Shore Catch Post 4 - Shredded Mulie Burley - Pot/Bucket/Cage Sizes?
We now have a lot of faith that our shredded fish products have market desirability. We are close to getting the right ratio of shredded mulies/salt/water to produce a good burley product with many different fishing applications. The freezing point has been lowered to give sufficient longevity, and the final trial will be tomorrow afternoon with the forecast excellent conditions.
It is just fine tuning now as the raw material (10mm x 5mm pieces of mulie) is a proven fish attractor – the product creates the scent of a bait fish massacre, brings in feeding fish but doesn’t provide enough for the bigger fish to get a feed. The image below is of the blocks that are coming out on an ocean trip tomorrow, for final testing.
The raw material can be moulded and frozen. We would like to supply it in a form the fits directly into “boat attached” burley buckets and the variety of other burley pots, both commercial and home-made. We have undertaken preliminary investigations, but Member input now would be really helpful and appreciated.
What size and shape blocks do you think are best to produce? I would expect there to be at least four products, or possibly more?
Your input and support is appreciated. Mick
High Quality Bait; Fish Based Burley; Specialist Fishing Products and Services; Showroom Unit - 65 Buckingham Drive, Wangara. 9409 5500.
Posts: 465
Date Joined: 06/02/14
90x300mm cylinders to fit
90x300mm cylinders to fit 100mm PVC pipe cages. People can buy as many 'logs' as they need & cut them down with a hacksaw if they need to. Good size to fit in most freezers to.
Posts: 108
Date Joined: 24/06/14
Yeah, this
Yeah, this
Posts: 422
Date Joined: 22/04/15
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Date Joined: 03/03/09
Standard berley bucket size
As per my earlier post (and put me down for half a dozen)
Posts: 457
Date Joined: 14/01/10
PVC Pipe - 10mm
I like the idea of having something that fits a the standard sizes of pvc pipe that way everyone could cheaply make a pot to suit your blocks.
I think they are 75mm, 90mm and 150mm
Fairly certain the transom berly pot on my barcrusher would take upto 100mm
Need to find a distributer in Rockingham too!!!
Posts: 914
Date Joined: 23/02/12
Hey Mick Ya'll still
Hey Mick
Ya'll still offering the 'bring your own burley and use your terminator mincer' for hire service? I have about 15kgs of frames and fish offal I would like minced.
Mick C
Posts: 608
Date Joined: 26/12/13
Haven't formalised it yet, but I am sure we can work something out.
Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it - LH.
Posts: 3916
Date Joined: 14/10/12
Mick, I was spruking your
Mick, I was spruking your gear to Getaway in Cockburn yesterday.....
Mick C
Posts: 608
Date Joined: 26/12/13
Shredded Mulie Testing Complete
Headed out yesterday arvo to test the shred blocks. It was a sounder party.
We probably landed 50+ fish for the session. It was a very mixed bag, with pinkies being the dominant species, and non-stop action. We released most fish and just kept some pinkies and baldies that were a bit worse for wear. I reckon we released at least 10 pinkies that were size – no real big ones and mostly in the 60-70cm range. The biggest sambo was about 15kg.
We already have orders for the product so are just about to manufacture the blocks for sale – they will be available next week.
Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it - LH.
Posts: 108
Date Joined: 24/06/14
Screw the mulies, how much
Screw the mulies, how much for the gps coords?
Posts: 91
Date Joined: 10/09/13
The 1.5kg round blocks fit
The 1.5kg round blocks fit nicely in the barcrusher burley pot