Submitted by lyle rogers on Fri, 2014-10-31 11:17
Another little project ive been working on, been messing about making some jigs. Apart from sambo jigging with shakari charters for sambos i havent really fished jigs before so looking forward to dropping these down. Guys at work just laugh at my homemade gear so hopefully will get something to shut them up, its kind of a quest for me.
Posts: 6265
Date Joined: 26/04/14
They look good. How heavy
They look good. How heavy are they
Posts: 3712
Date Joined: 22/02/07
I reckon a dirty big dhubang
I reckon a dirty big dhubang will like the look of one of those. How heavy?
bludgin' since 94'
Posts: 725
Date Joined: 12/12/10
Yeah I reckon they'll work -
Yeah I reckon they'll work - lucatnas style...
Posts: 1901
Date Joined: 03/05/08
2 for 1!
From the look of it they could probably double as trolling skirts...you could get your dhu, baldy, tuna and dolly all on the same lure!
lyle rogers
Posts: 52
Date Joined: 14/09/13
Hey Guys they are quite light
Hey Guys they are quite light and only weigh 60grams but i generally only fish around the 3 mile in depths between 6 -15m. My last two dhuies were a 8kg fish in 6m and 6kg in 8m of water so im sure i would be able to get these jigs down even if it means casting up wind of the drift. Id be stoked with any fish that ate the jig.
randall df223
Posts: 6454
Date Joined: 08/08/11
60 gms may be even too
60 gms may be even too heavy. I work on about a gram / metre of water depth. If you can slowyour drift down you could use those in much deeper water and with a slow action, octo jig style.
Fish! HARD!
Posts: 66
Date Joined: 03/09/13
ireckon the purple ones the go.
Posts: 3712
Date Joined: 22/02/07
yep, squid/occy imitation
yep, squid/occy imitation
bludgin' since 94'
Posts: 2221
Date Joined: 21/04/13
They look great, very
They look great, very professionally finished. I reckon a dhu would engulf them if you put it in front of one's nose
Posts: 749
Date Joined: 22/08/12
Mate the way your going with the teasers on the other
post and these jigs your prob gonna have your own line of tackle down the track. im not into jigging but i reckon the lumo jig and the red head jig rigged with wire and a game hook will smash a heap of tuna and wahoo pulled behind your teasers = keep up the good work and im lookn forward to posts of your catches with the jigs hanging out of their mouths
lyle rogers
Posts: 52
Date Joined: 14/09/13
Cheers guys, will defeniatly
Cheers guys, will defeniatly keep you all posted on how it works out.
Beeroclock, i also been fly fishing for about 20 years and in the past had a small business importing fly reels. I tied flys commercially aswell for a couple of years for some very well know tackle stores so thats probly where i get some of my creativity from.
I get just as much enjoyment from making these things as i do fishing it all.
Thanks all
Posts: 380
Date Joined: 08/02/12
Nice jigs lyle!! Good to see your still kicking around.. Been ages since a catch up, gotta go for a fish sometime soon.. Let me know if you need a field tester haha.
Catch up soon mate.. Belly
lyle rogers
Posts: 52
Date Joined: 14/09/13
How are ya Dan , been ages
How are ya Dan , been ages since i seen ya mate. id definately be keen for a catch up.
Will send you my details bud