this looks a bit ordinary - main roads pumping black water into Port Beach

 I'm no tree hugging greenie or environmentalist but I do know that this is not a good look for Main Roads. They could of pumped that water into the truck and disposed of it at a treatment plant or something.

Main Roads WA investigating “black floodwater” pumped into sand and water at Port Beach

MAIN Roads pumped floodwater potentially contaminated with road oil and tyre fragments onto sand and into the sea at Port Beach, North Fremantle last week.

The incident happened at about 1pm on Wednesday, June 26.

Witness Peter McLarty saw two men in a truck pumping “black water” from a drain opposite the former Ampol fuel and truck depot on Port Beach Road for about 30 minutes.

Water appeared to be taken from the drain’s sump on the road, across remnant man-made dune dunes covering the depot, over part of the beach and before creating a channel and flowing into the sea.

The site was exposed to the sea in 2003 storms, and Mr McLarty said beachgoers had since seen a “heavy black matter on the previously white sands”.

He said the pumping again showed WA’s environmental laws were not being applied at Port Beach, which has been heavily eroded, exposing historic dredging rubble and contamination including asbestos, since January.


Tom M's picture

Posts: 661

Date Joined: 22/09/15

 Terrible and yet the WA

Tue, 2018-07-03 16:41

 Terrible and yet the WA Water Corp pump millions of litres of water weekly out from City Beach and Swanbourne and it doesn,t make the news. And for the readers that say it is treated, read their annual reports from WA Water Corp to see what the shore based samples tell you, pumping faeces and nutrients well above their license requirements.


Tom M

Alan James's picture

Posts: 2243

Date Joined: 30/06/09

"black floodwater"

Tue, 2018-07-03 17:47

It sounds to me like the reporter is attempting to sensationalise the event. The ''black floodwater" to which the reporter is referring is nothing more than stormwater.  Typical media rubbish imo.  What Tom M is referring to is a very different matter. 
