Magic Day
Brother in Law and my brother arrived at my place at 5:50 keen for the first demersal bash in my boat.
Got to Hillarys and there is a line of cars back to the roundabout. Nevermind we get setup and are in quite quickly.
Headed north to checkout a spot I was given near Centaur and found a nice lump on the way there in about 15m so we decided to anchor up there instead.
The boys started cubing up while I got rigged up and decided to give a 30g butterfly jig a crack with the 5000 Biomaster and Catalina. Cast out, jig once, jig twice and bang my drag is screamimg and after 5 mins I've pulled in a 58cm Sambo.
While I'm measuring it my brother's rod tip is going and bang he is on and after a good fight we land a 57cm Dhu.
I land another smaller Sambo and the wind swung around pushing us off the lump and the action dies.
We decide to try for some whiting and land a few wrasse so I rig up a couple of circle hooks on my 8000 Straduc and 3-4 PE monter mesh and send one back down live and some huge shape comes up and has a go at it but I panick in the excitement and pull the fish away. I drop him back down and again this beast appears but this time I wait for it to pick uo the wrasse and when it starts moving I flick the bail arm and my rod bends in half and my drag is screaming but after a few seconds of mayhem I've dropped it never to be seen again.
The rest of the morning was spent trying to anchor over small lumps and drifting iver them with a changing wind to no avail.
All in all I'm happy with my first shot at demersals and stoked to land fish on ground I found myself once I get the hang of anchoring up and setting my drift I'll be much happier.
Officially off the Pies bandwagon
Posts: 2221
Date Joined: 21/04/13
Awesome, good to see you
Awesome, good to see you blooding the boat
Posts: 1042
Date Joined: 22/03/13
Nice work mate. It's always
Nice work mate. It's always good to try something new with satisfactory results.
A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!
Posts: 179
Date Joined: 24/07/12
Good report
PB Dhu 850 mm Pink 820mm