Ok, so the wife and i decide to have a drive along Myalup beach North late yesterday arvo ... there were quite a few vehicles on the beach and some that had clearly been there for several days  .. on the way back we found a campsite, that previously had people at, left abandoned with all the rubbish, tarps, burnt out weber BBQ, crab nets and ropes (all twisted and cut up), floats and crap all below the high tide mark and a huge blue plastic tarp (partly burnt and full of holes), left partly buried up in the sand dune. We gathered up what we could to take back off the beach to dump and then looked at the travel camera and identified the people responsible and low and behold got  clear footage of the 2 vehicles involved. We got back to Myalup carpark, inflated the tyres and headed back to the highway. Just before getting there, 2 vehicles pulled out in front of us  .. guess who .. the dirty, shameful, B*%"RDS that we had just cleaned up for ... I couldnt catch them before they turned left heading towards Mandurah (we turned right to head home), but the missus got a good photo of the pair along with rego ... 

So to the young pair that did this .. why the F$&K would you leave the beach in such a way? Where the hell is your moral responsibility? Why the hell couldn't you clean up after yourselves? Why the hell come to a beach to despoil it for others? You can clearly afford to own a shiny silver Landcrusier with all the trimmings and a tray back with so many extras and 3 fridge/freezers in the back but where is your logic in the way you live and treat 4x4 areas ?  We have your rego and video footage and will be passing it on to the local Ranger and whoever else wants to get in on the action of finding where you live and hopefuly prosecuting to the full extend of the law. It's people like you that are the ruin of everybodies enjoyment both for fishing, enjoying the outdoors and offroading. There is no place in society for the likes of you!

There .. I have had my rant .. now I will use my rubbish tip pass to get rid of your rubbish (shame on you)!


sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15034

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Flogs everywhere mate,

Mon, 2020-03-09 10:23

 Flogs everywhere mate, driving home past the Wilbinga parking area some P plate dick in a 4WD doing doughnuts with the dust literally blinding the rd. I had to stop as did other cars as it was too dangerous to drive through. They need a good bitch slap. 


Love the West!

Spicey's picture

Posts: 219

Date Joined: 17/01/11

Responsibility shouldn't have to come with age.

Mon, 2020-03-09 10:26

 Hey Timbo, 


I too have seen some young blokes leaving rubbish on the beach after camping north of Perth along with one guy who ripped out a small coastal bush that was still growing to drag it down to the beach behind his car then leaving it in the middle of the beach then next day after a failed attempt to burn it. 

I'm not saying all young beach users are irresponsible but it does seem that people tend to be more responsible as they get older. I hope the Ranger can use the info you give him to sort these guys out and stop them from doing it again in the future. 

Our coastline is fragile enough and needs to be looked after otherwise we will loose access to even more of it. 

Posts: 77

Date Joined: 16/02/19

 OMG you;ve got me started

Mon, 2020-03-09 10:40

 OMG you;ve got me started ahhhh ..

it's just unforgivable ... I want to be able to take my Grandkids along the beach .. but at this rate I can see the beaches being closed. Another thing that makes by blood boil are the clowns who think it best to "NOT" deflate tyres and then cause 10km's worth of corrugations along the beach ... the clouds of diesel, the spinning of tyres, bouncing, bouncing, bouncing and the occassional bogged fool and they still dont get the message or understand. They can afford the latest and greatest of everything but can't be bothered to spend 10 minutes (yes 10), pumping up tyres. On the way back along the beach yesterday a bunch of 4x4 warriors with their shiny ford raptors and dmax's all parked in the middle of the track to camp ??? the vehicles trying to then get around them having to drive uphill in powder sand and meanwhile these clowns are oblivious to it all ... I think an IQ test is needed in some instances. There are plenty of places to set up camp without damaging the dunes, parking in the middle of the tracks and still avoid high water .. I've been doing this all my life and this is as bad as I have ever seen it. If there is a volunteer Ranger brigade I would gladly become a member .. there would be a number of "banned for life" tickets issued

Posts: 36

Date Joined: 06/04/18

Not airing down

Mon, 2020-03-09 15:54

I see this at White Hills a fair bit, people driving off the tarmac straight onto the corrugations leading into WH, then turning left at the bottom and pedal to the metal to get along the soft sand. Me and the wife went down there last week, got in early and the track wasnt to bad, no bad corrugations and we just floated along at 17psi to our spot.

Later in the arvo once more and more people had come in, heading back to the entrance/exit the corrugations were terrible! Boucing along the whole way back! People need to learn how to drive properly

Posts: 1522

Date Joined: 09/03/13

 once you pass the footage on

Mon, 2020-03-09 11:25

 once you pass the footage on to the ranger.  Im sure he will pass it onto police and who knows.  that video is out there now and only a matter of time before it ends up on youtube.  

Brock O's picture

Posts: 3256

Date Joined: 11/01/08

Hope they get named and

Mon, 2020-03-09 12:22

Hope they get named and shamed...Serious mental issues to take the gear down there to enjoy but leave it in ruins.

Well done on the clean up Timbo!

woody's picture

Posts: 617

Date Joined: 27/02/08

 Put their regos and vehicle

Mon, 2020-03-09 12:30

 Put their regos and vehicle descriptions on here Timbo, someones bound to know them and give them an extra serve as well.

Swompa's picture

Posts: 3904

Date Joined: 14/10/12

 I picked up a bag of other

Mon, 2020-03-09 13:06

 I picked up a bag of other people's crap at Wellington Dam yesterday. The amount of smashed glass is horrendous.

The photo your wife got needs to be posted all over the internet.

still trying's picture

Posts: 1071

Date Joined: 27/06/17

 I cleaned up someone's

Mon, 2020-03-09 13:14

 I cleaned up someone's rubbish pile afew years ago and scored a leatherman at the bottom of the pile at Harvey dam pretty bad down there. 


 rather be fishing

scotto's picture

Posts: 2472

Date Joined: 21/04/08

dash cam to the rescue

Mon, 2020-03-09 14:24

hopefully something comes of it. I'd love to hear they get a whopping fine, but something tells me they may not even get a slap on the wrist.


its funny the fellas above mentioned how bad the dams are for this shit.... I was emptying out one of the fire pits at Lake Brockman, and found about 10 burnt mobile phones!

hezzy's picture

Posts: 1521

Date Joined: 27/11/09

keep us informed how you go

Mon, 2020-03-09 14:31

keep us informed how you go once you give the details and footage to the local ranger timbo

love to know the outcome here

one thing that i always thin is lacking and question why the gov dept and local shires dont do is BIG CLEAR SIGNAGE !!

how hard is it with all the fees people pay , that signage at the entrances to these places is so poor ??

simple stuff like below should be on entry to every off offroad area imo

deflate tyres to 20lb , or lower if in real soft sand
drive in low range , third gear is a good option
slow down ,its not a racetrack , you dont want a head on in coastal tracks where you cant see 20 metres ahead
stick to one set of tracks , compacts the sand and makes it easier for all who follow
dont camp on tracks or waters edge if possible , be mindfull others may be towing a boat or need to be on the hard at low tide etc
clean up you shite when you go !
keep your loud music to your camp site confines ,
keep an eye on your kids/dogs they are your responsibility even at the beach camping
dont damage dunes , tracks or scrub
dont park or set up camp/gazzebos right at the entrance to the beach , be mindfull others will need space to get off without avoiding your camp etc

that would be the long winded minimum imo

and yes they will get vandalised, but over time it might sink in to the general attitude of users

oh and id ban all the wanker 4x4 advertising where they thrash a 4by through a creek or up a hill racing a goat or some other numpty type of advertising , all of which is giving the green light to people to behave badly , teaching shite behaviour



OFW 11

evil flourishes when good men do nothing


Posts: 6265

Date Joined: 26/04/14

 Those signs have been tried

Mon, 2020-03-09 19:02

 Those signs have been tried and get destroyed. Graffiti, run over,  pulled out of ground and used to skid on. You name it these clowns do it.

hezzy's picture

Posts: 1521

Date Joined: 27/11/09

keep us informed how you go

Mon, 2020-03-09 14:32

double post


OFW 11

evil flourishes when good men do nothing


Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

May good karma come to you

Mon, 2020-03-09 14:36

Well put timbo the low life that ruin it for other beach users really give me the shits.
I hope to see a report in the local paper that the bastards who left their rubbish get fined and I mean a real fine not so small change type of thing.

Posts: 77

Date Joined: 16/02/19

 It would be good wouldnt it

Mon, 2020-03-09 15:04

 It would be good wouldnt it ... I can't even get it into my head as to why they couldnt take their rubbish with them ... I mean if there was no room in the Landcruiser (with only 1 person in it?) then the second vehicle (White Isuzu tray back with twin roll bars) could easily have fitted it all in the back dispite the fridges ... it's not just laziness it's just downright scum behaviour. There isn't a whole lot of beach left these days and with the way it's treated I think it might be the best thing for it to close access. I would be horrified for one .. but things are not getting better. 

Posts: 77

Date Joined: 16/02/19

 All info now passed on to

Mon, 2020-03-09 15:21

 All info now passed on to Rangers .. go get em is what I say :-)

Posts: 1338

Date Joined: 05/05/06

Just the way modern society

Mon, 2020-03-09 18:51

Just the way modern society is. Respect may as well be erased from the dictionary.  

Screw em Timbo they deserve it. Good work.


Bend over

Posts: 6265

Date Joined: 26/04/14

 This is the result of hoon

Mon, 2020-03-09 18:57

 This is the result of hoon laws.

 Took the grubs of the roads and put them in the bush with their fully sick rangers and mad 6 inch lifted LS converted patrols

Chinbald's picture

Posts: 317

Date Joined: 21/02/09

How to wreck a good day on the beach.

Mon, 2020-03-09 20:06

 The main reason I fish far offshore, The further I can get away from these clowns the better. I'd rather stick pins in my eyes than spend a morning beach fishing watching dickheads flying up the beach with no regard for kids ,dogs or anybody. Can't relax at the beach with the kids when a bunch of floggers race past holding it flat and you hope to god they are not in the path coming back from playing in the dunes. You can only hope that a littering dumping fine can be imposed on perpetrators.

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15034

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Agree mate, had some

Mon, 2020-03-09 21:15

 Agree mate, had some cocksmoker doing doughnuts on the beach Australia day where we are. Kids, people etc all around. You'd just love to punch fuck out of them if they hit someone, but these tards usually just cry when they run out of talent and their world comes crashing down. 


Love the West!

Posts: 77

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 Funnily enough on Australia

Tue, 2020-03-10 07:57

 Funnily enough on Australia Day we took the Grandkids to the beach area South of Bunbury cut. had a great time and when coming back to the carpark to inflate the tyres a bunch turned up in an old commodore and "TRIED" to actually drive along the track to the beach !!!! 2 4x4's just drove around them and got stuck 50 feet passed them (without deflating tyres) .. me and the missus just pumped up and drove off leaving a bunch of sweating clowns digging themselves out ... I just dont get it .. I really don't

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15034

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 On their way to buy toilet

Tue, 2020-03-10 09:28

 On their way to buy toilet paper


Love the West!

Posts: 77

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 haha now it makes sense ... 

Tue, 2020-03-10 09:32

 haha now it makes sense ... 

Pescatore70's picture

Posts: 183

Date Joined: 03/12/19

Bogans will bogan….

Tue, 2020-03-10 13:09

Bogans will bogan….

choc's picture

Posts: 670

Date Joined: 05/01/12

 And the worst is yet to come

Tue, 2020-03-10 17:18

 And the worst is yet to come with salmon season approaching. I'm sick of filling my fishing bag with other peoples bait packets, lure packets beer bottles etc.

Marron season also, there was rubbish left everywhere at our local river.

blu2fish's picture

Posts: 80

Date Joined: 23/01/13

Bloody rubbish

Tue, 2020-03-10 19:02

Crap gets left everywhere, I live not far fom the Leslie St boat ramp in Dudley Park, went for a walk down there and low and behold empty stubbies, fast food containers plus other crap all within 50 metres of two rubbish bins no doubt left by cockheads who drive around on Australia Day with Chinese made flags making out they're proud Aussies, makes my blood boil.

Posts: 215

Date Joined: 14/06/12

Pm me

Sun, 2020-03-15 02:21


Can you pm me some footage so I know to never lend a hand to the scumbags involved. I fish the area a lot.....now I've changed jobs I will be stuck with fishing over the weekends. Used to only do anything outside of my block mid week to avoid morons.

tadpole's picture

Posts: 387

Date Joined: 28/01/13

 Found a nice little camping

Sun, 2020-03-15 08:20

 Found a nice little camping spot on the Peel Estuary with a big shire gate at the entry, that is currently open. Been filling one or 2 extra bags with rubbish every time I go in there, just to try and keep that gate open as it's a great crabbing spot. What I don't get is I found piles of rubbish in the scrub with evidence of a decomposed plastic bag around the rubbish, so they went to the effort of bagging it up, then just turfed it into the bush

Oldbull's picture

Posts: 179

Date Joined: 21/09/15

Same at Harvey dam

Sun, 2020-03-15 08:41

 They went to the trouble of bagging up their shit and then just chucked it all behind a log.  Also took their broken chairs, beer cartons, pellet bags and chucked them behind the log.