More sea lions required ???

Willlo's picture

Posts: 1490

Date Joined: 07/10/11

 Poor little sea kitten,its

Thu, 2014-07-17 15:48

 Poor little sea kitten,its mama should have told it to chew your food  before swallowing.


 Call Sign - BZ785

Haynes Hunter Prowler CC


uncle's picture

Posts: 9507

Date Joined: 10/02/07

bloody hilarious

Thu, 2014-07-17 15:57

lets get some sticky rubber ones out there, bit of scent and away we go


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

scotto's picture

Posts: 2472

Date Joined: 21/04/08

Worst part is,

Thu, 2014-07-17 17:08

Saw this on the news the other night, I think it was ch 7. Some stupid greeny bitch was immediately implying that it was "reckless fisherman", that had tortured the shark. She insisted the red marks around its mouth were from "fisherman being irresponsible", etc, and it had come to shore to die, as a result of being tortured. 

chris raff's picture

Posts: 3257

Date Joined: 09/02/10

Karma from eating a

Thu, 2014-07-17 17:05

Karma from eating a endangered species ... the greenies should’ve engaged the heimlich manoeuver


Intelligence is like a four-wheel drive. It only allows you to get stuck in more remote places.”

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Thu, 2014-07-17 19:38


uncle's picture

Posts: 9507

Date Joined: 10/02/07

I,d rather see them

Thu, 2014-07-17 17:09

choke on greenese, their hard to swallow


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs