Mindarie 23m wall

With the diving thread seeming to slow down a bit lately I thought i'd do up a quick topic and recommend a nice easy dive, The 23m wall off mindarie.

It had been about 2 years since we'd dove up mindarie way and figured we'd do an easy dive to kill sunday morning. I've always found the country off mindarie much more colourful and better divng than the usual cray hunting grounds off hillarys, but alas we've never had much luck on crays around mindarie. With cray lust always winning out when choosing a location hillarys usually comes up the winner.

The vis was pretty average on sunday but loverly conditions up top and managed about 45minutes on the bottom. We went down as what seemed like an artilley barrage going on up the coast. It sounded pretty cool, i know there are military excercises goin on up in lancelin but wouldnt think we'd hear it from this far south.

Anyway the dive... 23m wall is a great easy dive for anyone starting out or just up for an easy option. Lots of colour and lots of sponges, coral and big plate coral along the lenght of this seemingly endless drop off of about 4 meters in height running north south. Piss easy to anchor on in an easterly wind  and even easier to navigate. Just drop your sand anchor on the eastern side of the ledge on sand in 22/23 meters as close to the ledge as possible(when approaching from the east the ledge will show as a sheer drop off up to 18m). Follow your anchor rope down to the ledge swim either north or south turn around and come back to your anchor rope, it's just too easy.

A great dive for beginners looking to get a little deeper, co-ords have been well publicized in the past on the mindarie dive website and may still be, not too sure. Happy to share co-ords if anyone has interest as its no good for fishing and chasing crays ahaha :)

Heres some pics



 Dave J.

Posts: 2925

Date Joined: 27/12/06

nice photo of my best

Tue, 2010-04-20 20:47

nice photo of my best mates.....wrasse

fisho-ron's picture

Posts: 2539

Date Joined: 26/09/09

mate, i am not into diving

Tue, 2010-04-20 20:54

mate, i am not into diving but my couson has just started and is very keen to get out there.

i have offered to take him and his teacher out one day while i sit up top and have a couple of bourbons and make some rigs up.

if you can pm me the co-ords would be great.

nice pics


Reefmonkey's picture

Posts: 711

Date Joined: 22/09/08

No worries

Tue, 2010-04-20 21:14

No worries also did this dive on my openwater course too


 Dave J.

Cammos's picture

Posts: 606

Date Joined: 30/06/09

I cruised past there today,

Wed, 2010-04-21 13:49

I cruised past there today, and the sounder showed some fish, but probably buffies like I have seen there when diving. I did it as my "deep" dive on my Advanced OW course. Have been back once, but lack of things to kill has kept me away.

Posts: 9358

Date Joined: 21/02/08

Looks like a pretty dive,

Mon, 2010-04-26 07:13

Looks like a pretty dive, have to grab the coords off you sometime =)


Cammos's picture

Posts: 606

Date Joined: 30/06/09

It is within a spot also

Mon, 2010-04-26 13:39

It is within a spot also known as The Strip. Not a bad 2nd dive on the way back from the Gemini.

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18090

Date Joined: 11/03/08

looks like a nice dive. with

Mon, 2010-04-26 14:54

looks like a nice dive. with your pics try clearing them up on picaso 3 , its a free download and easy to use. makes a big difference to your u/water pics


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together