hookah diving

Thinking of purchasing a hookah...any suggestions on good brand...leads ec...swimming down to 10m only at this stage. Ideas welcome


Brock O's picture

Posts: 3262

Date Joined: 11/01/08

You could

Tue, 2013-01-08 20:56


Price up a unit with Hookah dive, only dived off a mates unit a few times and loved it due to extra bottom time compared to the tank. From memory he bought the compressor ( ABAC ) and commercial filter from them, the motor he used is a Honda GX 160. The tank we Fabbed from 4" SS316 pipe around 1m long, also a base frame to hold the motor and compressor.

This sits up the front and is removable by hand, the tank is mounted under the gunnel down the back with the hose reels and filter unit witch gives the option off more deck room when needed.

If you need a few pics and more info let me know, currently relaxing at rotto!! I will need to quiz him on the teco stuff!!

Posts: 256

Date Joined: 13/08/11

Second hand ones pop up from

Wed, 2013-01-09 12:42

Second hand ones pop up from time to time. But be warned buyer beware! I spent a long time looking at everything that came up for sale and all I can say is that there are a lot of people who are putting their lives and health at risk diving on these things. Most are home built, there are a few production ones around which are good and are probably worth paying the extra for.

If you are going to build one yourself spend the time and look at as many as possible, amongst the home built ones there are some great ideas in the manufacturing. Main points to concentrate on, I believe is a good quality air filter system, well worth forking out the extra for the best, lets face it. It is your health at stake here. On top of that a system or two for taking the moisture out as well so that the filter can do its best job is also good. Next is the compressor, good quality, be sure to use breathing friendly compressor oils only. After that is hoses, The locking nitto style fittings are the go, generally if you see these coupled on 10mm breathing hose (yellow) with the reusable screw down fittings, you know the job has been done by someone who knows what they are doing. Steer well clear of hose clamps and flimsy looking couplings used for workshop or 4x4 compressors.

Regs is the next one and it is a hard task these days with hookah dive gone, regs need to be low pressure suitable for use on hookah. I use the airdive ones, but apparently these are not so easy to get now. on the back of the reg it is also really important to have a one way valve, a lot of set ups do not have them. Check and double check there is one in your reg line. If someone comes too close in a boat and chops your hose, the one way valve will hopefully stop your lungs from being sucked back up and into the hose.

Some of the things I have seen

A water filter painted black is not an air filter

Garden hose does not make good breathing air line

You need a reg on the end of the hose, sticking the hose in your mouth is not really a good option

You really do need a filter system on there somewhere



Posts: 149

Date Joined: 25/09/08

In my Youth

Thu, 2013-01-10 11:41

 Francise Street Perth was good for Hookas,but I think that the Burrswood can be a place to look.diver

Notorious's picture

Posts: 914

Date Joined: 23/02/12

 when does one need to do

Sat, 2013-01-26 15:12

 when does one need to do deco stops when on hookah?




r.gates's picture

Posts: 573

Date Joined: 15/11/10

Deco stops

Sat, 2013-01-26 16:32

As I understand my dive tables (SSI), the Doppler No Decompression Limits (in minutes) states that there is no time limit for depths up to 6 metres. The following times and depths are for non-repetitive dives:

7.5m = 245mins
9.0m = 205mins
10.5m = 160mins
12.0m = 130mins
15.0m = 70mins
18.0m = 50mins
21.0m = 40mins
24.0m = 30mins
27.0m = 25mins
30.0m = 20mins
33.0m = 15mins
36.0m = 10mins
39.0m = 5mins

Having said all that, it goes on to say "it is recommended that you make a 3 - 5min safety stop at 5m on all dives over 9m" and I take that to mean "irrespective of dive time at a depth of 9m or more".

I don't know that there would be any difference between diving on a hookah or SCUBA, with respect to 'no decompression limits' or safety stops.

Personally, I make a safety stop on all dives over 10m.



If life is boring, you must be doing it wrong!

Posts: 358

Date Joined: 12/05/12

Still looking

Mon, 2013-01-28 09:13

 Still looking haven't found one yet