Nav lights position?

 Hi all, where do you reckon would be the best place for me to install nav lights on my centre console boat.

i was thinking about putting them up the front either side of the anchor well (not right on it but on the edge of the top) 


Posts: 5818

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 pretty hard to suggest, how

Wed, 2014-05-28 20:49

 pretty hard to suggest, how about chucking up a photo?


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Yeah sorry about that, ill

Wed, 2014-05-28 20:57

Yeah sorry about that, ill post a pic tomorrow :)

milsey's picture

Posts: 1462

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 Anywhere they wont blind you

Wed, 2014-05-28 20:51

 Anywhere they wont blind you or be smashed.

Posts: 6265

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 either side of the console i

Wed, 2014-05-28 20:54

 either side of the console i reckon 

Posts: 78

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 Yeah that's the spot I will

Wed, 2014-05-28 20:58

 Yeah that's the spot I will put it I reckon, cheers 

Posts: 6265

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 just far enough apart to

Wed, 2014-05-28 21:01

 just far enough apart to make sure others can identify them easy enough 

Posts: 78

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 Ill put them on either side

Wed, 2014-05-28 21:36

 Ill put them on either side of the console and high enough so they are visible, thanks again 

Faulkner Family's picture

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if you have a hard top fit to

Wed, 2014-05-28 21:40

if you have a hard top fit to either side.


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

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 Ill put them on either side

Wed, 2014-05-28 22:01

I do have a hard top but I have other lights on there so hard for space 

crasny1's picture

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It is best for you not to be able to "see" them

Thu, 2014-05-29 08:47

But for others to be able. At night on the way I prefer to have "night vision" optimised, so dont like any light to distract me. I have a cuddy so easy to fix without directly shining at me. CC perhaps on the targa top if you have one. Stationary the cabin light light the whole place up. I Still leave the Port/starboard and white light on, and cant remember the definite colreg's regarding on anchor or drifting.


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Dale's picture

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 I had mine mounted on sides

Thu, 2014-05-29 10:19

 I had mine mounted on sides of the Bimini on my Southwind UB. Run all the wiring up the pipe work holding it up.




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milsey's picture

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 I would not put them on the

Thu, 2014-05-29 10:23

 I would not put them on the CC, Ive just gone though the same decision and put them on tabs up the front. Test them on the CC at night before you mount them to see how much light they spay into the boat, makes it hard to see at night. 

Posts: 78

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 Thanks for all your

Thu, 2014-05-29 10:55

 Thanks for all your suggestions and info guys, really appreciate  it. Have decided to put them on the hardtop so that it doesn't shine to much into the deck.


Guardy's picture

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On the sides of the console

Fri, 2014-05-30 05:19

 On my Ocean whaler they were positioned above the gunwales and didn't annoy the crap out of me when running at night. What did piss me off was the anchor light position, to my left, right on top of the console at head height. Blinding the hell out of me. Moved it up top real quick. My latest boat, a Haines Hunter 580 Breeze came with the anchor light immediately in front on top of the cabin and would of shone directly in my eyes. That was the first mod I did on buying it. How the f*ck can designers of boats come up with this crap. Obviously never been out in boats at night, or if they had never had to drive the boat and didn't know any better. Dumb shits. Not sure how the previous owners put up with it either?

carnarvonite's picture

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Anchor light

Fri, 2014-05-30 07:25

A stern light should be used when travelling [only visible from behind the vessel] and the anchor light [all round white light] when the vessel is at anchor

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 those lights show a sailing

Fri, 2014-05-30 21:35

 those lights show a sailing vessel. The white masthead light above the sidelights indicates under power (steaming light)


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bitten's picture

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 prety sure your not suposed

Fri, 2014-05-30 20:07

 prety sure your not suposed to be driving around with your anchor light on dude

Posts: 5818

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 all round white light on a

Fri, 2014-05-30 21:23

 all round white light on a smaller vessel counts the same as a masthead and stern light, in Colregs too.

If you see a white light in front of you its either at anchor or you are overtaking, either way you give way.


powerboats under way or drifting
Vessels under 12m in length must show 
the following lights: 
a) sidelights and an all round white light 
b) sidelights, masthead lights and a stern light.
most small boats I know of including mine use the same white all round for steaming or anchor without the sidelights.

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Guardy's picture

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That's how I read the rules

Sat, 2014-05-31 08:45

 I never used to have the anchor light on when moving. Now if I was told officially I would turn the damned thing on only when at anchor.

Paul H's picture

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There does seem to be a fair

Sat, 2014-05-31 11:55

There does seem to be a fair bit of confusion with these regs about the place but Rob is right.

when moving you should have an all round white light and red/green nav lights each side. You should also have a white stern light should the all round light be obscured from the rear i.e. not visible (in which case its not a "all round" light).

When anchored only the all round light should be on.

I'm not 100% sure if it is actually a reg but I believe the switches are possibly required to be wired so the all round light is on when the nav lights are on i.e. the nav lights can not be switched on independent of the all round white light (this is what I have been told by fisheries in SA)


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Sat, 2014-05-31 13:13

Yeah i was always under the impression that while under way the anchor (all round white ) light should be off, and only turned on while anchored.

A got issued a warning from DOT while leaving Woodies, so that clarified the point for me. As Paul and others have said ( nav lights and allround white light while under way )

Exept if your in Cockburn sound, apparently you don't need any lights at all while chassing Snapper at night. LOL