Seeking advice please
Submitted by Jdubya on Sat, 2014-06-21 09:47
Gday fellow fisho's.... Im heading to Perth in Sept/Oct for a bit of RnR and definitely fishing as much as possible. I'll be staying in CARRAMAR for one week. Is there any good spots close by that I can go to and try out?? What sort of bait and tackle would be the best if theres any good spots around?? I usually fish the Bayswater rowing club but that's ages away from where im staying. Any help and advice from all you LEGENDS would be great Cheers Mateys
Posts: 749
Date Joined: 22/08/12
Mindarie keys and Ocean reef marina are probably the
closest to Carramar about 15 min drive west to the coast.. Fish the ocean side of the rock walls with mulies for tailor, and snapper are in close now that the storms are here. In Sept/Oct snapper maybe gone out deep by then. Basic paternoster rig on long rod cause fishing off rocks with say 10kg line and some good heavy sinkers if its windy and swelly. For beach fishing I like Quinns beach there are three small rock groynes just north of Mindarie keys you can fish off of them or the beach in between, I prefer to fish off the beach on the left side of the third most northerly rock groyne. Plenty oy tailor sunup and sun down. Mulloway are caught there regularly usually at night on live baits. Lots of herring at all the spots above.