Night dive
Submitted by Paul G on Tue, 2010-12-21 21:03
Well its time to do a night dive with conditions perfect and viz good we are going to do a dive tomorrow night .Will be going in a 8:00 .will be a little spooky for the first time ,We are going to dive cooks lump or roads reef 1.5 miles out some good swim throughs.will take the camera and get some vid and pics.lets hope the wet suit is as clean when i get out as when I get in
Did a dive today 16m some good crays around but in deep edges and hard to get no fish to speak off.a good dive viz was not great around 6-8m .
Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential and commercial ceilings and walls
Posts: 711
Date Joined: 22/09/08
Good luck!
Definately spooky but also fun! alot of dark ocean outside that torch beam!
Dave J.
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18090
Date Joined: 11/03/08
good luck with the dive
good luck with the dive Paul. make sure where your dive buddy is at all times. it was freaky enough in the river at night the first time but at least with a good torch you will have good coverage
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 606
Date Joined: 30/06/09
You will have a nice big moon
You will have a nice big moon to light things up anyway. I had a Dhu knock my mask half off on my first ocean night dive, I think he liked the look of the glowstick I had attached to my tank valve. Have fun, if you can't see it, you can't worry about it.
Pete D
Posts: 1681
Date Joined: 07/06/07
Not much freaks me out
Not much freaks me out underwater, but on one night dive out from carnac I had a HUGE occy stalking me (well thats what it felt like)...couldn't relax the entire dive. This thing was 5 ft long and always just on the edge of the torch range.
You'll have fun Paul. If I wasn't busy, I'd be up to join you.
Cheers Pete
Brock O
Posts: 3262
Date Joined: 11/01/08
You ll love it but stick with ya buddy and ensure the torch batteries are good,
I always carry a back up torch not much fun in total darkness.
i must say a day dive is preferred for me.
Posts: 1901
Date Joined: 03/05/08
You see some different stuff... night. For one thing, all the crays and occys are out and about. I hear what you're saying, Pete, those occys follow you around and sit right on the top of the reef staring at you! Got into a wrestling match with one off North Mole and the end result was that all bets were off when he grabbed my regulator hose!
I remember doing a night dive off Sorrento Beach years ago and the thing that stood out was when I came off the reef and wandered out over the sand was all the eagle rays and port jacksons hoovering their way around the bottom, digging goodies up and completely ignoring my presence. And then there were these garden eels...looked like wisps of sea grass in the distance but once I got closer they sucked themselves into the sand and completely disappeared. You'd never see that sort of stuff in the day!
Enjoy your dive, Paul...surprised the viz wasn't so good for you yesterday, hasn't been much swell lately, but should be better for your next dive!
Posts: 2629
Date Joined: 03/03/09
Try Cockburn Sound
Brilliant - the giant purple tipped anemonies are all fully extended and take a prawn net as some of the prawns measure over 200mm - you only see a few but at that size they are a meal in themselves. Used to love night diving chasing crays but then they changed the regulations banning it (ten years ago or more).
Oh yes and IF you see a shark turn your torch off so he can only see your buddy - cuts the chances of being eaten by 50% - oh and wear a bigger knife than your buddy - if it looks like having a go stab him and his blood will surely ensure you are safe - thought that was what buddies were for :-)