sambo from sunday

Had a good day Sunday went out to check the pots got my 16 from there to Fads had a heap of fun with the dollies then come in closer and come up with this monster sambo did another drift and got another one a bit smaller all of which went back. Come in closer again and got a dhuie and a few black ass for dinner all in all a good day glad I went out.


 Take a fish boating.

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Hutch's picture

Posts: 2221

Date Joined: 21/04/13

  Nice haul, some good feeds

Tue, 2015-01-13 15:10

  Nice haul, some good feeds coming up

Posts: 6265

Date Joined: 26/04/14

 Nice looking slurry there

Tue, 2015-01-13 15:23

 Nice looking slurry there

Uluabuster's picture

Posts: 725

Date Joined: 12/12/10

Good haul there mate. Did the

Tue, 2015-01-13 16:15

Good haul there mate. Did the dollies take cubes ?

m.jamo's picture

Posts: 44

Date Joined: 15/04/14


Tue, 2015-01-13 16:50

 I take it cubes mean bait? i was using a silver blade lure there was another boat there using bait and he never even got a bite he was spewin looking over watching us hook up every cast. 


 Take a fish boating.

Paul_86's picture

Posts: 1449

Date Joined: 27/03/09

 Awesome day out mate. You've

Tue, 2015-01-13 16:28

 Awesome day out mate. You've ticked all the boxes in one trip

Posts: 345

Date Joined: 04/01/12

Nice catch

Tue, 2015-01-13 17:35

 Jesus - thats a big sambo

dkonig82's picture

Posts: 2091

Date Joined: 06/07/10

what a mint day. I want that

Tue, 2015-01-13 17:52

what a mint day. I want that esky full!


When asked by a non-fisherman 'how many fishing rods do you really need?' the correct answer is either:

n+1 (where n is the number of fishing rods you currently own); or

n-1 (where n is the number of fishing rods which would cause your significant other to dump you. 

scano's picture

Posts: 1247

Date Joined: 31/05/07

Hard life eh

Tue, 2015-01-13 18:39

awesome looking boat, fish, and future feeds there!!


good onya


just out of curiosity northern or southern fads? I thought there was still bugger all activity around there due to the water still being a little cold and the divers vs boat conflict at the fads?






S.Cotchin's picture

Posts: 138

Date Joined: 24/11/14

 great Haul there M.J pretty

Tue, 2015-01-13 19:34

 great Haul there M.J 

pretty good conditions out there 

Sambos not kept for cray bait?



Reel men smoke shimano's

Fisheagle's picture

Posts: 349

Date Joined: 04/02/12

Great Sambo!

Tue, 2015-01-13 21:52

Great Sambo - must have given you a decent tug?


Fisheagle Ed

Percula's picture

Posts: 274

Date Joined: 23/09/08

dolphin fish

Tue, 2015-01-13 22:19

Good work mate

I was out on the weekend and had the dolphinfish around the boat, could not get one to bite though!


Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Wed, 2015-01-14 08:10

Great looking esky!


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