sea rescue

 not fishing related but for those that are involved with sea rescue units im curious if you have ever been stuffed around by DFAS or any of the other people in charge of these volunteer groups.

The reason I askis that kalbarri sea rescue was involved in a few coverups and dishobest dealings and sackings of a couple dedicated and long serving members and a couple of incidences including one where a member of the public died and due to the incompitence of the jetski operator at the time ciuld not be saved.

The president of the sea rescue. Mr barry kewell has been the one at the forefront of all the coverups and lies and now has been awarded sea rescue commander of the year for the state.

I am not whinging or trying to stir shit cause I have beeinvolved in this from the start with a cpl of good mates who were crusified at the stake for opening up the truth.

Where or who do you turn to when coveruups are defended byDFAS.POLICE.STATE INVESTIGATORS.

you are left nowhere to turn to.

I have watched a mate of 12years and longtime serving member of vmrin this state get thrown to the lions because he told the truth and now is a brojen shattered man with no one to help because the dpts that are there to I vestigate these claims dismissed all the evidence and claims to silence what I feel and have seen as a huge problem with not only this group but the dpts that run them.


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 Sounds like a story for 40

Wed, 2014-10-15 16:09

 Sounds like a story for 40 minuets or one of those type of shows, good luck.

uncle's picture

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wheres Howard Sattler when you need him

Wed, 2014-10-15 16:19

I'm not sure, if your sure you have a case one of these investitive tv shows maybe, local news show


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

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 I'm sure Paul Murray would

Wed, 2014-10-15 16:53

 I'm sure Paul Murray would take it up if there's a story, but I'de be careful naming names Tangles you open yourself up for defamation.


Love the West!

scotto's picture

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some biiiiiigggg calls there tangles...

Wed, 2014-10-15 17:15

 Always 2 sides to a story mate, but i wouldnt mind hearing more about this. 


As seakem said, watch the name dropping. I know first hand how that can end...

tangles's picture

Posts: 1367

Date Joined: 17/12/06

not fussed

Wed, 2014-10-15 17:50

 not fussed bout naming names mate. He can try but he will fail 

Thereis no 2 sides to story here boys just a small group of ppl that using the powers in charge have covered up lied defamed destroyed and laughed at a guy who was 100% dedicated to vmr rescue. Now a shattered man and ive been in the loop from the start so I knw whats happened cos I was interviewed by one of the investigators and nothing was acted on. The kalbarri purple circle used its corrupt influence here.

Scotto pm me nill give u my nr.



Swompa's picture

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 I was involved in a rescue

Wed, 2014-10-15 17:54

 I was involved in a rescue where a local sea rescue organisation refused to hand over medical supplies to a doctor, and when they handed over an oxygen bottle, it was empty.



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 Never had an issue with

Wed, 2014-10-15 19:42

 Never had an issue with them. 

Seems a whole lot easier to blame a bunch of guys that sacrifice a lot than to get off your arse and try and use your skills as a mariner to make a difference.


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

tangles's picture

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Date Joined: 17/12/06


Wed, 2014-10-15 20:05

 nfi dodgy. 

Of course youve never had anissue you dont knw the internals 

And mate I help out alot of guys who dnt knw the area weather coast rivermouth etcIm nit bagging vmr in general just this gutless ppl here that will do whatever they need to protect theirr own ass!

Dont bag me mate on what you have nfi about.

I applied to join vmr but was dealt the same bullshit as my mate. You wana knw nore pm but dont bag what you dont know


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Date Joined: 18/01/12

can vouch that Tangles

Wed, 2014-10-15 21:26

can vouch that Tangles willingly and constantly provides help, info, guiding etc for numerous people on here.

So Im prepared to give him the space to vent as opposed to the various blowins who have no history here just using the site to troll


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


uncle's picture

Posts: 9507

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your a whistleblower now tangles

Thu, 2014-10-16 07:27

looking forward to the real story


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

tangles's picture

Posts: 1367

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Thu, 2014-10-16 12:18

 tks paul.

Dnt get me wrong vmrin this state n aust do an amazing job and ppl put their lives on the line to save ppl in need but when u see a person hung out to dry because they wanted to address issues and then see their passion and what they have dedicated their time to destroyed and happn in front of you it guts you to the core.

N noim not a whistle blower but will stand by this person because I knw he has done no wrong.

The whole truth will come out but not by me but from  those involved.

Ive beeninvolved in things in the military that due to legislation prohibits me from saying stuff till I die but this is different and when the time comes will hopefully clear a persons name.

U stand by yr mates n when you knw theyve done no wrong you fight for them. That is our anzac spirit instilled in us.

Iceman's picture

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where to go

Thu, 2014-10-16 14:24

 If you really feel stongly about the issue I would contact the media in particular the news stations.

When we had the issue of DFES removing our insurance cover we contacted the media and they were all over it and we had it sorted within a week. The main reason for the cover up was probably due to DFES not wainting it to get out into the media and if a death involved the possibility of a claim against them.

The issue I see here is that if nothing is done about the problem people lives will be put in danger. We all make mistakes but we learn from those mistakes to ensure is does not happen again.

If an incident occurs in our group a sub committee is formed to investigate and report back the outcome. It is not a witch hunt or pointing figures just ensuring it does not happen again and see where we may need additional training.

Also you could go to the CCC - Corruption & Crime Commission - they have to investigate any reports.


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cover ups

Thu, 2014-10-16 18:04

I saw first hand a cover up when a decky on a bulky was killed when he was hit in the head by a mooring line that was released under tension at one our iron ore ports , and how do I know I was part of the investigation team it never sat well with me and let management know