Shark Bay

Hi folks, sorry if this has been asked before.
The ground out from Denham between there and DHI.
Is it mainly sand bottom with weed patches, or is there reef/coral patches scattered in there as well ???
Taking a tinnie and if I can get away with just a sand pick then all good....
Thanks for your input.


Cheers & Stay safe

Posts: 563

Date Joined: 27/08/09

 There is some reef and coral

Wed, 2016-07-27 14:21

 There is some reef and coral around bar flats, and out from the Big Lagoon entrance....... but not a lot. A sand anchor will do.

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

Good coral around bar flats

Wed, 2016-07-27 18:36

Good coral around bar flats and hard ground around all those contours where all the markers are west of denham, picked up lots of Spanish flag, black snapper and pinks doing long longgg drifts through there, the ground seemed to be endless


Deckie's picture

Posts: 1296

Date Joined: 03/04/09


Wed, 2016-07-27 19:35

 Thanks fellas, looks like i will be taking both pics to increase my chances.

Thanks again for responding.....


Cheers & Stay safe