Opinions on penn prevail rod?

 Hey guys,

has anyone got a penn prevail beach rod? Just looking for some opinions on it like how strong it is and just if you like it really.


gav1970's picture

Posts: 153

Date Joined: 12/02/07

I have the 9ft and and use it

Thu, 2014-05-22 17:39

I have the 9ft and and use it for metals and plugs off the beach for tailor etc. Great rod. Nice and light and cast a mile. I've pulled in some fairly sizable rays on it and it handled them quite easily.


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for the night. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

flangies's picture

Posts: 2550

Date Joined: 11/05/08

Not bad for the price - lost

Thu, 2014-05-22 18:00

Not bad for the price - lost the but cap after it kept falling off all the time. Can't expect too much for the price range but I would rate it as better value than the sensor surf. The blank is very nice on the 12' model and the guides are a nice configuration and size. Just make sure you glue that but cap 

Posts: 78

Date Joined: 22/02/14

 Thanks guys, any other

Thu, 2014-05-22 18:54

 Thanks guys, any other suggestions? I've had a few made before but now I'm looking at just buying one for tailor mulloway and fishing up at wagoe and quobba

gav1970's picture

Posts: 153

Date Joined: 12/02/07

Recently bought a seajigger

Thu, 2014-05-22 19:00

Recently bought a seajigger 325H which is certainly a step up from the prevail. It's a couple of feet longer and can handle much heavier baits and lures. Haven't got a mulloway on it yet but I can't imagine it'll have any problems at all.


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for the night. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Posts: 78

Date Joined: 22/02/14

 I will go check it out looks

Thu, 2014-05-22 19:21

 I will go check it out looks pretty nice and for what I'm after. Thanks buddy

woftam's picture

Posts: 63

Date Joined: 06/04/14

I have the 9 foot model with

Thu, 2014-05-22 19:29

I have the 9 foot model with a 6000 oc bait runner very happy with it. Also got a 325 seajigger with a saltist 4500h.Prefer the Penn off the rocks.

Posts: 360

Date Joined: 06/02/14

 brother i got the 14.6ft

Thu, 2014-05-22 20:03

 brother i got the 14.6ft prevail n shes a peach

love it mate, not in any rush whatsoever to buy another rod

i use it for everything, casting richters off the beach to hit that white water off yanchep

peggin mulies up north for tailor n anythin else thats lurkin thru

whack on a 850-950 reel and u got urself a killa beach outfit

N for $200 or whatever ther worth

what more do u want?

iv had the fuka bendin to the sand and she still looks like brand new

great flex in em, a few of my mates have em aswell with fin-nors, penns & catalinas on em

great rod

Posts: 78

Date Joined: 22/02/14

 Thanks bro, ill be putting a

Thu, 2014-05-22 20:57

 Thanks bro, ill be putting a saltist 6500h on it and sounds like what I'm after man. Cheers 

Posts: 360

Date Joined: 06/02/14


Fri, 2014-05-23 06:52


davmor's picture

Posts: 248

Date Joined: 29/11/11

Getaway Outdoors in Bunbury

Fri, 2014-05-23 06:21

Getaway Outdoors in Bunbury have the 12' on special for $175

Goodz's picture

Posts: 2332

Date Joined: 20/07/09

 Have the 10ft with a stradic

Fri, 2014-05-23 08:07

 Have the 10ft with a stradic 8000 and it's an awesome combo for beach/rock fishing. Cast further than I ever have before and very strong when needed to get those fish up the rocks. Highly recommend it!




Posts: 136

Date Joined: 30/10/11

I have the 12 Footer 12-20 KG

Fri, 2014-05-23 09:30

I have the 12 Footer 12-20 KG Model, and it is a dream for $200, got a work out on some Big! Skippy and salmon over the last couple of months, the fuji K guides allow for exceptional casting. You will cast a richter pplug that far you wont be able to see where it hits the water!

TorquenFish's picture

Posts: 321

Date Joined: 30/12/12

 I've got the 10ft model and

Fri, 2014-05-23 11:59

 I've got the 10ft model and used in up at Quobba for a week straight last year. Cast a mile and is nice and light. Dealt with everything I threw at it - including a good 100kg shark. Only gripe is that I have a small crack on the outside of the base of the top section (where two parts join). The cause was partially my fault as my wonky side cast action causes the rod to slowly pull apart after many casts (usually just push it firmly together every 2 dozen casts or so) and I forgot to push them togther again. As I cast it flexed an caused the crack. This was on day 1 of the trip so it doesn't seem to have made it fragile :)


Posts: 78

Date Joined: 22/02/14

 Cheers for all the info guys

Fri, 2014-05-23 21:03

 Cheers for all the info guys :)