EG if the parents have a genetic fault it will be pass on to all the offspring?)
the last 2 years all the eggs have been captured wild by use of a plankton tow net. This very fine net is towed slowly near known spawning Snapper events around the full moon and new moons in specific locations.
Last year we managed to get around 300K of wild eggs which was a great win.
This year the 600K of eggs was achieved just south of Sulphur Rock on the Shale ground(Same school that Perished inside Careening Bay). Out of this number 100K of young survivors will be returned to the metro bio stock.
Hopefully most will survive to be able to return in around 6 to seven years to breed and add to the stocks.
Most Snapper will average about 100mm a year with the first 2 years in inshore waters (200mm). It has been shown they spend the next 4 to 5 years out in deeper water or over the shelf (Average spawn size 600 to 700mm Caudal Length).
Personally would like to see the Dye marked Juveniles released to Warnbro sound with the current unknown factors affecting Cockburn.
This could also help with the question of whether Cockburn and Warnbro fish stick to there own spawn grounds? If this is true it would be safe to say that Cockburn recovery will take a lot longer than expected with the loss it just suffered(Major School).
100,000 fish may be a small number to start with considering natural and unnatural(Fishing, Pollution) mortality but its a start!
I know the fish spawn in the sounds but the eggs/ larve get flushed out to sea and grow up elswhere. Why release the small fish in the potentially polluted sounds and not on the offshore reefs. Plenty of small snapper swiming around the reefs in the northern corridor and no industrial pollution??
PS: i might have an agenda there as i dont fish the south...Lol
Am I missing something in the article ? They don't even mention releasing them in the sound.
"The ideal release location would include sea grass meadows and low relief limestone reef off the south metropolitan coast."
Surely they have already worked out the best places to let them go as said in the quote above.
So here is the plan, lets raise 100,000 snapper from eggs, then shit what will do with them, I know lets raise some money to set them free. Sounds like a really switched on group of board members to me.
What the hell were they planning to do withem them? Get real people, happy to support a vision that ensures stocks for my grandchildren, not so happy when it appears things are not thought through.
Posts: 243
Date Joined: 11/06/07
Will they
be released back into Cockburn Sound? If yes, then I won't be supporting it.
Fishin for a feed and fun.
Cold Feet
Posts: 120
Date Joined: 04/08/15
WTF??? Steal 100's of thousands of Snapper eggs???
..for "reasearch, and now crowdfunding to return 100,000 stolen baby fish backinto the sound after the spill/poisoning/farkup/bloom /whateva?
We are banned from fishing to protect the spawning snapper and these fakers net all the eggs? WTF is going on here?
This was in the news this morning?
More than 100,000 juvenile pink snapper will be released into the ocean off the southern suburbs in a well-timed counter to the Cockburn Sound fish kill.
The success of an Australian-first pink snapper hatching program has eased Perth’s on-edge fishing community.
In October, just weeks before the fish kill, Recfishwest, the Challenger Institute of Technology and Fisheries WA harvested hundreds of thousands of fertilised pink snapper eggs from the Cockburn Sound.
They attempted the same thing last year, but only netted about 2000 eggs.
Recfishwest chief executive Andrew Rowland said “the stars aligned” in October and the weather conditions helped them maximise the harvest.
The eggs were collected by towing a fine plankton net across the surface of the water near the spawning aggregation.
Mr Rowland said the project had taken on greater significance in the past few weeks.
“It’s been extremely coincidental and just really good timing,” he said.
“This was never intended to be a re-stocking activity, this was a larger scientific project around whether we could collect fertilised eggs and grow them.
“But I guess the original concept around the program was about future-proofing the pink snapper stocks.”
The baby fish will be grown to 5cm, marked with a specialised stain on a part of the fish for monitoring and released in early February.
To complete the project, Recfishwest needs $25,000 in crowdfunding.
That money will go towards fish food, tank maintenance, staining and disease testing.
“We’re seeking the support of the community given the sense of stewardship and concern over recent events in Cockburn Sound,” Mr Rowland said.
“The sense of stewardship and emotion was pretty extreme.
“It was a great thing to see so many passionate fishers and also community members that demonstrated a genuine care for Cockburn Sound.
“The community has put in a lot of hard work and sacrifice into working with Fisheries to protect those pink snapper over many years and I think they understand how important they are.”
The release of the pink snapper will coincide with a celebration at Cockburn Sound.
Any donations received after the $25,000 target will be used to repeat the program next year.
Cold Feet
Posts: 795
Date Joined: 02/01/11
So you think this is a bad
So you think this is a bad idea?, I personally think it's a great idea, the survival rate of the snapper in captivity through the larval stage is going to be higher than in the wild, netting the fertilised eggs removes the need to keep and condition the brood stock which in turn makes the cost per juvenile a lesser price, just my 2c
cheers Yewie
Cold Feet
Posts: 120
Date Joined: 04/08/15
But what in the ecosystem needs to feed on these eggs..
..to keep the whole thing going?
Maybe the guilty party to the spill could fork over the $25K..?
Cold Feet
Posts: 795
Date Joined: 02/01/11
Not a personal attack but do
Not a personal attack but do you eat fish? Or even use bait?, 100 000 eggs would barely make 1kg, taking a mature female pinky for a feed or even having one eaten by a shark would have more of a negative impact on the whole ecosystem as opposed to netting 100 000 or even 200 000 eggs
Cheers Yewie
Cold Feet
Posts: 120
Date Joined: 04/08/15
link attached?
Cold Feet
Posts: 1385
Date Joined: 23/07/12
Love how they took the eggs
Love how they took the eggs 100,000 of them.. o sh!t need money. What were they going to do with them without the required funding???
People playing with nature....
More drum lines, kill the bloody sharks!
Posts: 629
Date Joined: 23/04/07
Lol Pete! People playing
Lol Pete! People playing with nature!!
What do ya think we do when we target breeding fish!!
Posts: 1385
Date Joined: 23/07/12
Dan, " playing with nature "
Dan, " playing with nature " Would we need to harvest eggs if the sound was not stuffed up by people playing with nature? IMO no point raising fry if the water issues in the sound are not fixed, release the fry / fingerlings where? and hope they come back to the sound come breeding time, if we have another event due to water quality then what was it all for?
I would like to see the water quality in the sound improve prior to any breeding program
More drum lines, kill the bloody sharks!
Michael Yoni
Posts: 604
Date Joined: 02/01/11
Damned if you do damned if you don't.
But $3500 for boat hire. That boat is it ... the QE2?
Surely advertising for a volunteer boat would not be that difficult.
Posts: 1200
Date Joined: 05/10/07
Ring the canola oil boys
i think we have found a suitable penalty for the canola spill
Posts: 256
Date Joined: 13/08/11
Who cares what it costs for
Who cares what it costs for what or the fact that 100,000 eggs were taken, spawning and Jueveniles after hatching is the biggest mortality part of the whole breading process, once at 5cm these things will still get predation but the hardest part and biggest losses will be behind them.
Yes the culprits who killed all the snapper should be hit with the bill x 100 to do it all over again for the next 10 years, but if you go by what fisheries is saying it is very hard to send a bill to mother nature. If that were the case I am sure our bill from mother nature would be far higher.
And Wal, "People playing with Nature" WTF! Bridge to garden Island blocking water flow, sea grass destruction through cockburn cement dredging, hot water outfalls from power plant, super saline water outfalls from desalination plant, commercial harvesting of wild fish stocks, 6 or so commercial docks and loading areas through the sound, channel dredging, fish farms, rivers dammed reducing vital natural river flows, agriculture filling what water flows with pesticides, fertilisers and sediment as well as whatever else. Haha People playing with nature!
Posts: 629
Date Joined: 23/04/07
Well said Sulo couldn't
Well said Sulo couldn't agree more!
Posts: 74
Date Joined: 25/04/10
Its funny how people still
Its funny how people still blame a measly half tonne spill of conola, wake up to yourselves this has nothing to do with the fish deaths in cockburn sound it was just the easiest thing for hippies and weekend eco warriors to blame after reading only one article or seeing one thing on the news. Half a toone is litterally 10 wheel barrow loads so sweet F all. Are we to believe that this piss ant amount of grain is responsible for contaminating millions of litres of sea water. It has also been proven that it was due to an algie bloom nothing to do with the canola.
personally i think that its not that bad of an idea to collect eggs for hatching as it increases the survival rates, but maybe instead of public funding they should be utalising our license fees a little better for such a project
Just get me back on the water
Posts: 1901
Date Joined: 03/05/08
"Released into the ocean".
Anybody, diver/fisherman/etc, ever see a 5cm snapper in the open ocean? I've always thought that the young of this species spent their earliest weeks/months in sheltered waters...marinas/estuaries/inlets, and yes, places like Cockburn Sound.
Without being one who studies the lifecycles of fish, I can only assume these baby snapper are going to be released in areas that maximise their chances of survival.w
Tom M
Posts: 661
Date Joined: 22/09/15
Why are our fees and or
Why are our fees and or peoples fines not paying for this rather than fancy offices and cars?
Tom M
Posts: 256
Date Joined: 13/08/11
Yeah fisheries should work in
Yeah fisheries should work in a car park or oval somewhere and walk to all of their compliance inspections and court cases.
And it was paid for with our licence money to begin with, apparently it was a proof of concept, it cost $130,000 and probably was meant to let the fish go once they hatched not grown out to 5cm where survival will be much higher. It was done before the fish kill, it was just lucky that it was a success this year so that they have a back up plan to counter the deaths, could not have hoped for a better outcame really, I say good on them and taking up the fantastic idea to crowd fund them to get them bigger to ensure better survival, even better again, this way even shore based anglers and the greenies that have never bought a licence in their life can get behind it a support something worthwhile as well.
Taken from Recfishwest website.
Posts: 328
Date Joined: 27/10/14
Raised 8k already in a
Raised 8k already in a couple of hours
Posts: 7006
Date Joined: 16/10/08
100 000 eggs - not a drop in
100 000 eggs - not a drop in the ocean. Massive mortality of "the plankton phase" leads to vast amounts of eggs and sperm release. Note a human male has 40 000 000 sperms per ejaculations.
BUT 100 000 fingerlings have a much greater chance of survival than the plankton stage which is what "bait" school fish feed on etc.
So not a bad move to provide a little extra biosecurity should a calamity hit the stock, and IMO a small price to pay.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
Posts: 658
Date Joined: 21/09/09
All you negative bloody
All you negative bloody whingers should shut the fukin hell up. Some one tries to improve a tiny fraction of some fish survival chances and you have nothing better to do than sit in front of a computer and try take the piss out of em. Any improvement of survival for even 5 fish is a big step IMO, if 2 of those 5 fish survive that is a hell of a lot of eggs comin out of these 2 fish when they mature. I just donated a measly $30 and the way I see it is that that's 3 less drinks for me at the pub tonight sacrificed for the better good of a fishery I have been using occasionally over the last 10 years. Very small sacrifice for something that could go a long way. So for all you guys that think it's a waste of time, shut your whorish mouths and stop jamming that finger a "long way" up your own tight asses and try contributing to something positive for once in your miserable boring lives! Sorry for the language addz, don't care if I get my account deleted, just sick of piss poor attitudes deterring people from doing something they think is write. You guys (the negative ones) call yourselves fishermen or anglers, pfft all you do is rape and pillage and try to shut down the true fisherman that actually give a shit. Shame!
big john
Posts: 8766
Date Joined: 20/07/06
Pub tonight?
I reckon your already well on your way dreamtime.
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
Jigs available online in my web store!
Posts: 7006
Date Joined: 16/10/08
LOL Mate
I think if you realy looked at the above post there is only 1 negative on there. The rest is all for it (basically).
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
Posts: 658
Date Joined: 21/09/09
Hahahaha Yep early knock off
Hahahaha Yep early knock off for me. Just went and got some sun with some suds at the beach, how did you know lol :/ p.s kinda just noticed that crasny but with it being a small novel of whinging I may of jumped to conclusions. So yes that was directed at you cold feet.
Posts: 2
Date Joined: 08/12/15
This is flying........
Up to $18k already......great to see so many people putting their money where their mouth is and supporting the fishery.
Broome lad
Posts: 191
Date Joined: 16/11/15
Fish restocking
For the last 4 or 5 years up in Broome the tafe up there have been running an aquaculture program where they caught a few big female barramundi from Dampier creek which is the creek in the middle of town and a few smaller males aswell and have been breeding thousands of fingerlings and releasing them back into the local creek and also supplying places like cone bay barramundi farm with fingerlings for the retail market.Since the restocking of Dampier creek the barramundi fishing there has been awesome not to mention the fact that some days you can hear the band at the pub while catching one or ten my best day is 11 Barra in 2 hours so I'm all for restocking the sound and collecting eggs but I think they really need to look at the big picture and prevention of this fish kill happening again pointless releasing all these babies if this shit happens again . Fisheries did the right thing in Broome and brought back the netting licences from the commercial fishermen in Roebuck bay that were causing the decline of the threadfin salmon and barramundi numbers in the bay and it's made a world of difference especially with the tafe program aswell so if something can be done about the effect the causeway is having on the water quality in the sound and a restocking program the fishery would recover in my opinion but we need the right people to push the right buttons to make the right people see where the problem is why it's happened .. If you no what i mean .. Sorry few beers an having a blab .. Lol
Posts: 629
Date Joined: 23/04/07
The main problem from keeping
The main problem from keeping eggs from the same captive fish is that you lose genetic diversity (EG if the parents have a genetic fault it will be pass on to all the offspring?)
the last 2 years all the eggs have been captured wild by use of a plankton tow net. This very fine net is towed slowly near known spawning Snapper events around the full moon and new moons in specific locations.
Last year we managed to get around 300K of wild eggs which was a great win.
This year the 600K of eggs was achieved just south of Sulphur Rock on the Shale ground(Same school that Perished inside Careening Bay). Out of this number 100K of young survivors will be returned to the metro bio stock.
Hopefully most will survive to be able to return in around 6 to seven years to breed and add to the stocks.
Most Snapper will average about 100mm a year with the first 2 years in inshore waters (200mm). It has been shown they spend the next 4 to 5 years out in deeper water or over the shelf (Average spawn size 600 to 700mm Caudal Length).
Personally would like to see the Dye marked Juveniles released to Warnbro sound with the current unknown factors affecting Cockburn.
This could also help with the question of whether Cockburn and Warnbro fish stick to there own spawn grounds? If this is true it would be safe to say that Cockburn recovery will take a lot longer than expected with the loss it just suffered(Major School).
100,000 fish may be a small number to start with considering natural and unnatural(Fishing, Pollution) mortality but its a start!
Posts: 914
Date Joined: 23/02/12
Is this the first time eggs
Is this the first time eggs have been collected and a restocking of snapper has been proposed?
Broome lad
Posts: 191
Date Joined: 16/11/15
They attempted to do it last year but only 2000 eggs were collected not sure what happened to them .
Posts: 672
Date Joined: 24/01/15
Why the sounds
I know the fish spawn in the sounds but the eggs/ larve get flushed out to sea and grow up elswhere. Why release the small fish in the potentially polluted sounds and not on the offshore reefs. Plenty of small snapper swiming around the reefs in the northern corridor and no industrial pollution??
PS: i might have an agenda there as i dont fish the south...Lol
Sometimes when the water is quiet, you can hear the fish laughing at you !
Posts: 283
Date Joined: 14/09/10
maybe all the snapper died
maybe all the snapper died of heartache, and the other marine life just gave into peer pressure
Posts: 2546
Date Joined: 03/03/11
Am i missing
Am I missing something in the article ? They don't even mention releasing them in the sound.
"The ideal release location would include sea grass meadows and low relief limestone reef off the south metropolitan coast."
Surely they have already worked out the best places to let them go as said in the quote above.
Posts: 672
Date Joined: 24/01/15
In the main article
If you go to the link Grant they still have to find those suitable sites.
Sometimes when the water is quiet, you can hear the fish laughing at you !
Posts: 179
Date Joined: 24/07/12
Now upto $26000
PB Dhu 850 mm Pink 820mm
Tom M
Posts: 661
Date Joined: 22/09/15
So here is the plan, lets
So here is the plan, lets raise 100,000 snapper from eggs, then shit what will do with them, I know lets raise some money to set them free. Sounds like a really switched on group of board members to me.
What the hell were they planning to do withem them? Get real people, happy to support a vision that ensures stocks for my grandchildren, not so happy when it appears things are not thought through.
Tom M
Posts: 7930
Date Joined: 13/09/05
They will be released in the northern end of Cockburn Sound around February next year.
"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."
Mr Wolf
Posts: 613
Date Joined: 18/09/13
I got 400 of the lil suckers
I got 400 of the lil suckers with my name on em, looking forward to chucking a plastic down their gobs one day.
Bewdey Fellaz
Posts: 71
Date Joined: 02/07/12
Hit the target
Happy to see they reached there target and my 50 bucks going to what I reckon is a good thing