Lake Pest Fishing Day;topicseen#new

Perhaps this is something that local councils could do here, I know of a Lake in Canning Vale which would get a good turn out.

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Posts: 2221

Date Joined: 21/04/13

 Good idea, I'd come. Could

Sun, 2015-02-08 07:18

 Good idea, I'd come. Could even have a feral species comp

Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

It will never happen in WA

Sun, 2015-02-08 11:26

People might have a good time and enjoy some of the facilities councils have responsibility for. Why hell the next thing is those people fishing may even do some good and get rid of pesky feral and introduced species. The fun police are going make sure that doesn't happen. Why then you would have kids getting easy access to some fun activities in the outdoors instead of sitting around playing play stations and thinking up what shall we put graffiti on next

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Entered a similar comp when I

Sun, 2015-02-08 11:42
Entered a similar comp when I was in SA. Took out the prizes for biggest fish and the most fish :) All European Carp caught on unweighted bread baits
420casts's picture

Posts: 281

Date Joined: 25/03/13

Was talking about this with a mate last night

Sun, 2015-02-08 13:33

How many spots are there within an hour or 2 of Perth with pest species inhabiting them ? 
I would also be very keen ! 


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I am sure something like this

Sun, 2015-02-08 15:59

I am sure something like this would be extremely popular and help eradicate pest species from many waters at the same time. However I agree with Meglodon in that with the current train of thought by those that matter in WA it would never happen here. That event is planned in Qld where they try an encourage fishing and even promote it in their drinking water supplies. I read the other day that the powers that be have said there will be no electric powered boats permitted outside the very small boating area in Wellington Dam, this means that the ski boats and anyone wanting to fish will all be cooped up in one tiny pocket of the dam whilst the rest of the dam will be shored based and paddle craft fishing only. Could someone tell me what issues an electric powered boat can cause??

Meanwhile in QLD drinking water supplies they even permit 4 stroke engine powered boats (as well as fishing) where as in WA we are restricted to elec power in Irrigation Water dams like Harvey and restricted to one small pocket in Wellington Dam. Its almost unbelievable how stuck in the dark ages we are here in WA.

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Mon, 2015-02-09 14:12

Lots i know of about six lakes south of the river that have heaps of carp and few years back got a couple of massive ones out of the river in gosnells

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Posts: 281

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Mon, 2015-02-09 17:21

Hell yeah man, whats the go bait or lures? Or both ?
I'm real inexperienced with freshwater fishing, but a mate of mine and myself have decided to hit a few spots to do something new. Plus - as was aforementioned, redfin are good eating and a pest, and we've been wondering "why haven't we been hunting these things, prolifically !?".

As for rods and lines, similar to a bream setup you would use ?



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stagnant lake fishing

Tue, 2015-02-10 13:15

Always have used bread baits or bread mixed with cheese squashed onto the hook no sinker just line to hook good safe fun for kids. There is a popular lake that has heaps of stinking carp in Langford at end of banister road if there are any left as last time i went past there, there was about 5 people the catching them an keeping them to eat gaaaggg. Heard they can eat ok but out of a stormwater drain lake good luck. Fish as light as you can more fun

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Posts: 203

Date Joined: 01/01/15

thats a really good

Thu, 2015-02-12 19:26

thats a really good golden ponds lol


 Good things come to those who bait.