Refurbishing an old rod.

 G'day all, I'm thinking a giving my Sabre a face lift but how easy will it be to remove the old epoxy on the butt wrap and the runners?




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hey bro, never done thw butt

Sun, 2014-06-29 12:54

hey bro, never done thw butt wrap, but Ive replaced runners plenty of times, its easy as, just use a sharp knife, take it slowly and peel the old epoxy off, once you get a bit off and start getting to the winding thread you can almost peel the whole lot off by unwinding it, iff you get a good grip on a bit of the thread, itll unwrap and thatl take the epoxy on top of it with it.

just make sure to keep the blade faily flat along the rod so you dont slip and put any nicks in the rod blank, it probably wont hurt too much, but if the rod snaps with a fish on the line you'll always wonder......

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Sun, 2014-06-29 13:02

 Cheers for that mate, that's kinda what I was thinking.




"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

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Sun, 2014-06-29 13:09

Sent Mark a PM.
He is the guru