Metro Mako Shark
Submitted by mallesh on Mon, 2015-08-17 09:15
Hello friends,
Hooked a Mako shark (5-6 feet) on Saturday arvo in 17 meters of water between Rotto and fremantle on a drift bait(unintentional).
She almost spooled me on my stradic 8000 running a 50lb braid, almost locked drag.
I lost the fish on boat side after 15 - 20 minutes. Some serious acrobatic jumps out of water.
I was honestly worried at one stage the fish is going to jump on board.
My question: Are they common in metro waters, if so what depths?
If I hook one in future should I keep it or let it go?
Keep Fishing. Stay Relaxed.
Posts: 1322
Date Joined: 23/02/11
have never eaten but am told
have never eaten but am told they are good to eat - we had one come and check out the sea anchor in between 5 fathom and rotto - probably around the same size and i know they are more common out between the fads (say) and the trench
Posts: 2472
Date Joined: 21/04/08
keep it!
I got a small one a few years ago in 40m off 2 rocks. kept it, and was amazed at how good they taste. they literally taste like chicken!!
they have absolutely no ammonia smell like normal sharks. all the pro tuna and sword fisherman keep them as by-catch for that reason - they taste fantastic, and sell well back on the docks.
Posts: 4171
Date Joined: 15/06/09
If possible
keep it BUT, you'll want to be well prepared for the anarchy when you try to land one of any size.
They're mental, not sure if i'd want to sink a gaff into one.
ps. we get a few down here in the SW.
Posts: 7930
Date Joined: 13/09/05
I've eaten them, they are good on the chew. Absolute nut bags though, used to be the only shark you could get points for in a sportsfishing comp. Caught them north and south of Perth. Some out wide and sometimes in close. When you hear about sharks juming into a boat, my money is always on a mako.
"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."
Mr Wolf
Posts: 254
Date Joined: 18/11/10
Thanks Guys
Matt, the fish was almost at a gaffable distance at one stage.
But I was bit concerned after seeing his size and energy.
Also there where 4 people on board with too many things around.
Lucky I did not gaff him. I had bad experience with sharks lot smaller than this one in the past.
Keep Fishing. Stay Relaxed.
streaker boy
Posts: 527
Date Joined: 23/05/09
If u goin gaff one make sure
If u goin gaff one make sure its with a flyin gaff and u dont mind getting some scratches on ur boat
did a marlin trip this yr over in bermagui and after 6 marlin and a mako shes all scratched up but well worth it