Ningaloo station well water
Submitted by Gaffatron on Wed, 2015-01-28 19:33
Hey all
has anyone been to ningaloo station and drank the water from the wells? Is it okay quality? Thought instead of taking in 100l of water take some water filter jugs and filter the well water? Anyones feed back or opinions?
Posts: 388
Date Joined: 28/12/12
I'm not a sure if it, is but
I'm not a sure if it, is but a lot of the ground water up there is salty mate
Pgfc member
Posts: 4171
Date Joined: 15/06/09
I wouldn't drink it
It is fresh from the windmills, it's used for drinking water for the stock.
Having said that we always take enough water from home for drinking and cooking and use the water from one of the windmills for fresh water showers.
Posts: 1449
Date Joined: 27/03/09
Been up there quite a few
Been up there quite a few times but never tried it mate, we have always taken in all out drinking water ourselves. Half our water is frozen in 15L containers and placed in a huge esky which lasts a good 5-7days and gives cold clean drinking ware whenever needed and keeps all the other drinks on the esky cold. And the other half just for washing up/bathing in jerry cans in the back of the ute. The extra weight makes for a softer ride with my hard leaf springs in the rear. Doesn't really answer your question tho sorry
Posts: 355
Date Joined: 07/07/11
Thanks gents seems the thing
Thanks gents seems the thing to do, might do the same freeze all the water in an esky use it for the beers for the first few days
Posts: 2961
Date Joined: 14/11/10
If your filtering your water
If your filtering your water you should be fine right??
Try it on the kids...
If kids survive then you should be ok....
If you don't have any kids then maybe put some in an ice block with some cordy and try it on someone elses kids...
Its often hot up there so shouldn't be a problem finding kids that will attempt bore water mr whippy styles re-freshment....
If all else fails take some drinking H20 and you'll be jus fine...
Posts: 3145
Date Joined: 04/08/09
out wide
Posts: 1535
Date Joined: 30/12/08
If it comes from
a well then leave it alone [ to many dead lizards birds and so on ] it it come from a enclosed bore then all good just watch the salt content.
Posts: 380
Date Joined: 08/02/12
Used to go
Used to go up there for 4 or 6 weeks at a time at least once a year and have drank it many times.. Nothing wrong with it at all.. In fact a guy that was up there one time recons he took it down to Perth one time to get it tested and the guy who tested it recons it was better for you then Perth water..
All this being said we try to take drinking water and use it for showers cooking etc like others have said..
Posts: 2702
Date Joined: 12/08/12
We drink it
If you are referring to the wells on the flat amongst the Norwegian Bay sandhills, wee have been drinking it for years, no ill effects--it tastes better than Exmouth town water. That said, it can vary a bit from year to year--I think it was two years ago, tasted a little salty, then last year, fine again. It could vary year to year due to drawdown and local rainfall, as it is a very shallow water table. I reckon that South Lefroy mob take enough to have baths in.:-)
There is a well among the sandhills at Winderabandi Point, totally different thing--smelly and salty, not fit for man nor beast.
Posts: 2472
Date Joined: 21/04/08
shouldnt be too bad,
but a couple of puritabs should kill any bacteria anyway, if you get desperate.