home made burley
so i know most burley consists of fish flesh/frames and crustacean shells and pellets, but has anyone tried using other stuff?
ive mixed up something of my own using pork fat, leftover marinated chicken wing (cooked) oil/flavour, and the gnarly greasy rotten smelling waste that comes outa the catch can under the bbq and then ive mixed it all up with bread crumbs.
any thorts on how this will go? im going to try it anyway, if all else fails ill have a nice viewing portal in the harbour lol.
im considering keeping tails from prawns and other leftovers and might experiment with wheatbix and dog biscuits and whatever else will make a potent concoction.
anyone willing to share their tried and proven "secret" or not so secret? recipes and experiences with homemade burley?
Good things come to those who bait.
Posts: 2946
Date Joined: 03/03/10
my fishing offsider
my fishing of sider always provides the best berly when we are after herring first he has a spew and then another spew about 10 minutes later herring love it
Posts: 597
Date Joined: 22/01/12
What fish are you targeting? chook pellets with a good splash of tuna/fish oil in a hessian sack has always worked for me off the beach.
Anywhere anytime
Posts: 1901
Date Joined: 03/05/08
Can't give you any "thorts"...
...but here's a THOUGHT: Try using the leftovers from those BBQ chooks you get at the supermarket. Just leave it in the bag and smash it up with a hammer or some other blunt instrument. It's got fat, grease, stuffing so mostly sinks but also sends out a great greasy slick across the top...and snapper in particular love the bones!
Posts: 159
Date Joined: 08/07/13
I often use tinned cat food-
I often use tinned cat food- the type with pilchards/trevally in jelly that you buy from IGA and other outlets. The cheaper the better (usually below $1 per can), as the cheap brand has lots of oil in it, and leaves a nice oil slick, while the fishy bits disperse through the water. Dispense into a plastic jar and freeze if required, that way it lasts a bit longer in a berley pot.
Posts: 203
Date Joined: 01/01/15
Atm im targeting anything
Atm im targeting anything that will take a liking to my bait atthe local beaches, taylor, mullas....even sharks. Ive read that using burley while targeting whiting isnt a good idea, as it attracts all the other pesky fish that u dont want, and they tend to get to the hook first.
Good things come to those who bait.
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Date Joined: 28/09/10
Burley up those scalies!
We have found for things like scalies or herring etc , we make conventional burley using pollard and some left over
oils from cooking, and some undisclosed substances ( some banned by kfc themselves!) however we then let it fester for a while with no lid on and it gets a green bacteria growing on it!
I usually let the kids check on it.
haha just the thing to see housewifes spraying, in a panic arse detol or glen 20 adverts right?
After a while it will start to get hot and lumpy , so we mix it up a bit and stand back, cause the scalies love it.
Its not without some pride I might add , that upon burlying up at local jettys , we are able to draw the fish from other peoples
shop bought, no imagination, burly!
It has the added effect of cementing ones place on said jetty , by slowing seeing other more sensative types
moving away from the snarling green burley epicentre.
Posts: 1015
Date Joined: 24/06/12
old raw snags go real well
old raw snags go real well mushed in with your other stuff mate they break up into tiny pieces and the fish love em
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Date Joined: 03/03/11
I don't have
I don't have any particular method , just use whatever fish and bait scaps i have in the freezer mixed with pellets, bread, pollard and fish oil.
The one thing i realy like to add if I have any, is the oil from tins of mussels and oysters. I save it in jars and store in the fridge. Just a small amount added to the burley goes a long way and slicks up on the water better than any other oils i have used.
I soak baits in it sometimes too and have experimented to find it gets hit alot more than unoiled baits.
One thing i realy miss, is Captain Morgans Chum line in a can. This stuff was great and i would fill up the gut cavity of large baits like mullet, the chumline would slowly ooze out in the water creating a slick straight to the bait.
Posts: 203
Date Joined: 01/01/15
Wow thats a really good
Wow thats a really good idea, never considered stuffing a whole baitfish before. The whole thing that got me thinking about using other meats other than fish wad that we went for a family beach bbq and had no bait. So we used bacon rind and the herring and bream were smashing it. Definately going to try tuna oil, mussel/oyster oil, anchovy oil with dog biscuits and prawn tails.
Good things come to those who bait.