Protected water or calm water

Hi Guys..


planing to take fishing my grandpop and my old man in Perth. Normally I launch from ocean reef starting last year( just got my boat last yr).

It never been calm  so any suggestion for a protected or calm water , please don't tell me to go to river or pond.

Is it just me or it may be true , Rockingham or Cockburn sound is more proctected compare with freemantle , hillary or ocean reef ?

My boat:

old haines hunter 5.2m  with 90hp


Thanks Guys.....




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Posts: 7006

Date Joined: 16/10/08

Other than heading to my old

Thu, 2014-08-28 11:14

stomping ground off Dampier the only real protected waters in the ocean around perth is Coburn sound sheltering behing Garden Islands. There is a few little islands around the place that will give protection but I am not familiar with them up your way. Obviously Carnac, Rotto also provide shelter.


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Herdsman Lake , sorry

Thu, 2014-08-28 11:21

Herdsman Lake , sorry couldn’t help myself .. 

Pick your days Sunday’s looking the goods or Cockburn sound would be the least exposed I guess  .. your tub should be capable in moderate conditions 

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 Rockingham(my"backyard") -

Thu, 2014-08-28 11:40

 Rockingham(my"backyard") - You can have the best of both worlds down here. 

If strong Easterly or Northwester,go around to Safety Bay side. Protected and calm water close in,likely to catch a feed of squid,herring,gardies,whiting-all good fun.

If strong seabeeze,launch from Palm Beach,stay in close around Mangles Bay-good squid and herring,or head over to the Causeway.Try for squid along the rockwall/weed banks.

Or head over to Garden Island(check Naval Restricted Area's). Good protected area's out of wind in the bays.


 My Dad taught me how to Fish-Thanks Dad.(RIP)

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 fish behind the reef out

Thu, 2014-08-28 16:51

 fish behind the reef out from mindarie, herring tailor whitting, or try behind the islands north of ocean reef towards burns beach

Posts: 58

Date Joined: 19/10/13

Thanks heaps Guys, will let

Thu, 2014-08-28 20:43

Thanks heaps Guys, will let you know if we catch any fish