Inform Fisheries?

 Been doing a bit of fishing at ammo jetty late at night lately to avoid the crowds. Every morning at around 3 - 4 am a bunch of Asian guys rock up with their trolleys and cast nets and net bucketloads of scaleys. They fill their bucket up, go empty it in.there car and fill up another bucket. Every day. These guys know they are breaking the law because they go there in the middle of night when no one is there.

I dont mind cast nets to catch some bait but bucketloads upon bucketloads....

About a week ago i nearly got into a brawl with an Indian family that were cast netting because they had 2 young boys that were jumping all over the baby blue manna crabs that they were catching in the net and i couldnt watch it any longer so confronted them it got heated for a moment and then they buggered off... only to return the next night to do same thing.


Should i contact fisheries about this because i cant watch them any longer and if they dont do something i will.


Also most mornings a commercial purse netter starts netting tons of scalies 20 - 50m from jetty. Well within casting distance. Does anyone know the laws on this? Taking photos and videos doesnt phase him.


Posts: 1522

Date Joined: 09/03/13

Inform fisheries ?

Thu, 2015-03-05 08:21


Edit: although I don't know much about throw netting. It's possible they could be doing this legal(....the scalies that is)
think you are allowed 9 litres each ie 1 bucket each said a "bunch of them" so if there is 6 they could be allowed 6 buckets.
but best to call fisheries and check ...cant hurt.

and FWIW: just because they go there in the middle of the night dosn't mean they are breaking the law. You're there aren't

burnz's picture

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 Also to add in the last

Thu, 2015-03-05 08:05

 Also to add in the last month scaley less than half.what it was (by eye).


The littered.with baby crabs the netters would have killed thousands.

Auslobster's picture

Posts: 1901

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Call 'em up!

Thu, 2015-03-05 08:39

 Pretty sure with "baitfish" the bag limit is a 9 litre bucket's worth? And you can't use any sort of net outside Wednesday nights? Correct me if I'm wrong...couldn't access fisheries website!


Definitely the keeping/abusing of the crabs is a reportable offense. Gotta make the call...and tell them to send a translator so there's no "we don't speak English" excuse!

crasny1's picture

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You can use a throw net

Thu, 2015-03-05 16:19

anyday. Its set nets Wednesday night. Certain areas are closed to Nets (both throw and set) and that is designated in the rules. All other areas are open to throw nets, excluding Rivers but you are now allowed to use a cast net in the Peel-Harvey, which has been closed to this in the past. BUT not allowed to keep crabs.


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

uncle's picture

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yep give them a call

Thu, 2015-03-05 08:50

 Dont like to see crabs killed like that Do it!


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

uncle's picture

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yep give them a call

Thu, 2015-03-05 08:50

 Dont like to see crabs killed like that Do it!


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

reece's picture

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 Is the pro boat a old timber

Thu, 2015-03-05 09:16

 Is the pro boat a old timber one? I think that's Jim mandolia. He has a purse Lic to catch scalies in metro waters. He's normally off cott-city beach. Has been for years


Any one free to help me pull my drum lines tomorrow? 

Diesel80's picture

Posts: 196

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What size buckets are they using?

Thu, 2015-03-05 10:51

Also if they want multiple bag limits between the group, don't the group have to be actively participating in the fishing to be able to lay claim to their share of the catch?

Video on the phone along with license plates on the car. Drop the evidence somewhere fisheries can review it and then they can make a call based on what is going on.

At the very least smashing baby crabs will constitute a violation of the current laws and likely they will be liable for a fine for this if nothing else.



Member of the Offshore Angling Club of WA

burnz's picture

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 Was 1 indian family smashing

Thu, 2015-03-05 12:16

 Was 1 indian family smashing crabs. But the crabs are everywhere so whoever nets will be killing them.


This is a group of 5 or so guys with a net EACH and 20 litre bucket EACH getting MULTIPLE buckets EVERY night.


The pro is a small alimunium vessel 20ft or so  he is licrnsed but im sure there is a distance 150m or 500m they need to be from rec fishos? 

burnz's picture

Posts: 152

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 I have seen the old timber

Thu, 2015-03-05 12:20

 I have seen the old timber vessel i think, does he tow a skif? Havnt seen him fishing have only seen 2 small aluninium pros 1 of them comes 20 - 50m away most nights which im sure there are rules against. The other keeps his distance.

Posts: 46

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New powers.

Thu, 2015-03-05 14:50

 I hear a lot of dodgy going ons at the ammo jetty and woodies. If fisheries were serious, now that they've got these new undercover powers, they should be down there 24/7 for a few weeks. Word would soon get out amongst the unscrupulous and this kind of shit would stop pretty soon Im sure.

Posts: 5981

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Whoa hold the horses it's highly illegal

Thu, 2015-03-05 14:54

You are not allowed to use any (repeat any) net in that area. Page 25 of the rules for netting is quiet clear on that point.

Take a picture of them and their car rego and ring fisheries, and then follow your report up asking them what have they done about it the next day and keep on their cases as you want to be informed on the progress of your report.

If you have no satisfaction from fisheries after 14 days send a report of what has happened the minister and ask what is the point of ringing the fish watch number if no action is taken.

burnz's picture

Posts: 152

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 I will contact fisheries and

Thu, 2015-03-05 15:12

 I will contact fisheries and if they dont do anythibg i will go to the media. Something needs to be done these tossers gonna ruin the eco system.

grantarctic1's picture

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Appears to always

Thu, 2015-03-05 15:20

Appears to always be confusion about wear you are allowed to net.
Fisheries don't tell you the places you can net, they tell you the places you cant net, so if it is not mentioned in the guide,the area is allowed to be net fished.
This leave's quite a lot of places to do it, more than most people realise.
From Fisheries
• Coogee Beach All waters 460 m north and south
of the Beach Road prolongation are closed 400 m
seaward of the high water mark to recreational
netting at all times.

The Ammo jetty is outside this closed zone, therefore throw netting is allowed and many people use them to get Scallies.
However most of them seem totally unaware they need a license and bag limits apply .

Auslobster's picture

Posts: 1901

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What are the chances...

Thu, 2015-03-05 16:14

 ...that these fellows with the 20l buckets and throw nets diligently went down to their local fisheries office and forked out $40 each for a netting licence?

Posts: 5981

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Ooops I may have made a mistake

Thu, 2015-03-05 16:44

Looking at grantartic1s post it appears that I could have made a mistake about the area being open/closed to netting.

Not having a map handy I can't say if the ammo jetty is outside the closed zone or not I need to check it out for my own information and if I've given a wrong bit of advice I hereby apologise for the mistake.

Posts: 132

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you should definately contact

Thu, 2015-03-05 18:47

you should definately contact fisheries, i have in the past, while they cant always make it, i am sure if you leave a message then explain to fisheries where and how often it is happening they will act

i have seen a lot of undersize bream being taken on the riverfront just east of the claremont jetty in recent weeks, plus other spots

burnz's picture

Posts: 152

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 Fisheries made an appearance

Fri, 2015-03-06 06:31

 Fisheries made an appearance down there last night. Guessing they read this forum haha. Had a chat to them and YOU ARE ALLOWED TO USE CAST NET THERE, like someone said above 500m closure from Coogee. Must have license and max 9 litres.


So these guys arent as big a thugs as i suspected.. But still not doing the right thing.


Good to see fisheries make an appearance. Didnt see anyone get in any trouble and they were pretty cool people, the bloke seemed like a pretty keen fisho.

Posts: 213

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 The ammo jetty is a

Fri, 2015-03-06 09:50

 The ammo jetty is a notorious location for people keeping undersize fish. I know what ur saying about these guys ive seen some people do it there as well but they had licences. As for the Indian family, thats terrible behaviour on they're part. Im Indian myself and have gone up to some of these people and tell them what they are doing is wrong, they act like they dont know what you are saying and just keep doing it. I actually called up fisheries when i was there once and they were fined for keeping undersized skippy, bream and crabs. Sickens me that these people think they can just take whatever. 

little johnny's picture

Posts: 5362

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fisheries read everything

Sat, 2015-03-07 21:12

 and watch pics on all sites .wow supprised dont think so. some even members,(could name a few)  no dought they have colour pics (a4 size) of people off all sites.if someone you personally see does something wrong comfront them .not on keyboard ,its called balls. ,

Posts: 5981

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Don't know how big and old you are

Sat, 2015-03-07 22:08

That can be a bit of a gamble some times, if you are very lightly built and have seen 70 years go past quiet some time ago confronting people can be considered a heath risk.

Old say he who takes photos and walks away gets to walk away another day and doesn't have to eat soup for the next month or so.

I have no problem with the idea of confronting people, just that you need to exercise some smarts when contemplating doing it.

little johnny's picture

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Sun, 2015-03-08 12:53

 good point

burnz's picture

Posts: 152

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 Ive confronted alot of

Sun, 2015-03-08 12:14

 Ive confronted alot of people over the years doing the wrong thing, and kicked a few buckets of undersized fish into the water. So "balls" isnt the issue here at all.


The problem here is that i am usually by myself and the group of asians in question go in a group, guessing they have had troubles before. Plus they are asian, probably know Kung-Fu


and pretty sure i posted above i already confronted an indian family, and if it keeps happening down there ill have to do something about these guys. Sorry Mr. Keyboard Warrior :'(