Need advice on spooling Tiagra 50w

 Hey all just got myself a Tiagra 50w for big game fishing. Just nee help with spooling it. Thank you in advance for all your help


 Tim champney 

Posts: 63

Date Joined: 08/05/13

 People are telling me braid

Thu, 2014-08-21 22:03

 People are telling me braid but I thought these reels were more designed for mono? I was thinking 80lb? Please help


 Tim champney 

fishcrazy's picture

Posts: 1235

Date Joined: 27/01/07


Thu, 2014-08-21 22:08

Prob depend where your fishin and what for im runnin 24kg metro and yea mono

sammy85's picture

Posts: 831

Date Joined: 31/08/10

 I have dacron(igfa braid) on

Thu, 2014-08-21 22:48

 I have dacron(igfa braid) on all mine with a topshot of mono fit more line on and only have to replace the topshot every so often not the whole spool 


 Plumber and gas fitter- 0415489103

catchalittle's picture

Posts: 1875

Date Joined: 04/09/08

Agree with fishcrazy I run 24

Thu, 2014-08-21 23:21

Agree with fishcrazy I run 24 kg Tiagra mono on both of mine never had a drama



Posts: 63

Date Joined: 08/05/13

 How many meters of 24kg mono

Fri, 2014-08-22 04:33

 How many meters of 24kg mono did you's fit on? Also sammy85 what pound dacro you running and how long is you topshot?


 Tim champney 

crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

Date Joined: 16/10/08

Issue Braid vs Mono on Big

Fri, 2014-08-22 15:20

Issue Braid vs Mono on Big game is shock. Big fish hit hard and powerful and impart a shock to the line. Braid has no give/stretch so the line absorb all the shock, and hence can break or slip poor knots (all guilty at some stage of this). Mono has give/stretch and act as a shock absorber, just appears the better option.

But having said that I often use braid for trolling but with a long windon leader mono topshot. I use about 20m which has enough stretch to achieve what I am after. Then you have the rest as braid which I find with fighting a big game causes less water drag and less belly in the line because off this. Trying to achieve the best off both worlds.


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