Rod repairs

Does any on know of some one that can replace grips and reel seat on my rod ? Any help would be great .

Thanks Paul


Rugbynut's picture

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rod repairs

Sun, 2017-06-11 13:42

Paul d,
Bluewater Myaree do rod repairs. they have quite a bit of gear so should have what you need. Never used them so cant comment on price etc...

There is also always a guy on gumtree under fishing, who advertises his services. Might be worth a look?


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 Will you like to have a go

Mon, 2017-06-12 09:11

 Will you like to have a go yourself? There's a few guys like myself who know how and have done it for ourselves so can give you advice. Won't help if you're all thumbs but.

Walfootrot's picture

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Reel seat and grip, you will

Mon, 2017-06-12 11:12

Reel seat and grip, you will need to remove all the eyes to fit new ones, will cost a bit to do = full rebuild


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Rod repairs

Mon, 2017-06-12 11:27

 as walfootrot said rods are built from the butt up and new grips and seats can't be put on from the butt end the guides need to come off and unless it's a high quality blank then it's not worth it. 


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 Getaway Outdoors in

Mon, 2017-06-12 17:04

 Getaway Outdoors in Balcatta, they are doing a couple of rods for me, just eye"s $10 top & $35 bottom also seeing if the can repaire a broken rod.. 

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Tue, 2017-06-13 10:02

Bluewater did a good job on my old rod, looked better than new, wasn't cheep, however I am pleased.

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Tue, 2017-06-13 10:55

 Ive used ta bloke from gumtree before.

It wont let me paste the link here, but search for "Allans Fishign rod repairs" in gumtree

he was OK, and didnt charge too much.

As above, not sure about replacing grips and reel seats, but give him a call to discuss.



paul d's picture

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 Thanks For the info everyone

Tue, 2017-06-13 12:32

 Thanks For the info everyone .


The Saint's picture

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Tue, 2017-06-13 23:06


The Saint's picture

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Tue, 2017-06-13 23:05


Don't know what happened above, I'll try again................................

It is possible to replace a grip from the butt end, just a bit more stuffing about, you need to machine up a mandrill to suit the rod blank.

I've replaced a bottom grip using this method.

As mentioned above, it depends what the rod is worth (or worth to you) as to whether is is worth doing.