Palm beach assholes
Submitted by little johnny on Fri, 2016-01-01 07:41
Heap of car windows smashed. Cars been gone through. Some still out on water won't even know yet. Looks like every car been done with boat trailers on
Broome lad
Posts: 191
Date Joined: 16/11/15
That's where I launch and retrieve from shame there's no cctv in the car park I'd be pissed to come in and find that happened to my new hilux I'm still getting used to hanving to lock the car every time you leave it and the house for that matter 25 years in Broome I never locked my house once go to the shops leave the keys in the ignition but it is starting to get worse up there now tho fuckin ice to thank for that crack heads everywhere heaps in rocko I've noticed .
Posts: 4586
Date Joined: 01/02/10
Really? I found the crime in
Really? I found the crime in Broome to be worse than hedland. Much more malicious damage and serious assaults.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
Broome lad
Posts: 191
Date Joined: 16/11/15
Few years definatly got worse but I lived at blue haze so not right in town lived in Roebuck estate aswell for a few years and never had a problem .
Posts: 1235
Date Joined: 27/01/07
oxygen theives
Total wast of oxygen and space c hunts! One way boat ride i say
Posts: 1200
Date Joined: 05/10/07
The Rockingham City has heaps of CCTV
The city has paid for loads of CCTV, mostly to watch over the businesses. It's monitored too.
perhaps it's time to crank up the heat and have the park up areas monitored (just could be they are)
Posts: 96
Date Joined: 21/11/15
Sux, having been broken
Sux, having been broken into/stollen a couple of times, everytime I leave the house/car I'm contantly wondering if I'm gunna get back and find it broken into or gone.
Imagine getting back to the ramp to find your trailer nolonger hitched to the back of your car.
Young blokes locked $600 mountain bike got stollen from the school bike rack a few weeks back, got offender on CCTV (local indigenous ~12yrs), cops would have known who he was but being juvie would have been a waste of their time/paperwork to only get a slap on the wrist and be back at it.
Posts: 4586
Date Joined: 01/02/10
Had a trailer stolen while
Had a trailer stolen while fishing a midnight tide change in Darwin harbour. Was no fun at all.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
Posts: 795
Date Joined: 02/01/11
was fishing with a mate in
was fishing with a mate in Broome, get back to the ramp and the trailer is gone, middle of the day too!
Broome lad
Posts: 191
Date Joined: 16/11/15
Find that hard to believe
Surprised I never heard that one on the broomer mill I've left my car an trailer at the ramp and on the beach at gantheum for couple of days when camping out no probs on many occasions unlucky I'd say . Did you get it back ?
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Nope, was 2004 at entrance
Nope, was 2004 at entrance point
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Bring on April
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Date Joined: 06/08/10
That's devastating. I got
That's devastating. I got done twice in one month at woodies. Need a good clipping these c#@#$
Posts: 8
Date Joined: 28/12/15
Yeah i have been to a few
Yeah i have been to a few fishing spots that when i got there there i saw a lot of broken windscreen glass soon as i see that i don't bother staying there knowing that the cars had been broken into. Not worth catching a few fish when you know you might be the next victim...Yeah sorry state ruins a good fishing spot. Late morning or afternoon would be alright as there's plenty of cars going past but late night or early morning forget it.
Posts: 231
Date Joined: 03/07/09
palm beach vandals
Is anything being done by authorities, at these continuing attacks on vehicles.
Floreat drain carpark ..Woodies..Hillaries....Palm Beach...all reporting damaged cars and or trailers
Maybe one for M Yoni...or the theres a thought
Perhaps a sting.....
Floreat would be easy.
Woodies has one road in/out.....
Is anything being done to stop these people??
"Life wasn't meant to be a spectator sport"
big john
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Date Joined: 20/07/06
Still waiting for Yoni's take on this shammy, no doubt its the boat/car owners fault some how.
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
Jigs available online in my web store!
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Yeah me too BJ. I love his
Yeah me too BJ. I love his visionary insight :P
Love the West!
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Like everything it comes down
Like everything it comes down to budget/wages etc, unfortunatley can't have officers everywhere
Even if they setup CCTV everywhere with a small rostered crew motitoring many monitors, by the time they call something in and someone gets there the offenders are gone.
Stings are very expensive, officers sitting around just incase rather than patrolling etc, hit & miss.
Then... even if they do catch someone the punishment is soft, judge has guidlines to follow which Gov sets, even if they go inside for a short stint, its hardly hard time, more like an all expences paid holiday in a confined resort.
out wide
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Date Joined: 30/12/08
Just pisses you off. keeps
Just pisses you off. keeps going on and on and fuck all gets done about it. I just brought a new trailer..wasn't going to insure it but might have to change my mind.
Mongrel bludging drug addicts.
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Feel sorry
For family's taking kids out for night coming back to car done over.
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Date Joined: 17/06/10
Sting too expensive Hmmm
It wasn't so long ago that the police minister along with a senior copper where espousing the benefits of having CCTV cameras hidden in areas where it was known the petrol heads liked to use for burnouts.
If I recall a few weeks later they (the law) where again on TV saying that it had been a success and a number of petrol heads could expect to loose their cars. Cameras where also going to be hidden in areas where petrol/diesel was also being stolen from road work sites around the place.
Why can't CCTV hidden cameras be set up at the major launching ramps even for a short duration (a couple of weeks) to catch some of these low life's breaking into cars, and the serious stealing bastards who come along with the intent of stealing trailers and come equipped to do just that.
Locking people up costs (us) a fair bit of money, the do gooders won't hear about capitol punishment (more the shame IMO).
Perhaps getting a group of low life to clean up the popular fishing areas like Fremantle groyne, woodies, the cut etc etc.
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Point peron
Rocko ramp always hot spots. Few cameras wouldn't be bad idea . Even if they get caught Nothing would happen.( not police fault) Few years back middle of day ,same ramp. Gone for 2 hours. Stereo . Speakers gone.or well. Maybe one day .it will bite them in ass. Love to catch one. See what makes them tick .
Posts: 1252
Date Joined: 30/05/12
Point Peron Carpark is
Point Peron Carpark is really bad for car break-in's. Heaps of warnings on Trip Advisor for Tourist about parking there and leaving "ANYTHING" in there vehicle's.
But I really do feel the frustration of the Police and the Public: The Police staked out the Point Peron Carpark several years ago, caught the lowlife's in the act. The lowlife's had a spotter,watched as you walked away from your vehicle,then smashed windows/ect. Went to Local Rockingham Courts, the Judge's summary was that this was more of a "Nuisance Crime". Try saying that to the people who had there Passports stolen while parked at Point Peron.
What a waste of time and effort for the Police- why should they bother patrolling Carparks and Boatramps!
My Dad taught me how to Fish-Thanks Dad.(RIP)
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Land Rover down there this morning with a smashed passenger side window. Don't remember if it was there yesterday as well.
"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."
Mr Wolf
Posts: 231
Date Joined: 03/07/09
palm beach vandals know it would be great to be able to plan a fishing trip out in the sound...over to rotto and not have to worry...expect to have your vehicle vandalised...wheels stolen...stereos taken.
As far as a nuisance crime....?????
People work hard..go without things..spend time away from family to be able to buy whatever...
If they steal four tyres and rims that could be up to $2500...$ gear.nuisance????
Tasers are illegal.....cattle prods??????...
"Life wasn't meant to be a spectator sport"
Posts: 231
Date Joined: 03/07/09
palm beach vandals
heres a thought...
Tackle box left in full view...couple of sinkers and assorted jewellry...
Box is set with the bank type dye so when they open it or remove it from the vehicle it initiates and covers them in bright green dye...
Cant be that hard to throw together.......
"Life wasn't meant to be a spectator sport"