Kalbarri this long weekend - quick question if anyone can help

Gday I work with a couple of guys who are going to kalbarri this long weekend. They wanna get out onto oyster reef and try for big tailor in the river mouth where the boats go through but dont have a boat. Is there someone up there you can pay money/booze to  who will run ya across and back in the mornings? i thought i heard there was but cant remember im just trying to help them out cheers

Anchorman's picture

Posts: 52

Date Joined: 19/09/14

Windsurf conoe Hire on the river

Wed, 2015-09-23 11:11

Hi Beer Oclock

Send them this link http://kalbarriboathire.com/wordpress/

They do runs/taxi across the river when ever you like.
When you want to return there is a big bell on the other side of the river. You just ring it and they will come back and pick you up. I know they are up open through the April school holidays but I don't know about now. Give them a buzz.
It will cost bugger all for them to taxi you across.


Niko's picture

Posts: 213

Date Joined: 26/11/13

 Hey theyre open now, cost

Wed, 2015-09-23 12:11

 Hey theyre open now, cost 5bux per person max of 4 per boat and as long as ur back by 4ish pm before they close all good. Spoke to the guy on tuesday