Robinson Sea Bream / Red Emperor
Submitted by tcarroll on Mon, 2015-04-20 13:00
Hi Guys,
Last year I headed up to Exmouth in July for the first time with the boat in tow. Without knowing any specific locations to fish we just headed out from tantibiddi and sounded around to try and find some ground. We managed to find some gently sloping ground in around 50m to 60m that produced a few good sized robinson sea bream along with some big spangled emperor and quiet a few trevally that became a pain in the backside.
I am heading up again this year in June and am looking to catch my first red emperor.
My question is, am I fishing the right ground to catch red emperor if I am catching these other fish or should I be looking for something else?
Any feedback is welcome!
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
If you are catching Robbo sea bream you are on or very near ground that will produce red emperor. Doesn't have to be real speccy ground, just little bits of rubble and coral
Posts: 269
Date Joined: 17/12/13
Thanks mate! Good to know
Thanks mate! Good to know that I might not be to far off the spot!
Posts: 1522
Date Joined: 09/03/13
absolutely agree with
absolutely agree with carnarvonite.
however if you are intent on the reds don't start fishing till 60m. you will certainly get them in 50m - 60m though more prolific 60m+
Rob H
Posts: 5819
Date Joined: 18/01/12
To be honest id rather have
To be honest id rather have Robbos!
Reds are beautiful tucker but Robbos are sublime, like baldies!
But as John said, they are usually around the same area
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The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
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Posts: 1385
Date Joined: 23/07/12
Your not wrong Rob, rather
Your not wrong Rob, rather sit there getting robbo's any day of the week, just wish they got upto 20kg.
More drum lines, kill the bloody sharks!
Posts: 269
Date Joined: 17/12/13
You are not wrong they were
You are not wrong they were brilliant eating!
It is just the novelty of catching a Red as much as anything else ;)
Posts: 7006
Date Joined: 16/10/08
Got plenty off reds of Dampier
And surprise surprise even got 6 ( 4 kept and the biggest was the last 2 but released
) on a ledge we called Snapper City in 8-12m of water. But as mentioned deeper definitely better. Just have to Skull drag like hell to beat the taxman, which I dont enjoy.
I would be very very happy to trade a Red spot for a Robbo spot anyday. If they were more common I would rate them Numero uno eating fish.
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cransy1 "And surprise
cransy1 "And surprise surprise even got 6 ( 4 kept and the biggest was the last 2 but released) "
can keep 3 reds or robbos each up north :)
Posts: 488
Date Joined: 03/08/07
We just got back from Exmouth
We just got back from Exmouth on Friday and got our fair share of reds
Not sure if it's just me but we have had more luck with the Reds out of Murions 50-70's most of the grounds that we have caught reds is fairly flat with hard bottom and we caught other species such as spangos and rankins. Definitely keep a close eye to your sounder and look for the flare ups. Bottom lock does help
Send me a pm if you need more info
Posts: 269
Date Joined: 17/12/13
Cheers Justin, I didn't
Cheers Justin,
I didn't venture to far last year due to it been pretty damn windy and not being super confident on the water as it was my first time up there and hadn't had the boat long!
I would be alright to get too the Murions in my 5.6m Quintrex Classic weather permitting?
Posts: 728
Date Joined: 03/02/12
Been there a few times in our 4.75m quintrex bayhunter but had some very shit times coming back. You know that feeling when you just want to be some place else.
Posts: 488
Date Joined: 03/08/07
As others have mentioned some
As others have mentioned some areas can become a washing machine with winds and tides going different direction, just pick your days and you will be all rite.
Posts: 269
Date Joined: 17/12/13
Thanks Guys, Presuming you
Thanks Guys,
Presuming you head out from Bundegi Boat Ramp?
Roughly how long is the trip up to the islands from there?
Posts: 488
Date Joined: 03/08/07
We launch from bundegi, not
We launch from bundegi, not exactly sure how far the islands are but most of our fishing is done 30-45km from bundegi.
Be aware bundegi boat ramp can be a nightmare if the surge is up
Cruise Control
Posts: 973
Date Joined: 03/11/10
There are areas of turbulence
There are areas of turbulence around the bottom of the Muirons, keep well clear as this can get quite nasty when you have wind and tides combining to make up a very short and sharp sea. It is marked on your chart.
Posts: 269
Date Joined: 17/12/13
Thanks for the heads up! I
Thanks for the heads up! I will be sure to keep an eye out if I get a chance to head to the islands :)
Posts: 703
Date Joined: 27/07/06
You really want to be
You really want to be fishing north of the islands to get away from the sharks. From bundegi heading on the east side of the islands you can find good water about 40km. Out the back of peak at the moment plenty of reds.
Other option is head about 30km south of tantas in about 80mtrs and you will find the reds. Better with a south easter in the arvo to have the wind behind you comming home.
Posts: 269
Date Joined: 17/12/13
That's great info thanks
That's great info thanks mate!