Mandurah Crabbing - More precisely dawesville/Bouvard Way
Hi Guys
Quick report. Went out Sat and briefly Sunday and the big blues are certainly in, albeit a little empty so give them a week or 2. The pots was lean but the youngsters jumped overboard and caught most off the big blues scooping the Pinjarra side flats opposite the parkridge ramp. Will post proof but all the blues were at least 10mm over legal with 2 absolute monsters.
For 2 novice kids at scooping they did very very well, but their excited cries dragged a crowd over. I didnt know the range of crab fear profanities could reach this high a level, but the Mrs and I on the boat certainly enjoyed seeing youngsters having a ball.
Drifted the flats but found it much better to have the 2 on Port and starboard side, idling along stirring them up, and then releasing the catchers to chase.
WARNING: if you are going to do this make sure the kids CLEARLY understand that the call "Neutral" has to come first before they abandon ship to chase. I am a bit off a Safety Nazi!!!
Pulled the pots twice for 1 legal size keeper, which we returned as it was tiny compared with the big boys.
Enjoyed a feed of very fresh crab, alfafa sprouts and butter sangas on Saturday, and classic crab and corn "fishcakes" last night -- Yum.
Good luck. From the amount out there it might be a nice season.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
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Date Joined: 23/11/13
I have crabbed in that part
I have crabbed in that part of the estuary for over a decade so I know the spots pretty well. Went out on Saturday feeling pretty confident having read all of the reports. Launched at dawesville and progressively made my way to just south of the park ridge ramp. Tried about 6 spots including the pinjarra side opposite the ramp and used a mix of spleen and Tuna heads. In two hours I got 1 size crab. I must be cursed!!! Heard that they are really firing around coodanup/yunderup so will try there next. Westy.
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Date Joined: 07/05/12
We went out in the estuary
We went out in the estuary Sat morning and bagged out in 2 hours with crabs not being our target. We were just jumping in and scooping them when we spotted them drifting and popping for whiting. I tried dropping in the same area last Tuesday and found it was hard work for little gain during the day with only 3 undersize ones in 4 runs.
Officially off the Pies bandwagon
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Date Joined: 16/10/08
The pots have been lean, but firing on the flats scooping. Im (almost) to old to bother jumping overboard scooping but the young novices did very well. Would basically set the pots in hope, and go scooping for the next week or 2.
Even the Estaury Dr side must be doing OK, as we are within range of hearing the hoots and hollers of a crab being caught right infront of the Picnic Area north off the Bouvard Ramp. Pros have their traps shallow. Need some more hot spells to force the big blues into deeper water.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
Posts: 323
Date Joined: 30/06/13
Getting bigger
We took the mother in law and a couple of visitors form the mother land and bagged out in about half an hour right back down near Boundary island even the tourists got into them.
There was only one or two that needed measuring most were well oversize.
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