Ocean Reef marina parking permit.
Bit of a whinge about the city of Joondalup here but never mind I shall continue with my rant.
I use Ocean Reef marina very often as I prefer it for no reason in particular.
I thought to myself that it was about time I got a parking permit to save some $. Started to fill out the form only to come across that the permit is for 1 trailer. I myself have a boat and a pro angler 14 both of which are on trailers as well as seldom tow others boats to the ramp, so after a quick call to the city of Joondalup they informed me that if i wished to hold a permit to not pay cash or card on the day for each individual visit $170 for each trailer would be needed if i wished to have a permit for the ramp. Fair enough if they said they can put the 2 boat trailers I own on the one permit buit not for the others but not the rubbish of 2 x permits for just mine.
I would have thought that a permit for the vehicle would be more sensible than what has just been told to me over the phone. I use a boat dealership for example, if they demo 3 x boats per week on different trailers each time then the cost to pay the individual ramp fee would be rediculous and i would have thought that the shire would have some form of blanket structure in place for scenarios simular to this.
Any ways , rant and whinge over , time to go fishing
Posts: 1522
Date Joined: 09/03/13
edit: think I read it wrong
edit: think I read it wrong thought you said they would do both trailers on the one licence.......pretty crazy that they dont
Posts: 274
Date Joined: 23/09/08
Hillarys is for your car - tow anything you want down there
Posts: 8156
Date Joined: 07/05/12
That is bloody ridiculous red
That is bloody ridiculous red tape gone mad, you're paying for a permit to park a trailer in the carpark so how does it matter which one on any given day as long as you are displaying your permit in the windshield. I don't see how it even matters if you go out in a mate's boat as you are paying for a spot in the carpark.
I've got both my dinghy trailer and boat trailer on my Hillarys Marina permit and that was the same price as registering just the one trailer so maybe look at that option instead.
Officially off the Pies bandwagon
Posts: 1086
Date Joined: 10/05/14
As stated above Hillarys even lets you even put 2 different cars on the permit and tow any trailer you like there (1 car at a time of course).
It's not far to motor from Hillarys to ocean reef so might be worth looking at if you have that requirement?
Posts: 161
Date Joined: 08/12/12
My hillarys permit has both
My hillarys permit has both my boat trailer regos on it so I'm guessing they don't mind it either way
Posts: 3758
Date Joined: 05/11/07
Mindarie is just a permit,
Mindarie is just a permit, any car any trailer
bit of screwing about but put your number plates on with carabeaners or something and just change them once you have parked. Is it illegal?? Questionable but not like anyone would know as long as you change it back before hitting the road
Posts: 514
Date Joined: 23/04/11
Yes, very illegal.
Yes, very illegal.