Perth Tailor and Whiting locations please?

 Hey fishos, 


new member on this site and just looking for a locations that are firing. 

sick of being inside studying (uni student) and looking to get out tomorrow afternoon for a spot of land based fishing. 

any locations and baits that are catching tailor and whiting right now would be handy to know. 

experienced fisher here so just want to know whats working at the moment. 




 quitting uni to fish indefinitely

RobertMc's picture

Posts: 326

Date Joined: 19/01/09

dont wanna put you off, but i

Thu, 2014-09-04 20:34

dont wanna put you off, but i think you will be hard pressed asking people for where the fish are firing mate. people put in alot of hours every week to find a good spot to go fishing, that isnt well known, by all means you will get a heap of advice on a fishing forum on baits and rigs etc, but when it comes to finding fish its about getting out there, and finding the fish for yourself. much more rewarding that way anyway. that is my opinion anyway, i dont do much land based fishing so cant really help ya with the info your looking for. but goodluck

Redemperor000's picture

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Thu, 2014-09-04 20:49

where abouts are you located, north or south of river?

Posts: 9

Date Joined: 04/09/14

 thought that may be the case

Thu, 2014-09-04 21:24

 thought that may be the case RobertMC appreciate the reply nonetheless. Im more looking for a general location on where to start, dont mind putting in the time and effort to locate my own 'special' spots haha


Redemperor000 north of the river mate


 quitting uni to fish indefinitely

RobertMc's picture

Posts: 326

Date Joined: 19/01/09

lol try any local beaches

Thu, 2014-09-04 22:07

lol try any local beaches mate, i have fishes swanbourne and city beach years ago and they seemed to be ok, for bread and butter species and the odd tailor or two if they are around. try prawns for whiting and herring, and tailor just use the normal paternstor rig mate with gangs and a mulie or unweighted or running sinker depends on the weather, good luck on finding some fish mate

Posts: 465

Date Joined: 06/02/14

 If your north of river try

Thu, 2014-09-04 22:19

 If your north of river try club Capricorn (yanchep), burns beach or trigg beach. South of river swanbourne drain, grant st reef, Cottesloe groyne, north mole or woodman point. Baicasting mulies or just soaking them on the end of a paternoster rig will get them interested if they are around. Throwing lures around any of the reefs along the coastline is always a fun option to but doesn't account for as many fish landed usually.

crasny1's picture

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Studied geography???

Fri, 2014-09-05 13:49

LOL - when is Swanbourne, Cott, Grant St, North mole South of the River

Just couldnt help myself!!!!


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

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 Yup but Perth doesn't rate a

Fri, 2014-09-05 14:05

 Yup but Perth doesn't rate a mention in geography studies & I was too pissed last night to think about difficult things like north & south 

crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

Date Joined: 16/10/08

LOL mate

Fri, 2014-09-05 14:06

When pissed can hardly type so you are one better than me!!!


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

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 Cheers dude, ill go out and

Thu, 2014-09-04 22:26

 Cheers dude, ill go out and give it a crack and see if i can catch some dinner ahah
might wack a livie out and see if i can tempt any bigger mulloway or tailor 

cheers mate, yeah havent had much luck throwing lures around! one day haha but thanks for the advice!


 quitting uni to fish indefinitely

Posts: 360

Date Joined: 06/02/14

mate cant go past floreat

Fri, 2014-09-05 18:31

mate cant go past floreat drain i was there cuple weeks ago got 4 tailor biggest was roughly 1.5kg and well over 60cm 

i was surprised as usually floreat produces me small tailor in my recent trips. u get ur bread and butter fish whiting skippy flattys

got them between 5:30-6:30pm just to the right of the groin.

goodluck mate hope the info helps u out.