Land based squid spots.
Submitted by lachieH on Mon, 2014-08-04 18:52
Hi everyone. I have been searching through previous squid posts for land based and everyone said ink on a jetty. But I really need a proper spot to go to without searching jetty for ink. I saw that jetty at the Cockburn sound are good, woodies, north and south moles, and the Claremont jetty. But I want to know which place is the most productive and if you have a more productive place other than these it would be great to know! But not any secret spots just good ones for beginners
Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession
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Date Joined: 02/04/10
LB squid spots
Sorry LachieH,
Nanga beach in front of the resort, Denham jetty under the lights, Monkey Mia jetty.
Don't know of any closer to Perth!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Old Banga!
Brock O
Posts: 3262
Date Joined: 11/01/08
I recon
the south side of south mole would ring more bells than any other with squid reports from memory.
Posts: 1875
Date Joined: 04/09/08
Busso jetty you get some real
Busso jetty you get some real stonkers there
Fish or Die
Posts: 123
Date Joined: 12/04/10
Lachie The spots you have
Lachie The spots you have mentioned are all proper squid spots and you can get squid there year round if you put the EFFORT in and find them some days you will clean up in 20 mins others you will put in 50 casts for one or 2 just target the structure ie weed beds the rock wall itself and jetty pylons and shadows. Use an appropriately sized jig and sink it to the structure depth if you don't snag the bottom every now and then your not doing it right try a slow jig retrieve and mix it up with fast ones and different levels of the water column
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As above Lachie. Just keep
As above Lachie. Just keep going fishing mate, you might find one stop produces for you, whilst others prefer another spot.
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Date Joined: 02/03/13
Thanks. So if I went to the
Thanks. So if I went to the north mole would a size 3.0 or 3.5 jig good.
Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession
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Hey Lachie, heard Capo
Hey Lachie, heard Capo D'Orlando Drive in Fremantle is a productive spot and same for the south mole. Never caught one myself, but thats what I've heard on the facebook squidding pages. Might be heading down there today, so if I have any luck I'll let you know
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And if you ever get up that way
Learmonth jetty at high tide is a killer LB squidding spot. Another spot other than the ones mentioned is the old Jolly Frog jetty in the Cut, but it can be hit and miss. Jetties in the lower Swan like Claremont also produce (sometime).
Good luck.
I would use a 2.5-3 size. I think 3.5 is over rated because it is large, and some smaller tastier squid dont seem to attack them with as much gusto. I have caught big squid with tiny jigs up in Karratha, but not small squid with big jigs.
On a dull day IMO orange is the go to colour, bright days a more natural prawn colour. But bloody hell they can be finicky and you might have to change colours.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
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South Mole is relatively
South Mole is relatively dead as a doornail these days. LB squidding at the moment is a bit slow - from all the storms and dirty water etc. Should get back into the swing of things shortly
bludgin' since 94'
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Seriously mate, just get out
Seriously mate, just get out there and have crack... I hooked about 6 in 45 minutes this arvo..
Pick it up, put it down....