manjimup reddies with kids..
Submitted by anypuddle on Wed, 2014-09-03 17:56
gday, got a week in Manjimup early November. Can anyone suggest some spots for redfin that can be accessed by 2wd and kids? Going to try Big Brook dam and a few spots on the Warren that I've googled. Is there any locals that can get me onto some farm dams for a carton?... Feel free to PM cheers.
Anywhere anytime
Posts: 363
Date Joined: 27/12/09
hey mate. If you're heading
hey mate. If you're heading to the warren try along heartbreak trail just out of Pemberton. Easy 2wd gravel/graded roads and has several camping sites with easy access to the river. There's also a covered, communal kitchen/bbq area aswell, and longdrops if you really need to 'go'. Try casting small minnows or zman grubs around the many sunken trees and logs, i used to catch them on rmg scorpion 52's. Cooked them up in foil in the communal kitchen, delicious!
Posts: 597
Date Joined: 22/01/12
thanks for your reply. I presumed that the heartbreak trail was 4wd. cheers will check it out. Ever tried live bait for them?
Anywhere anytime
Posts: 363
Date Joined: 27/12/09
Plenty of marron in the river
Plenty of marron in the river you could use as livebait however i would never recommend such an act . . . You could prob use a bait trap and try catch small fish for livebait. If you camp on Heartbreak theres a fee thingo at the main entrance, cost me 9 bucks i think, unless you have a national parks pass. Ranger does drive around checking everyone aswell. Have fun mate!
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
my wifes parents
youse to live there ,all I know it wasn't far away from manji golf course ,we got some monster(reddies),no trout at all.i will try get road and spot for you and p.m you over next few days,,no promise,,
Posts: 597
Date Joined: 22/01/12
Thanks for the replys, Cheers Johnny owe you
Anywhere anytime