inconsiderate fisheries

the big fisheries rib had a steering malfunction after launching at point peron this morning (they hadn't left the ramp before it failed) , so what do they do pull there boat into the shallow end of the ramp , which meant that nobody could use that ramp they blocked it up for a good 30 minutes , I suggested they move out deeper on the ramp so it could be used and they said "nope not doing it " as you could imagine it was as busy as could be down there this morning fisheries should not have been so selfish and hogging a whole ramp to themselves I have seen 4 boats tied up on a single ramp there every one being patient, its when things like what the fisheries did this morning tempers fray

uncle's picture

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Any fish to talk about?

Sat, 2014-04-12 20:00



all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

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no mate

Sat, 2014-04-12 20:13

weather to dream about today WOT all the way to SWB for a total result of 1 undersize duhie (first time I have used my release weight and seemed to go ok) 1 just undersize pinkie and 3 undersize blackasse , two big bust ups so ended up just came home fishless again , stopped on the ozibba wreck on the way home some huge bites but couldn't hook up , wish I knew what they were, sambos I think

uncle's picture

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Those days are called boating days

Sun, 2014-04-13 07:52



all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

catchalittle's picture

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I would have told fisheries

Sat, 2014-04-12 20:54

I would have told fisheries what for typical dickheads were they youngins?



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yes both

Sun, 2014-04-13 18:21

they were both about 25

Vinesh87's picture

Posts: 2751

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haha they really don't like

Sat, 2014-04-12 20:59

haha they really don't like you peter.


Ram your boat

Ping ya

Tell ya off


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dont like them

Sat, 2014-04-12 21:19

they can get stuffed pinging a bloke (my mate) for having a fish 2mm undersize smacking in to my boat on the FFB no I am not a fan of fisheries oh yea and when they pinged me at onslow for a "potato cod" I said mate its an estuary cod he said how come its so white told him well when its been on ice 5 hours it tends to turns white , well I am confiscating it he said , ended up he gave it some pensioners in the van park where we staying and we cooked it up on the bbq for them

Posts: 102

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Same rib...

Sun, 2014-04-13 08:54

 Shallow launched with both motors trimmed all the way down, stuck half off the trailer with both motors digging into the sand at the bottom of the ramp (Point Peron also) and two rather attractive young female fish cops scratching their heads as to what to do next. They had also driven the car forward and the rib was almost resting on the ramp but still on the trailer. 

They didn't have the ramp blocked for long as there were plenty of offers of help, but still....Derrrrrr, nice one ladies.

opsrey's picture

Posts: 1200

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Fisheries have lost community support.

Sun, 2014-04-13 09:49

 The continuing analy retentive, every one must be perfect, we  dramatically chage the fishing rules every other year, never update you of changes with your licence renewal etc etc attitudes have caused the Fisheries to loose a lot of community support.


It feels like they never get to a reported illegal fishing situations to make infringement notices or educate wrong doing fishos.


They are untouchable, they make and run the rule book. But they aren't well liked, or respected. 

Posts: 341

Date Joined: 10/08/09

an undersize fish is exactly

Sun, 2014-04-13 15:10

an undersize fish is exactly that, 2mm or 200mm it's UNDERSIZE and up to you to keep up with regs,if thats too hard dont go fishing pretty simple!as for the boatramp that does seem very inconsiderate

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when initaly

Sun, 2014-04-13 18:24

when it was initially measured it was size 4 hours on ice tends to shrink things

uncle's picture

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Well it was'nt going to grow was it?

Sun, 2014-04-13 18:49



all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

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uncle haha

Sun, 2014-04-13 18:55

mate never going to grow but every bloke knows immersion in cold water equals shrinkage

Auslobster's picture

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Been mentioned before...

Sun, 2014-04-13 16:00

...but the measuring  stickers they issue are not to be taken as gospel. Fisheries won't be responsible for any error on the part of the printers. If your fish is right on the legal size according to the sticker, it's your ass, not theirs.


On the other hand, opsrey is right...they are arrogant, condescending, and make no allowances for variations in human behavior. Use the stick instead of the carrot. They're a government department so a reward scheme like doing the right thing with bag and size limits leading to a discount in licensing fees would be absolutely out of the question!











carnarvonite's picture

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Sun, 2014-04-13 16:58

Was anchored up out at the barge wreck off Carnarvon this morning when they pulled up in their 40 foot cat to check our catch and licences, very polite and professional.

sea-kem's picture

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 Yeah I've had nothing but

Sun, 2014-04-13 17:07

 Yeah I've had nothing but good experiences with them. Got checked once at Gnaraloo and they were quite impressed with the size of Rankin we had on board. Give them the respect they deserve, they are officers of the law and have more powers than the police. But there is  bound to be the odd one that's difficult to deal with, but the old thing if you've done nothing wrong you've got nothing to worry about.


Love the West!

uncle's picture

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On the money there

Sun, 2014-04-13 17:36



all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

gav1970's picture

Posts: 153

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I'm reasonably new to WA and

Tue, 2014-04-15 22:26

I'm reasonably new to WA and I've heard from several different sources that fisheries officers in WA have more powers than police which I've always found difficult to understand. Now I'm not trying to be a smart arse but section 180 of the Fish Resources Management Act 1994 states;

"For the purposes of this Act, a police officer has the powers of a fisheries officer under this Act and is taken to be such an officer."

So exactly what powers do fisheries officers have in this state that police do not?


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for the night. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

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Im sure someone will correct

Tue, 2014-04-15 23:56

Im sure someone will correct me, but I believe that train of thought related to the search powers that Fisheries had at one time or have still, Im not sure.

This was often said when I first got involved in commercial fishing at the beginning of the 90's and when I heard it said, it was in reference to the crackdown on crayfishermen receiving cash payments for bags of crays in the late 80's.

Of course there is nothing illegal about being paid in cash, only if not declared. And Fisheries/ATO were searching fishermans houses for jewelry/cash etc


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The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


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search powers

Fri, 2014-04-18 10:11

don't count me on this but i'm sure they don't need a warrant or the likes to search house , car or boat just reasonable suspicion  not sure about other powers but thats the main one

Posts: 5981

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Stopped on FFB yesterday

Sun, 2014-04-13 17:19

I was stopped by Fisheries on the FFB yesterday and I have got to say that they were very courteous and respectful and through. Can you please show us this that and so forth. No hard attitude or arrogance just doing there job in an efficient manner. On other occasions I have been stopped by fisheries and experienced officers with a very assertive attitude which has been close to being hostile or angry, a lot depends on the amount of experience the officers have had with the fishing public I think. Maturity is the word I think covers a not very nice experience with them, the new officers haven't had enough time interfacing with the public to understand that 99.9% of fishermen want to see fisheries officers out and about doing their job and keeping our fish stocks safe from plundering.

Posts: 72

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 They rammed my boat off

Sun, 2014-04-13 18:04

 They rammed my boat off Exmouth over Christmas. Nice to see I'm not the only one!

Nearly broke my custom rod & destroyed the rod holder it was in. APPARENTLY both of their new 4strokes stalled out! Haha 

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problem with fisheries

Sun, 2014-04-13 19:57

they have the best wa tax funded jobs was at the ramp (point peron ) as I am every arvo helping people launch and retrieve last Thursday what happens is fisheries rib comes in and they sit on the ramp 45 minutes (ok wasnt busy) , when they eventualy pull out I notice the bloke still on the fisheries boat was in his boardys and no shirt his female ofsider was wearing shorts and a bikini top, to me it looked like they had just been out for a day of fun they start hosing the boat down and spie me there so put their fisheries shirts on

sea-kem's picture

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 Hmm something you're telling

Sun, 2014-04-13 20:04

 Hmm something you're telling us here Peter. Down the ramp every day, spying on bikini clad fisheries officers?????


Love the West!

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Sun, 2014-04-13 20:21

no mate I just like to go down every arvo I have been surprised by the amount of blokes going out fishing solo big rigs and small rigs ,if they are solo I help them launch and if they are solo coming in I give them hand , my biggest drama is I don't have any one to fish with during the week

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Doing under cover work

Tue, 2014-04-15 21:40

Nah they weren't having a good time at the tax payers expense hell no. They were in suitable clothing for covert operations against scum bag cray pot raiders.

dumper's picture

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 Yup, she's caught me off

Tue, 2014-04-15 22:07

 Yup, she's caught me off guard a few times. When u see a hot blonde walking down the boat ramp with her cans out u tend to stop and stare until she identifies herself. where as if Freddy fisheries comes marching down the ramp everybody sees him and throws their  just undersized fish overboard as they've just realised it's shrunk in the esky

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yes must admit

Fri, 2014-04-18 10:20

yes I have to admit she easy on the eye but the big rib with fisheries painted down the side sort of gave it away as to who they were

carnarvonite's picture

Posts: 8673

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Much the same

Fri, 2014-04-18 11:43

Picked up a bloke from Fisheries shark research from the bot ramp in Exmouth in our dinghy while we were anchored out front.
While we were talking as he put his gear in the dinghy the amount of boats that shied away from tying up was laughable, once they spotted the khaki shorts and shirt with the fisheries emblem they just steered off and headed towards the canals or made out they were inspecting the big boats in the pens. He commented that it happens all the time even though he has nothing to do with enforcement of regulations

Posts: 149

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Tue, 2014-04-15 16:18

When the parents of these two ,fine examples of hitlers jack boots and some of their barstard co workers get married they should attend,I agree,some are very proffessional and do the job,but as with many other goverment jobs,very good pay & conditions,huge amount of power for some  small people who could not make it in the real world.

Posts: 55

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the best way to make it work

Wed, 2014-04-16 06:28

In my experience the best way to make it work with a regulatory authority (or any reasonable person for that matter) is to be respectful and work with them. The four times that fisheries have approached me on my boat they have been professional, friendly and helpful with any queries I had. I've got no problem with them checking my catch as I do my best to follow the rules and it's an opportunity to learn more when they are around. Their boats are kick arse and I like talking about them and the gear they use.

My preferred attire on the boat is boardies, Jackie Howe and bare feet, it's important to be comfortable so if the fisheries crew are comfortable all the better, if there's a bit of eye candy on show it just makes make me smile more.

There's a patience involved with the development of new personnel into any role, and this is what we (fishers) can help them with by not labelling and name calling as I'm reading above. The fisheries team would most likely read this forum and while I hope they do their best to stay impartial I can understand them taking it a bit personally with the references to "hitlers jack boots", barstard co workers" arrogant, condescending, aren't well liked or respected, typical dickheads,

With all the boat "Ramming" going on it's amazing nothing's been broken or someone's been killed, maybe replace ram with bump or nudge and we would be closer to what happened.

If you do the wrong thing just man up, don't piss your pants and squeal about it, if the rules are confusing to you ring em up and ask em about it or talk to them about it when you see them on the ramp.


 Acceptance is the key

Pitty's picture

Posts: 161

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  Totally agree, respect and

Wed, 2014-04-16 07:10

  Totally agree, respect and good manners cost nothing and 90% of the time it is what you receive in return.  



flexn's picture

Posts: 232

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I was anchored on the 5

Wed, 2014-04-16 10:09

I was anchored on the 5 fathom once, pretty rough choppy we were just starting to get some runs and they decided they wanted to board my boat. After three attempts of them trying to get on the sides and bumping my boat and dragging the achor a bit, he came on to the front and through the cabin which was really annoying. There boat dragged my anchor and we missed the bite time.

He looked through some eskys but didnt want to dig through a 80 litre esky full of bait and burley. I kept fishing and he nearly fell into the water when boarding his own boat.

They think just because they have a rib boat, they can ram you as much as they like. All they did was waste their time and ruin my day.

22Tango's picture

Posts: 74

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Time Wasting - Are you kidding?

Thu, 2014-04-17 06:40

How can you say they wasted time? Perhaps if you would have co-operated more with them they would have been out of your hair sooner. Fisheries are a part of our fishing lives good people, imagine how poor fishing would be without them. Working with them can only make the oceans and waterways a better place. Accept and respect them.


Personally with the boat ramp scenario I would have ID'd those hogging the ramp, takes some footage and emailed it on to fisheries HQ. Just the fact that you have taken their details would be making them think twice about their actions. 


 My profile picture was taken by my 3 year old son on my iPhone!!

flexn's picture

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I am more than happy to

Thu, 2014-04-17 09:10

I am more than happy to co-operated with them if they had of done a routine check and not try board my board in choppy weather when the fish are on the bite and it was dangerous to do so. Instead he decided to come through the front leave bootprints all over the front of my boat and expect no hostility towards him?

No I am not kidding,I can say they wasted my time because they did. They pushed me off my anchor and I had to re set. I may aswell have slept in and not got up at 4am to get out there for first light. They wasted their time because they didn't even check the bait esky because he didn't want to get his hands dirty.

I am not against what they are trying to achieve, but I think the way they go about it sometimes is wrong.

carnarvonite's picture

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Bite time

Thu, 2014-04-17 10:00

How were they supposed to know that the fish were biting and what do you expect from them----wait until you have finished fishing then let them come on board, fair go, they have a job to do and cannot wait for every Dick and Harry to say when and where they can do it.

As for making your anchor dragging, it demonstrates that you weren't anchored securely in the first place or your anchor isn't big enough if needed in an emergency situation.

flexn's picture

Posts: 232

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My anchor is oversized for my

Thu, 2014-04-17 10:19

My anchor is oversized for my boat, its rated for 6-9m and my boat is 6m, the anchor was set. When they're rib rams the front of any boat near the tension point im pretty sure it will drag most anchors. they kept throttle on so he could board which he tried 3 times.

I never said they should no when the bite time is on, the whole ordeal cost me the bite time. They could of just asked me to show any fish especially considering it was definately to rough to board and I had rods and lines going everywhere. If you seen the way this guy was driving you would of thought he only just got his skippers ticket.

I'm happy for fisheries to check me and my boat, but the way they went about it this particular day was really unprofessional. The guy its lucky he didn't end up in the water and crushed between the boats.

Posts: 5818

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 Any skipper has the right

Thu, 2014-04-17 13:01

 Any skipper has the right (obligation!) to say that it is unsafe to perform a given operation on the grounds that it compromises the safety of your vessel/passengers.

That goes also for say being forced to leave a particular area (Abrolhos?) for valid safety reasons.

Then I guess they can either force the issue (and the consequences are on their hands) or make you move to somewhere safer to undertake it.

But if you use that line, better be damn sure you can justify it and be able to justify it to someone ashore as well.

Because you'll obviously arouse suspicion.


When Ive been checked at the Abrolhos, mostly they have just nosed up within a meter or so and looked down and asked for eskies to be opened etc and documents produced.

Polite but firm, friendly (cos it was every friggin day over Easter at the Abrolhos!) and no drama.


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


flexn's picture

Posts: 232

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 Yeah i agree, don't get me

Thu, 2014-04-17 13:11

 Yeah i agree, don't get me wrong it's good to see them out there checking my catch. Usually they just do as you said they come up and check from their boat. But for some reason they wanted to board the boat. I let them board and wasnt rude about it i just didnt help them look through the esky. All i am saying is if it was me, I would have gone about it a different way.

fishy fingers's picture

Posts: 1719

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instead of all the bitching

Thu, 2014-04-17 16:55

 why dont all you guys who have a problem with fisheries write in to the head office and state your beef with them, if they damage your boat show evidence and claim compensation then explain if something is not done about the "arrogant hitlers" and the like you will then go public even as far as radio or tv if the boat is damaged

you catch more flies with honey than vinegar,  if you give them attitude expect it back.



lachieH's picture

Posts: 1126

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 And fisheries should be

Fri, 2014-04-18 10:23

 And fisheries should be setting an example...


Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession

fishy fingers's picture

Posts: 1719

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most do

Fri, 2014-04-18 13:47

I have never had a problem with fisheries, always been polite never had any attutude from them and more importantly never any given on my part...good on em they should

be out there boarding more often so unless your just paranoid or guilty of doing something wrong you should have no problem they are out there trying to protect the fisherie we all enjoy using and they have to catch the ones doing the wrong thing....regardles if a fish is 2mm under, you cant say you support them and then complain when they do their job as I said if they damage your boat make a report if you dont like the way they hold their tounge then tuff shit! 

Posts: 5818

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 yeah, make an insurance

Fri, 2014-04-18 16:16

 yeah, make an insurance claim for the damage and let the insurance company sort it out.


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


Posts: 72

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 Don't even have to get

Sat, 2014-04-26 09:04

 Don't even have to get insurance involved in some cases.

In mine, they accepted they were to blame, and asked me to take some photos & get a quote so they could reimburse me for any damage.

marble's picture

Posts: 778

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Years ago a fisheries

Sat, 2014-04-26 14:23

Years ago a fisheries researcher`s vehicle caught fire and burnt to the ground while parked next to my car and trailer at the ramp. Some blokes smashed my side window to take my ute out of gear and push it away from the fire. Fisheries payed for the window and the burnt rollers and lights on my trailer no worries at all.


PMY 25 Centre Console DF300 Suzuki