Recfishwest joins Rex Hunt toKeep Australia Fishing


29 June 2012
Recfishwest joins Rex Hunt to
Keep Australia Fishing
Recfishwest and Rex Hunt have formed an alliance to keep Australia fishing.
WA’s recreational fishing peak body and the popular fishing personality have come together
to fight politically motivated anti-fishing campaigns such as the one which led the Federal
Government to impose its recently announced Marine Park plans.
These efforts are in support of a new national recreational fishing advocacy organisation,
Keep Australia Fishing, established today which is urging the government to reconsider its
marine park proposals and allow Australians to engage in sustainable and well managed
recreational fishing.
Rex Hunt is outraged the Federal Government has locked out recreational fishers from vast
areas of Australian waters for no good reason.
“We want and expect good protection of our marine resources but Aussie anglers just don’t
accept being locked out when there is no reason given,” he said.
“These lock-outs set a dangerous precedent. Acceptance of these no-fishing zones without
any scientific backing or justification means anglers could well face more lock-outs in the
Rex Hunt said recreational fishing should be embraced rather than restricted because it
brought significant benefits to urban and regional communities on top of being an important
part of Australia’s great lifestyle.
Recfishwest chief executive officer Andrew Rowland said Keep Australia Fishing had the peak
body’s full support and was pleased that Rex Hunt was spearheading the initiative.
“We are asking the Federal Government, in particular Environment Minister Tony Burke, to
seriously reconsider the Marine Bio-Regional Planning Process in the context of marine
reserves for recreational fishers,” Dr Rowland said.
“The decision to lock us out of key areas fails to recognise the conservation measures
currently practiced by the recreational fishing community and these lock-outs fly in the face
of discussions and negotiations held with the federal government during the past five

pricey10's picture

Posts: 486

Date Joined: 07/01/12

good to see they have joined

Sun, 2012-07-01 09:46

good to see they have joined forces! and for the people that have not yet signed on to the campaigne please do so, it only take a minute and its free they need numbers. enviromentel groups tried to do it in NZ to the Great Barrier Island but the voice of the public was to strong and the end result was good for rec fisherman and the enviroment!

So for the people who think there input is gonna mean nothing against the politicts dont cry to me when your LOCKED OUT!


Karratha. WA

joe amato's picture

Posts: 731

Date Joined: 21/12/08

look for the link on facebook

Sun, 2012-07-01 11:34

 look for the link on facebook,i have already signed up and i have put up a few links on my profile on facebook,rex is very well spoken in this campain,also i have put up a link about pew ,about how they cannot make marine parks in america and the gulf of mexico because of ecconomic reasons over there,but they can convince our guttless goverment to do it here,if you want to read this find myself on facebook or even on fishwrecked on facebook,anyway im disgusted at our goverment and the greens in this country like every fisher person ....................