How to catch a huge carp/koi in a river

A mate and I have been asked by the shire and CALM to remove a large koi from a local river system.. this thing has been living in a stretch of river(about 250 meters contained by rock walls) for about 5 years and is easily a meter long and 4-6 kilo..its fricken huge..its easisly spotted on the surface and with some stalking from the bank u can stand about 2 meters from it. but its also very cautious and will take off as soon as it sees u.. same goes with a coanoe but u cant get as close..
we been trying for years for the fun, with all sorts of bait and light tackle, soft plastics, we've set gill nets, we even spent hours stalking it with gigis and guns in the water in 5 mm diving suits and weight belts...
but recently weve decided to try and take it alive..Does Anyone out there have any idea how to catch this smart ass fish with some sort of trap design, net or tackle..
its needs to go as its eating all the endangered marron and ruining the river floor.
any help would be much appreciated..



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bread on a 1/0 or bigger

Sun, 2010-10-24 20:07

bread on a 1/0 or bigger owner baitholder hook, unweighted...always works for koi.

sp4lyf's picture

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its been tried..haha dropped

Sun, 2010-10-24 20:09

its been tried..haha dropped about 2 inches in front of its face



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carnarvonite's picture

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Baker dough

Sun, 2010-10-24 20:16

Roll a small ball of bakers dough on your hook.

sp4lyf's picture

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Sun, 2010-10-24 20:24

thx guys we'll give it another shot...

any1 got any ideas on a trap of some sort..will have to release marron thou  



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Alan James's picture

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Take up archery

Sun, 2010-10-24 20:25

that will add an extra challenge.



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burley and dynamite

Sun, 2010-10-24 20:26

burley and dynamite lol

sounds like a good mission

keep us posted and good luck

wazzbat's picture

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Kill the thing!  Put some

Sun, 2010-10-24 20:32

Kill the thing!  Put some kind of a poison into another koi and drop it in there.  They'll either breed or the big koi will eat it then they'll both die.  Could totally screw up the rest of the river system though?  Good luck though.  Sounds frustrating.  You sure you're not just seeing things?Laughing


I fish for the future - Cause I can't bloody catch anything!

MattMiller's picture

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Not sure

Mon, 2010-10-25 15:21

the endangered marron would be too happyUndecided

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Tue, 2010-10-26 08:18

just gotta make sure they have romantic times or the local one eats the new one before the new one dies?

sp4lyf's picture

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both sound like good ideas

Sun, 2010-10-24 20:41

both sound like good ideas lol and definitly not seeing things, kind of a local legend around here and each year its bigger than the last.



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davey's picture

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Sun, 2010-10-24 20:45

try sweetcorn, carp love it
other method is a starburst lolly moulded around the hook suspended under a float, works a treat

PilbaraBrad's picture

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burley and a cast net mate,

Sun, 2010-10-24 20:56

burley and a cast net mate, easy!

sp4lyf's picture

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thx for the .suggestions,

Sun, 2010-10-24 21:04

thx for the .suggestions, starburst is different haha

BRAD: I've used a cast net before but i didnt try it on the carp becauace im not sure if it would stay caught around the edges, do u think it would..

what sort of burley would u reccommend because it dosnt seem to be attractted to anything fishy whatsoever..



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We used to use cheap and

Sun, 2010-10-24 21:28

We used to use cheap and nasty cheese,the sort that felt like rubber,mould it around the hook,or spam,worked on the common and crucian carps back in the UK.

grayzeee's picture

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yep, bread flake , luncheon

Sun, 2010-10-24 21:33

yep, bread flake , luncheon meat , sweetcorn , cheese. allgood

small whiting hook on light line



If I spent half as long fishing , as I do reading this bloody forum , I'd be twice the fisherman I am. 

flangies's picture

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Fly poddyfish down..

Sun, 2010-10-24 21:41

Fly poddyfish down..

wopjrb's picture

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try a live bait

Sun, 2010-10-24 22:19

ive heard that garden snails are attractive to carp. probly the best way to present your bait  would be on a small chemicalliy sharpened hook tied straight to your main line and use light mono ( brown in colour ) but no sinkers or swivels or anything just lob it out unweighted - be very quiet when fishin and fish at sunrise. leave a big belly of slack line  and watch the line for movement indicating a bite.

John the Pom's picture

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Lucneon meat cut into

Sun, 2010-10-24 23:01

Lucneon meat cut into cubes.

If it's that wary, bait the same area for a few days in a row and keep a watch for the fish eating it. It might take a bit of time - even a week or two for the fish to take it but it should work, chuck a few bits of sweetorn and if you can, get in a handful of hemp seed.

Once you see the fish has been taking the bait, get your line in where you've been groundbaiting. Bury most of the hook into the cube of meat so the fish doesn't get spooked.

Also, while you are doing this, make sure you don't skyline yourelf (stand right above the river, so fish can see you against the sky), lie low next to the river and take it slowly, you should get it with a bit of patience.


The best line set-up is line straight to the hook, with a stick float (not sure if you call these pencil floats here??), this is held in place by two very small split shot. You can test the depth of the river and alter the shot and float so you know your bait is lying on the bottom.

This should enable you to cast a few metres to you groundbaited spot and watch the float for movement while staying a good distance away from the bank. Try and keep movement and noise to a minimum.

alfred's picture

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If the carp is over a meter

Mon, 2010-10-25 20:08

If the carp is over a meter long, it's going to be more then 6kg.  They can be trained.  Start feeding it.  Same spot, same time.  It will soon get the picture and be waiting.  Baited hook then does the trick and you will be in for a hell of a fight.

sunshine's picture

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Use a hair rig

Mon, 2010-10-25 12:22

Follow John's directions to the letter and then fish with a hair rig if it is that touchy - in that way it wont feel the hook or line until it is way too late

PilbaraBrad's picture

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you can get a cast net with

Mon, 2010-10-25 12:40

you can get a cast net with a draw string mate, work like a fishing net

alfred's picture

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Just wondering ........  If

Mon, 2010-10-25 15:19

Just wondering ........  If the Shire or CALM asks you to remove a fish from a waterway, are you allowed to use currently illegal methods?








aalfred's picture

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Hair Rig

Mon, 2010-10-25 16:33

I can recommend the hair rig to. In my time fishing in Europe i mainly targeted carp and the only way of catching a big carp was with a hair rig. The fish in Europe are highly targeted which makes them very sensitve to hooks or anything unusal in there feed. my biggest carp i caught was 1.5meter and 15 kg. They pull up a good fight! And if you can get your hand on boilies ( at least that is what they are called in Europe) they are the best bait to catch them.

Good luck

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with alfred

Mon, 2010-10-25 18:54

at work we have hundreds of koi and at a meter long are more closer to 8/9 kg and arent all that smart start feeding it with routine cat bickies are fine, with a few weeks of feeding with routine you will be able to grab the stupid pest by its tail and sling it into the bush to rot like it should!

JR JetSki's picture

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The long way around is to

Mon, 2010-10-25 19:30

The long way around is to build a fishing pen, You know, like the ones you keep Sheep in. They build these back in South Africa in the Northern coast (Cosi Bay) using trhin branches that they push into the sand very close together. You can also use plastic mesh as the branches is ancient method. Once the fish get in they are to stupid to get out. Works like a fly trap.

A short cut is to create a feeding area and wait for it to show up. Need patients for this one but they learn quickly. Then you can spear the thing.

Post some picture when you catch it. Would like to see the measurements and weight ratio's


Good luck


JR JetSki

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get Till up there and he

Mon, 2010-10-25 21:00

get Till up there and he will jag it in the side or even Jessee G as he can catch anything anywhere.Laughing. would be interesting to see a few pics of this monster


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

sp4lyf's picture

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thx for the fantastic help

Mon, 2010-10-25 21:02

thx for the fantastic help guys..

yeah i spose we can do anything we want to get rid of it..cant get in trouble for getting rid of pests haha

any tips for the use of a a hair rig would be handy..

cant wait to nail this thing



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John the Pom's picture

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Here you go mate, they are a

Mon, 2010-10-25 21:22

Here you go mate, they are a piece of piss to tie, you'll need a reasonable size hook for that fish though. Ignore the swivel, I'd just get a decent strenght line and put it straight through unless you want to try a fluoro hooklength??

The round thing they put on in the animation is a boilie, which I think was mentioned further up the thread. They are made of all sorts of flavours and colours and are used to catch big carp in the UK and Europe, but they might be a pain in the arse to get hold of here.

You can put a decent cube of luncheon meat on instead of a boilie and then put a little bit of plastic in for the stopper. The only thing with meat is it gets soft and comes off after a while, so I'd change it every 20-30 mins to make sure it stays on the hair.

I know they want it out, but it's a better way to get it, than just trying to kill it and at that size it'll put up a BIG fight.

DieHard's picture

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2/0 Circle Gamas.... and

Tue, 2010-10-26 07:53

2/0 Circle Gamas.... and long line...

or  you can have a line going across the water on the surface using floats to keep it up and then joint sections where you will put fluro and it will go down.... that way if the fish swims past it will see one of numerous baits.... and tie it to a try or handline.... onto a goat/cow bell...

that doesnt make sense ....



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Dreamtime's picture

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Tue, 2010-10-26 12:24

anyone you know got a rifle?? at a metre long wouldnt be to hard to shoot.

sp4lyf's picture

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saw it yesterday on a canoe

Tue, 2010-10-26 20:21

saw it yesterday on a canoe trip with the school..i think im going to have to wait until the water levels drop because there's usually a big ass sandbar that splits the river and its easier to spot and stalk..

going to have a try with a hair rig and some different baits when i get the chance..



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alfred's picture

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Where is it?

Tue, 2010-10-26 23:01

Where is it?

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if he tells

Wed, 2010-10-27 18:56

everyman and his weapons will be in for this koi

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Wed, 2010-10-27 19:42

Lol 1 lake 600 fisher people and 1 bad ass fish. Sounds like a good movie in the making. Could make it into a comic strip for the next reel time ha ha

Treesnake's picture

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 Did you get the Koi ?  

Mon, 2015-01-05 12:08

 Did you get the Koi ?