Need some advice on gear

I plan on buying some new gear in the future so I did a bit of research to try and find the best set up for me.

I've been mostly targeting bread and butter fish in the river and want to start targeting bigger fish such as mulloway and snapper.

I'll mostly be fishing landbased in the river for the mulloway and the north mole during winter to hopefully land a snapper and maybe beach fishing every now and then.

Would this setup suffice?


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jay91's picture

Posts: 50

Date Joined: 02/02/12

 hey mate, glad to see ya

Sun, 2015-01-04 03:01

 hey mate, glad to see ya getting into it 

but first up, when chasing those pinkys at the mole your gonna want a longer and a slightly heavier rod

id say go with a 9ft 10-15kg rod when chasing those pinks and mullys 

jay91's picture

Posts: 50

Date Joined: 02/02/12

 try this link out, for a

Sun, 2015-01-04 03:11


try this link out, for a pflueger crank rod. Would suit well with what you are targeting

fishRamma's picture

Posts: 195

Date Joined: 04/02/08

 Hey i got one of those

Sun, 2015-01-04 07:03

 Hey i got one of those rods,good tuff rod.

Daryn's picture

Posts: 167

Date Joined: 01/05/12

That will be a good allround

Sun, 2015-01-04 09:00

That will be a good allround combo, but maybe choose a slightly longer rod - 7-9ft.

The Crank mentioned is too heavy for that reel (I have both that rod and the reel you are looking at)

Gen Blacks are great value rods - you won't go wrong.

You would only really look at a longer rod than that if you start fishing beaches.


piston broke's picture

Posts: 776

Date Joined: 05/11/08


Sun, 2015-01-04 09:17

 longer rod, need to be able to cast a bit further