Moving to Port Hedland

Hi there, 

After much travel the mrs and i have been given an opportunity to come home and move up to Port Hedland. Doing the drive up on Tuesday with a stopover to see the brother in Carnarvon for a surf. Just wondering if anyone has some ideas on what to bring up (landbased fishing wise). Is there any place around town for just small travelly's/queenies if theyre around there? lures etc


Sha and Tara


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 2500 spin reel is a

Sun, 2017-02-05 15:39

 2500 spin reel is a versatile size for Hedland landbased, trevally and queenies are often found at the town jetty, although hit and miss, just about to head there with the Mrs and kids, will let ta know if there are any around today, I mainly use 30g micro jigs but plastics work just fine, Pm me any more specific questions


Glen.vit's picture

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when i was working up there i

Sun, 2017-02-05 19:01

when i was working up there i fished mostly at cook point, tiny poppers and metal slices will get the decent queenies, brassy's and goldens trevally, even the occasional blue nose salmon.

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 Great stuff,  thanks a heap

Mon, 2017-02-06 11:58

 Great stuff,  thanks a heap guys


Forever learning with fishing

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 Not too much around at the

Mon, 2017-02-06 12:19

 Not too much around at the jetty yesterday, a mate got a golden trevally about 60cm on bait

Posts: 917

Date Joined: 04/12/09

cheers for the report mate,

Wed, 2017-02-08 11:58

cheers for the report mate, when in town we should head out for a flick. Ill see how we go settling in, may get a small tinny 


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cheers for the report mate,

Wed, 2017-02-08 11:58

cheers for the report mate, when in town we should head out for a flick. Ill see how we go settling in, may get a small tinny 


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 a tinny would be a great

Wed, 2017-02-08 13:05

 a tinny would be a great investment up there. theres some good creeks up there and depending on tinny size you can head out to weedy island and there is a shallow reef to the east (i think) that holds GT's and Bluebone that i seen. a tinny would also be good for the out of town creeks as well.


 Get busy living, or get busy dying!

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 Ive planted the seed with

Wed, 2017-02-08 17:58

 Ive planted the seed with the mrs so here's hoping haha. Thanks for the advice mate


Forever learning with fishing

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 No worries bud, I'm working

Wed, 2017-02-08 14:39

 No worries bud, I'm working for the next 3 weeks, when I get a few days off will pm you to see if you want to come out, got a 4.2m tinny, seen from your profile that you jig a bit, ya bring any jigging gear up?

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Yeah mate bringing up a pe1-2

Wed, 2017-02-08 17:57

Yeah mate bringing up a pe1-2 jigger and also my 902 catana flicky i used to use for mulloway off the beach. Just brought along my fav jigs for demersals down here and a few small twisty's/stickbaits. Your tinny is a great size. 


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Yeah mate bringing up a pe1-2

Wed, 2017-02-08 17:58

Yeah mate bringing up a pe1-2 jigger and also my 902 catana flicky i used to use for mulloway off the beach. Just brought along my fav jigs for demersals down here and a few small twisty's/stickbaits. Your tinny is a great size. 


Forever learning with fishing

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 Too easy, will have to catch

Wed, 2017-02-08 18:07

 Too easy, will have to catch up and have a fish, yeah, tinny is a good size, have done 70km round trips, easy to launch and retrieve solo too

Battleship's picture

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Plenty of Land base fishing

Fri, 2017-02-10 09:11

I lived in Hedland for 8yrs and there are plenty of options.
8 mile which is just west of Dampier salt ponds with a road in, caught salmon, Barra, bream in this area. Also ridleys creek north of town, first creek after the salt ponds look for it on goggle maps, great Barra spot. Main boat ramp in town off the end of the reef on low tide at dusk, cast towards the marker buoy for catching big mulloway Oct - Jan is when they are thick. Cemetery beach off the rocks on high tide people have caught good blue bone.
I hope this helps you out......enjoy Hedland.

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Posts: 795

Date Joined: 02/01/11

 2 miles off mate

Fri, 2017-02-10 14:39

 2 miles off mate, 6 mile

Posts: 917

Date Joined: 04/12/09

 Thanks mate, plenty of

Fri, 2017-02-10 16:55

 Thanks mate, plenty of options as you said, awesome stuff. Will be sure to try a few spots youv'e mentioned. 



Forever learning with fishing