recipes for crays

have been enjoying some crays, just boiled in sea water with salad,yumo, time to try other dishes anyone got some nice recipes with noodles or similar, how do you like your crays done


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fish 06's picture

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popcorn crayfish

Mon, 2014-11-24 16:17

I do some of mine as popcorn, shelled raw crays cut into bite size bits rolled into panko crumbs and grated fresh parmesan,& shallow fried, the grand kids love them. The Indian Ocean Rock Lobster web site has a few recipes on there

Ben85's picture

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I think someone on this forum

Mon, 2014-11-24 16:20

I think someone on this forum put up a recipe for crayfish gratin the other day. I tried it and was very happy with it. Pretty rich meal though!

the other I just tried last night was to slice the raw tails up into 1-2cm cubes and fry on a hot pan with garlic, soy, wasabi and oil. bloody beautiful. good for a starter

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Mon, 2014-11-24 16:21



Dale's picture

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Mon, 2014-11-24 17:14

 You hit it right on the head there Sambo, I just about salivated all over my iPad.


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 I did that a couple of weeks

Tue, 2014-11-25 19:38

 I did that a couple of weeks ago with melted butter and plenty of garlic.  Let it sit for a while first. Then cooked them she'll side down on the open grill.  The solidified butter melted again and soaked right down into every corner of the shell.  Turned over last minute just to sear the top.

Bloody beautiful!


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uncle's picture

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Will be trying that one tomorrow night

Mon, 2014-11-24 17:43



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tot's picture

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There is another ripper in the FW vault

Mon, 2014-11-24 17:46

mango chutney cray - mmm mmmm

raw, remove tail and cut in half longways,
remove from shell then put back in,
apply generous amounts of mango chutney,
add pre cooked diced bacon,
top off with grated cheese,
line a baking tray with alfoil (make them in the tray is easiest)
cook in pre heated oven @ 180 for 12 minutes,
serve with fresh salad or ???

had it sat night and will again tomorrow night.


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sea-kem's picture

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 I pickled some the other

Mon, 2014-11-24 19:03

 I pickled some the other week Unc, just plain white vinegar and sugar. Having yummy chunks every day till I drop my pots lol. 


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Dale's picture

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Mon, 2014-11-24 20:49

 Yeah that's a pretty good way also Andy, great with a few beers. We used to pickle up huge jars of crays, mussels, octopus and what ever else. 


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sea-kem's picture

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 I'm hoping to do some Occy

Mon, 2014-11-24 20:54

 I'm hoping to do some Occy if I can get the pickle brew right Dale. Missus is very fussy and a good critic of mine lol.


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 Just tried the popcorn

Mon, 2014-11-24 20:22

 Just tried the popcorn lobster recipe using panko crumbs as per Fish 06's method. Bloody beautiful. 

Willy's picture

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 Instead of boiling in water,

Mon, 2014-11-24 20:34

 Instead of boiling in water, try steaming, you will never boil crays (or crabs, or prawns) again



sea-kem's picture

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 How long do you steam them

Mon, 2014-11-24 20:54

 How long do you steam them for Willy?


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Marineboy's picture

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Mon, 2014-11-24 21:35

yea im with you willie.

Steaming is very forgiving and it doesn't seem to dry them.

about 15 mins for a 76mm cray up to 35 mins for a jumbo andy.

also I put a dash of vinegar and lots of salt if it's not sea water.  


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sea-kem's picture

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 Awesome! Thanks Mark, I know

Mon, 2014-11-24 21:49

 Awesome! Thanks Mark, I know steamed veg brings out the full flavours so I imagine it will with cray as well. Now.... to catch some.


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if steaming why do you need

Mon, 2014-11-24 21:56

if steaming why do you need to put salt in it?


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Marineboy's picture

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Tue, 2014-11-25 11:40

 not sure you do rob but it's something I have always done. 


 My spots are so secret even the fish don't know about them !

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 I only mention it because

Wed, 2014-11-26 20:24

 I only mention it because the steam is pure fresh water, salt not carried in it


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Notorious's picture

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Mon, 2014-11-24 20:41


grantarctic1's picture

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Take one cray tail

Mon, 2014-11-24 21:57

 Take one cray tail, the skinned legs of an octopus and one Ablone. Chuck them thru a meat mincer with some garlic,ginger,salt and pepper. Add a small amount of flour to the mix, then push it into an ice cube tray and freeze.

Pop out the cubes, dip into beer batter ( or bread crumb ) and deep fry for a few minutes untill golden brown. 

I used to make up lots like this and cling wrap the ice cube trays so they would store for a while. Then just pop them out whenever i was hungry for some seafood. 

sea-kem's picture

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 That sounds like a good

Tue, 2014-11-25 06:28

 That sounds like a good mixture for my home made ravioli Grant 


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ginger goes well in any bbq

Mon, 2014-11-24 21:57

ginger goes well in any bbq cray recipe


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Uluabuster's picture

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I tried steaming mine Chinese

Tue, 2014-11-25 09:25

I tried steaming mine Chinese steam fish style.

  1. Split the tail lengthwise, marinate lightly with pepper. Prepare on a separate bowl some soya sauce + a pinch of sugar.
  2. Steam cray tail for 7-9 minutes depends on sise

  3. Fry garlic & onions in oil till golden brown with general amount oil left over.

  4. Once cooked, remove from steamer and pour the garlic, onion + oil mixture over the cray.

  5. Then pour soy + sugar solution over the cray.

  6. Garnish with chopped corriander and serve over a bed of steam rice.



hlokk's picture

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I'm pretty lazy in that my

Tue, 2014-11-25 10:25

I'm pretty lazy in that my recipes need to be easy, but then I also want it tasting awesome (so fancy and simple :P), so here are my favourite ways:

1. White wine sauce
Cut the tail into cubes, fry some fresh chopped garlic with some butter in the pan, chuck the cray in, wait a little, splash a bit of white wine in and let it cook off a little. Then add the lid til almost done and chuck in some cream and wait til it bubbles. Then put over pasta. OMG, so good.

2. Baked
Put some garlic, butter, cheese and bacon on a half cray and pop in the oven on grilled. I really like using prosciutto or jamon Serrano and gruyere cheese (seriously, try it with gruyere, its the best baking cheese ever!).

3. BBQ.
Everyone knows all the recipes. Garlic butter always a favourite. But also, super simple, use some sweet chilli, or use some kecap manis (quite surprised just how good this one was), or some teriyaki sauce.

4. Salt and pepper.
Salt and pepper like squid. Soooo goood. Tastes really sweet.
For the "popcorn" style, try potato flour, it really crisps up (closer to popcorn chicken than the panko, but I love my panko).

5. Super easy curry.
Dice the cray tail. Put three spoons of green thai curry paste in a pan (a good brand really makes a difference). Smear around and let cook just a little then chuck the cray on. Cook til done. Then just chuck in a tin of coconut milk and let it warm up and then just add rice. So easy.

Never really been much of a fan of steaming or boiling unless its chilled with thousand island in a crusty bread roll.

If pan frying cray, as with all seafood, slightly underdone is better than slightly overdone!

hlokk's picture

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Couple of preparation

Tue, 2014-11-25 10:23

Couple of preparation tips:

1. Ice slurry the crays. It makes it heaps easier to separate the meat from the shells. As said before, pulling out the meat then putting it back in when grilling or BBQing makes it easier. If doing an oven bake, you can dice it up and put it back.

2. Everyone probably already knows this one but to separate the tale, cut the clear "skin" between the carapace and the tail, top and bottom (just a nick is fine). Grab the tail and twist clockwise then anti-clockwise then back clockwise to pull the tail out with all the meat from inside the carapace too.

3. Again, everyone knows this, but the feelers can be used to remove the poo chute (although I usually just peel off when I split them). You can also stick a bit up the clacker and twist it round instead of feeding it the whole length.

4. If you're using the tail meat, you can use the shell of the tail, or even better the horns and the legs make awesome flavouring for rice, pasta or try it when cooking risotto. Risotto with a vegetable stock infuses the cray into the stock and also the stock into the cray (so delicious eating the horns when done as they've soaked the stock in).

crasny1's picture

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Yum to lots above.Also try

Tue, 2014-11-25 13:56

Yum to lots above.

Also try 2cm squires off cray, Tempura batter, high heat. Deep fry 2-3 mins only. Then Quality Soy, Wasabi and maybe ginger. Just dip in and drool.

Or Just plain Cray sashimi - you have to try this once and youl be hooked.


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sarcasm0's picture

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Lobster Bisque

Wed, 2014-11-26 16:19

 This one is pretty good, note - probably a good idea to do this one on a weekend, I did it one night after work and we ended out eating at about 11 with the missus having a kip before dinner.

Also - really rich dish probably want to have this in small portions with the cray tail and crusty bread.

Posts: 401

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Cray ravioli

Thu, 2014-11-27 03:32

 Mince crays add lots of cracked black pepper a touch of salt, dill and lemon zest. Put this into your home made pasta. Sauce, fry onions, chilli, garlic until brown add home made fish stock and reduce, once reduced add cream. Put this on the ravioli or if you dont have time for the sauce just squeeze fresh lemon and some melted butter on it.

sea-kem's picture

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 Good one Decella, I make a

Sun, 2014-11-30 16:00

 Good one Decella, I make a lot of home made pasta and have been looking for a good cray ravioli recipe. Cheers


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uncle's picture

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tried some stir fry with noodles, last nite,very nice

Thu, 2014-11-27 19:29

had the cut in 1/2 barbecue garlic butter type tonight also nice, but for the missus and I its back to boiled in sea water, simple tasty and easy clean up[old school I guess]and much more flavour! opps also tried the horns and legs for rice.


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boonmack's picture

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ive been removing them from

Fri, 2014-11-28 20:17

ive been removing them from shell,
then wrapping chunks in bacon or pancetta ,
skewer or stick of rosemary leaves removed to secure bacon then barbecue in oil and butter.
pretty good


wish I was fishing

boonmack's picture

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also after morning pull of

Fri, 2014-11-28 20:19

also after morning pull of pots a good breaky dish.
remove from shell and use to fill an omelette,
add some cherry tomatoes and chives etc.


wish I was fishing

big john's picture

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Pickled crayfish

Sun, 2014-11-30 15:07

Anybody got any good recipes for pickled crayfish?


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sea-kem's picture

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 I did some the other week

Sun, 2014-11-30 16:03

 I did some the other week BJ. Just plain white vinegar and plenty of sugar to taste. Pretty bloody good!


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big john's picture

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Sun, 2014-11-30 16:09

Did you boil the Crays first?


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sea-kem's picture

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 Yes mate.

Sun, 2014-11-30 16:47

 Yes mate.


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jayce's picture

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I havnt done crays but have

Sun, 2014-11-30 16:11

I havnt done crays but have pickled my share of yabbies.

This is a rough guide of what i use as it changes in every jar.


Apple Cider Viniger or White Viniger

Bit of Brown Sugar

Bit of Honey

Plenty of Chilli

Couple of Cloves of Garlic. Leave them whole so you can eat them aswell.

Sometimes a bit of lemon juice aswell.

Some Parsley and Other herbs chopped up.


Might not be everyones cup of tea but that is generally what i use and dont get many complaints with yabbies. Hopefully will be able to get some crays on the weekend to try it with.


Cheers Jayce

big john's picture

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Shelf life

Sun, 2014-11-30 16:44

Whats the shelf life like in the fridge Jayce? 


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Vinesh87's picture

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Yep, trying that one next

Sun, 2014-11-30 17:04

Yep, trying that one next week haha.


Shelf life should be good?

jayce's picture

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Shelf life isn't very long if

Sun, 2014-11-30 19:29

Shelf life isn't very long if someone finds them.

I have had some in the fridge for 4 months and they are still fine.

big john's picture

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Sun, 2014-11-30 19:31


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

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Vinesh87's picture

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I just want to add if you do

Sun, 2014-11-30 17:03

I just want to add if you do the Garlic butter BBQ in shell crayfish which is probably my favourite you need to buy a weber. Don't know why but they taste even better and jucier haha


Another one i have been doing a bit off it remove shell, remove skin, straight into a cryo bag with a few different ingredients be it garlic/butter or Lemon/dill/butter


Into the Sous Vide machine and done in 45min. Can be put straight onto rice or onto the grill for a touch up what ever you prefer but be warned it will actually melt in your mouth like butter!!

uncle's picture

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my daughter did some

Mon, 2014-12-01 19:11

crayfish mornay vol au vants, I'm sold for something a bit different very nice


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

sammy85's picture

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 Popcorn cray is out of

Thu, 2014-12-04 07:08

 Popcorn cray is out of control. Had some last night knocked everyone away with a dip in some garlic aolie 


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